Are You Insane???

road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
So tomorrow morning I start my 60 day Insanity journey. Anyone want to join me?


  • MaysMom
    MaysMom Posts: 103 Member
    Wow! Good luck to you... I looked into it briefly. No way I am able to do that , YET. After about 50 lbs more, then I think I'll give it a go. When you earn your shirt, post some pics for us! :smile:
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I'm not doing Insanity, but I definately want to get this weight off for good...
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm on week 2 but if you want to jump in with us we have a great group here..
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    MaysMom: I'm totally aiming to get the shirt! LOL I saw a lady with one on just yesterday and I was like "man I want one"
    ddakota1997: Oh you're gonna get insane this week ;) It's about to go doooooooown.
    Mamareese: I'm going to check it out for sure. Hopefully I can hang with ya'll.
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    I'll do it with ya! I just finished Week 1 and start Week 2 tomorrow. It is INTENSE but I love that. It can max out your heart rate just during the warm-up (at least mine). Good luck and I look forward to seeing your posts.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I start mine soon too, whenever the dvd comes!
  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    I am officially starting the program tomorrow too!
    I took my before photos tonight and am ready to power it up for the next 60 days!
    My goal is to see some definition in my abs and drop about 5-8% bodyfat.

    Bring it on! I keep you posted!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Wow...a lot of us are insane eh? LOL How's everyone doing so far?

    So far so good for me. I have to say that I absolutely love the intensity. I mean, yes, it sucks when I can't breath or when sweat is like pouring in my eyes but when it's over I'm like "wow! where'd the time go?" I haven't been super duper soar, but some moves I have to modify because my *kitten* is just too big to be doing some of that stuff (hopefully not for long). hahahahaha

    Idon37, I know what you mean about the warm's murder! lol Even my 10 yr old needs to take a break and he plays sports like they are going out of style. hahahahaha
  • Sden1231
    Sden1231 Posts: 61
    How do you earn a shirt?
  • I just started. I finished Day 3 today. I started a thread yesterday, if you want to joi in....
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    How do you earn a shirt?

    To earn a shirt you send beachbody your before and after pics with your proof of purchase or a pic with the Insanity set in the pic. I can't wait to get mine!
    Did Plyometric Cardio Circuit today. Great workout but Ughh! The push-up sets are killer!!! How's everyone else doing?
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Day 4 down. Gotta be honest...not a huge fan of the Cardio Recovery. All that stretching and what not...not my idea of fun. But hey--I'm down 4 days...2 days left this week. Ready to sweat it out!

    Question: Do you guys weigh in or re-measure at the end of the week? My weigh in day is Saturday anyway so I'll be hopping on the scale regardless.
  • Day 4 down. Gotta be honest...not a huge fan of the Cardio Recovery. All that stretching and what not...not my idea of fun. But hey--I'm down 4 days...2 days left this week. Ready to sweat it out!

    Question: Do you guys weigh in or re-measure at the end of the week? My weigh in day is Saturday anyway so I'll be hopping on the scale regardless.

    No one joined in on my thread, so if you don't mind, I'll jump in with yours. Day 4 down also. Cardio Recovery was interesting. Lots of stretches and yoga...interesting!!! I still burned 329 calories (according to the HRM). Looking forward to Day 5 and beating myself up again....wait...did I just say that??????

    And to answer your question...I weigh myself everyday (I know...I know...) But I plan on remeasuring myself on Day 15 before my next Fit Test. I would like to see a difference by then.

    I started filling out the form for my t-shirt. Taking my "before" pictures tonight. I figure whats 4 days as opposed to my starting date. I haven't lost anything yet!!! When I get them loaded up, I'll post them up so you all can laugh at me :laugh:

    Hope the rest of you are doing good. Keep up the good work!!!
  • Oh dear lord, I can't believe I'm posting these...but here ya go. Now remember, these were taken tonight, after I have already lost 56 I used to be alot fatter!!! :wink:

    But these are going to be my before INSANITY pictures. Hopefully I make it through all 63 days...I want my shirt!!!


    Well, there they are. Definitley still have a belly, but it's alot smaller than it used to be!!! :happy:
  • Im in the middle of week three and love it. Doing insanity has helped my cardio so much. Three weeks ago I had a hard time running 3 miles and now I can run 3 without feeling like I'm dieing.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    So Day 5 down! I didn't sleep all that well last night (pollen and such) so I think I did the workout at about 75% today. That sucks because I was so ready to get it in last night. I think I'll do it again this afternoon when I can shake off the ickyness. I tried doing the Insane Abs after the Pure Cardio, but when he went into the 6 inches I rolled up my mat and sat down. LOL Abs are so friggin hard for me and I don't know why :grumble: . Hopefully it will get easier.

    skolls081102: dude that's awesome! Congrats on your 56lb loss. You'll be like those people on the commercials in no time :) Your after pic will be ripped and stuff. I too took my before pics but uh....I'm not crazy enough to post them here----just yet. LOL I'm anxious to see what my loss will be, if any. I'm hoping to bust through the 260's.

    Linsey4u2: So Insanity has made it easier for you to run longer? That's awesome to hear because I'm running (well...running and walking lol) a 10k in July and I want to be able to run 3+ miles without feeling like my lung is collapsing.
  • skolls... you look good!! Even if you do still have a belly! Be proud of that weight you've already lost!! :-D
  • Thanks!!! I still think I look bad- that belly is still rather large!!!! But it's better than it was. So thanks again!!!

    Day 5- Pure Cardio in the bag!!! That was rough. It's bad when Shaun T is taking breaks!!! But I made it through. One more day then a rest day....woo hoo!!!!! Can't believe I made it a week!!! Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Just finished up day 6. Gotta be honest and say that I totally felt different doing Plyo this morning. I was able to do stuff today that I wasn't able to do on the first day. That kicks *kitten*! I still have to modify some stuff (belly and boobs getting in the way) but I'm still getting it in.

    How's everyone else hanging on?

    OH! Measured this am and I went from 267 to 264lbs and 48in waist to 47, hips 51 to 49.5, and I can't remember my thigh measurements, but it's dropping so that's fabulous!
  • Day 6 down. A little easier than the first time. And I was able to finish more of the exercises...although I didn;t come anywhere close to finishing all. But still amazing the difference from 5 days ago. It's crazy what you can make your body do!!!

    Kinda glad tomorrow is an off day. I could definitley use it. But it will feel weird not doing Insanity. I'm sure I'll be more thankful come Monday!!!

    Keep up the great work. Week 1 down, 8 more to go!!!
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