Are You Insane???



  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Wooooohooooo Day 12 is a friggin wrap. Whew! Today was the 1st day I was seriously feeling like throwing up my breakfast. The Cardio Abs actually felt good----afterwards LOL

    So every week I weigh in and take measurements. So far I've lost 1.5 on the waist and 6lbs. I've lost inches other places but I can't remember right now LOL

    So Monday is the fit test--cant wait!
  • angelicazaldivar
    angelicazaldivar Posts: 38 Member
    My husband and I started insanity on 3/28 as well! LOVE it! Took our measurements/weight on day one, and have been axiously awaiting results so have been measuring/weighin a lot more than I prob should. According the nuturtion plan, I am supposed to eat 2250 cals a day. I wasnt loosing ANYTHING. So i adjusted my calories down to 1600/day like this site recommended I be at, and I have since lost 1.5 lbs. What do you think about the eating requirements set forth in the guide?

  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    According the nuturtion plan, I am supposed to eat 2250 cals a day. I wasnt loosing ANYTHING. So i adjusted my calories down to 1600/day like this site recommended I be at, and I have since lost 1.5 lbs. What do you think about the eating requirements set forth in the guide?


    I read through the nutrition guide and opted to just stick w/MFP and do my own thing. The next time I do Insanity I'll try to follow the guide, but honestly doing the workout 6 days a week is enough change for right now LOL

    I think that its doable but doable for each individual.
  • angelicazaldivar
    angelicazaldivar Posts: 38 Member
    I read through the nutrition guide and opted to just stick w/MFP and do my own thing. The next time I do Insanity I'll try to follow the guide, but honestly doing the workout 6 days a week is enough change for right now LOL

    Haha... very true! Ive been trying to change my whole world around pretty much! Trying to change from eating the way I was to eating nothing but whole grains/whole wheat and all that plus a buttload of frui/vegis is TOUGH! I think Im just gonna stick with MFP for right now for how many cals to use, etc. Since you use MFP calorie recommendations, do you eat your exercise calories too? Also, how do you input your insanity calories? I dont have a heartrate monitor watch yet, so I dont know how many Im burning exactly.
  • kc4173
    kc4173 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey guys. I just finished day 6 of week 1 and would love to join you guys. I could definitely use some support! Please feel free to friend me....could really use some!
  • angelicazaldivar
    angelicazaldivar Posts: 38 Member
    Heyl... I also just wanted to let any of you know who have facebook... if you'd like to add me Angelica Zaldivar in Vacaville, CA Im on there all the time. :) Thank god for facebook mobile! lol. If you want to add me pls just send a message with the request lettin me know your from MFP. :)
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Since you use MFP calorie recommendations, do you eat your exercise calories too? Also, how do you input your insanity calories? I dont have a heartrate monitor watch yet, so I dont know how many Im burning exactly.

    Um, I don't eat ALL of them back. Now I don't leave 500-600 just sitting out there, but most of the time I leave between 100-300 just hanging in the balance LOL. I do that because I too have not purchased a HRM and I know MFP is aiming high in the cal burn dept. I log Insanity as high impact aerobics and the cardio recovery as stretching/yoga.

    Since I'm unclear as to what I'm actually burning, I leave the extra cals out there as a buffer. I think that as long as you eat 60-70% back you'll be ok--but everyone is different too. I try very hard not to go below 1200--Im sure I've missed the mark a couple of times LOL Haven't we all?

    And yes, changing your diet and your workout routine from none to extreme (Lol) is tough. That's why I said fa'gettaboutit w/the nutrition guide. But next go 'round I'll know what to expect from the workout.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Hey guys. I just finished day 6 of week 1 and would love to join you guys. I could definitely use some support! Please feel free to friend me....could really use some!

    Hi! *waving* hop aboard the crazy train LOL
  • angelicazaldivar
    angelicazaldivar Posts: 38 Member
    Ugh! So my husband and I weighed in this morning. It was our first official weigh-in since we started the program on 3/28. I have lost 2 lbs and my husband lost 4! I know that he is going to be burning faster than me, because he is in better shape and has more muscle than I do -- and Im glad that I lost, but UGH! I need to lose weight way more than he does! :P Oh well. Just makes me wanna push harder and dig deeper!

    We are going to take our other measurements here in a little bit, so hopefully I lost inches! Doing all the calf work has been KILLING me! But i did it because I REALLY would like to be able to fit into a cute pair of boots, but just lookin at my calves, i feel like they have gotten BIGGER! :(

    Hope everyone else is doin FAB and enjoyin their Sunday! :D
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Insanity came yesterday. I am starting today. I would love to get some motivating inspiration with everyones results so far.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Insanity came yesterday. I am starting today. I would love to get some motivating inspiration with everyones results so far.

    Good luck! Go Flyers!!!
  • Didn't get a chance to post up Day 6 of Week 2 done!!! 2 weeks of 9 in the bag!!! Cardio Abs was brutal. It's amazing how bad my abs hurt and I didn't do any crunches!!!! lol While although it was painful, I rather enjoyed the different way to work my abs.
    Day off today, which I needed. And tomorrow is my 2nd Fit test. I really hope to see some improvement over test 1...I will also remeasure myself, and hope to see some change. I do not weigh in again till Wednesday so that's the only thing I won't update.
    Good luck to everybody!!! Still can't believe I'm doing Insanity!!!!!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Didn't get a chance to post up Day 6 of Week 2 done!!! 2 weeks of 9 in the bag!!! Cardio Abs was brutal. It's amazing how bad my abs hurt and I didn't do any crunches!!!! lol While although it was painful, I rather enjoyed the different way to work my abs.
    Day off today, which I needed. And tomorrow is my 2nd Fit test. I really hope to see some improvement over test 1...I will also remeasure myself, and hope to see some change. I do not weigh in again till Wednesday so that's the only thing I won't update.
    Good luck to everybody!!! Still can't believe I'm doing Insanity!!!!!

    Good Morning Skolls! Good luck today on the fit test. Make sure you tell us your numbers. I'm doing mine in about 5 min. Fingers crossed I do better. LOL
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member

    OK...first column is first test, second column is second test. This morning I had a really hard time catching my breath and breathing...could be the pollen in the air--who knows.

    SWITCH KICKS 30.......50

    POWER JACKS 30.......40

    POWER KNEES 95......100

    POWER JUMPS 20.......25

    GLOBE JUMPS 5..........7

    SUICIDE JUMPS 10.........15

    PUSH-UP JACKS 2............7

    LOW PLANK OB 37...........44

    I gotta be honest ya'll...after about 90 of those power knees I was just ready to lay down. LOL
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Did my fitness test last night, almost puked and swore alot. I will post my numbers later today.
  • Day 1 of Week 3 here are my Fit Test results and remeasurements:

    Fitness Test Results
    Day 1
    Day 15
    Switch Kicks: 57
    64(+7 reps 12% increase)
    Power Jacks: 39
    52 (+13 reps 33% increase)
    Power knees: 60
    83 (+23 reps 38% increase)
    Power Jumps: 21
    27 (+6 reps 29% increase)
    Globe Jumps: 7
    8 (+1 rep 14% increse) These are hard as hell!!!
    Suicide Jumps: 12
    15 (+3 reps 25% increase)
    Push-Up Jacks: 16
    20 (+4 reps 25% increase)
    Low Plank Oblique: 30
    41 (+11 reps 37% increase)

    Not too bad. The jumps still kill me, but hey, I improved in all categories!!! Ok, so now my new measurements:

    Weight: 249.9 lbs
    242.7 lbs (as of last weigh in on 4/8/11- down 7.2 lbs)
    Neck: 17.5"
    17" (Down a 1/2")
    Chest: 48"
    46" (Down 2")
    Bicep: 14"
    14.5" (Up 1/2"....wondering if this is normal.......)
    Waist: 40"
    39" (Down 1")
    Hip: 42"
    No change.
    Leg: 25.5"
    No change.

    So post up everyone. Let's see where you're all at!!!! Keep up the great work!!!

    road2peachtree- GREAT JOB!!!!! Aweome increases!!!
  • angelicazaldivar
    angelicazaldivar Posts: 38 Member
    hey all!! did my measurements and fit test today also! First fit test/Second Fit test

    Weight 215.2/213.8
    Waist 40/39
    Low Waist 45.25/44.25
    Hips 47/45
    Left Thigh 29.25/29.5 (not sure why it went up! My legs are hella flabby!)
    Right Thigh 29.5/29.5
    Left Calf 15/16 (grr... another increase!)
    Right Calf 15.25/16
    Right Bicep 15/16
    Left Bicep 15.75/15.5
    Chest 49/47
    Right Forearm 10.25/11.25
    Left Forearm 10.75/10.75
    Rise 31/30

    Switch Kicks 22/24
    Power Jacks 20/30
    Power Knees 26/61
    Power Jumps 12/17
    Globe Jumps 4/5
    Suicide Jumps 4/6
    Push-Up Jacks 0/9 (I have low back probs and felt like it strained my back the 1st time, so i did girl pushups instead -- 8 of them)
    Low Plank Oblique 28/32
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Wow, everyone's measurements look wonderful! Great job on all of your fit tests. Week 3....whooooohoooooo!
  • Day 2 of Week 3 down. I felt weak this morning...weird. But still had a nice burn. Nice numbers everyone!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Hey guys! So I just got my Insanity in the mail today. I did my fitness test right after it got here, and then tonight I'm going to do the first workout since it's Tuesday and I want to try to stay on track with the calendar, hoping that will help me to continue to do it like I'm supposed to. Definitely know I have a lot of pain in store for me, just the fitness test alone had me yellin lol. But I really really want to push myself to stick with this, I'm going home to visit family in exactly 60 days (works out great huh?) and I'm hoping to be able to show off at least a noticeable improvement. My husband says he's going to do it too but knowing him I doubt that'll happen, so I figured I'd pop in here and try to get some motivation from you guys instead ;)

    Just for kicks, my first fitness test: (dont laugh)
    pushup jacks- 10ish (I add the ish because I can't go all the way down in the push up like I'm supposed to yet, but I went as far down as I could and just counted that lol)
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