Are You Insane???



  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Did Pure Cardio last night. Wasn't HORRIBLE, but I hurt my hip and couldn't push through the last half of it...I think I over stretched it. It is feeling better this morning so I'm really hoping to push hard tonight....then tomorrow is my rest day. Can't wait! I do feel my energy and stamina increasing each day.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Did my pure cardio today. I have to admit, I didn't push my hardest, between me having a cold and it being my birthday, my heart wasn't in it. But, I still feel like I had a good workout, still tired as hell and muscles are burnin lol.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Woke up, worked out, got my *kitten* handed to me, and the rest is history. LOL

    Can I just say that I am sooooooooo friggin glad that tomorrow is my LAST day this week of Insanity? Like for realz. I love the workout and it's become like a crazy insane habit now, but man I don't want to look at Shaun T's face one more day. Hahhahahahaha Yay Sundays!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Yes! Yes! Yes! Made it through 3 weeks of Insanity. Tomorrow is day off day!!!! Oh yeeeeeyaaaaaahhhhh
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Yes! Yes! Yes! Made it through 3 weeks of Insanity. Tomorrow is day off day!!!! Oh yeeeeeyaaaaaahhhhh

    awesome! keep it up girl!
  • Yes! Yes! Yes! Made it through 3 weeks of Insanity. Tomorrow is day off day!!!! Oh yeeeeeyaaaaaahhhhh

    I am with you!!!! Finished Week 3 this morning. My legs felt a little better, but they still kept me from finishing some of the exercises. My arms for that matter too!!! Between Level 1 Drills, Ski Abs, and In and Outs, it was either my legs giving out, or my arms that could no longer hold me up!!! My cardio isn't the problem, it's the damn muscle fatigue. One more week of hell!!! And then recovery week!!!!! YAY!!!! And then.....4 weeks, of even worse hell!!! Can't believe I've made it 3 of 9 weeks.. 6 more to go for my t-shirt!!! I really want rhat thing!!! Is it just me????????? lol

    Did the workout at 9 am today, figured this way, I got the rest of the day, and all of tomorrow to rest before Week 4. Glad to hear you're all still killing it. Keep up the great work everybody!!!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    I am with you!!!! Finished Week 3 this morning. My legs felt a little better, but they still kept me from finishing some of the exercises. My arms for that matter too!!! Between Level 1 Drills, Ski Abs, and In and Outs, it was either my legs giving out, or my arms that could no longer hold me up!!! My cardio isn't the problem, it's the damn muscle fatigue.

    Duuuude! Me too! Lord knows that my quads were friggin on FIRE during that Ski Abs and crap. Ugh! My 10 yr old does it with me and even he was laid out in the floor and he plays football, baseball, and basketball back to back!

    I looked over the recovery week workout and it's soooo much easier--well not easy but you know what I mean. I can't WAIT!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Week 1 done! It really sounds like a small thing but I'm really feelin great about getting through this first week lol and so happy to be on my rest day. And skolls, I definitely know what you mean with those three exercises. It's always my arms for me, I can't hold myself up for 3 back to back plank intervals lol. I was cussing at Shawn T last night, like dude, you could have split up the plank exercises or something.

    Congrats again to you both for finishing up week 3! When you get started, youhave to let me know how the 2nd month is, I'm scared to even watch it to see lol.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Congrats Casey! You are now officially In-friggin-sane. LOL

    Ok ya'll--tomorrow it's going doooowwwwn. Week 4 is ON! Grrrrrrrrrrr.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Ok, I'm going to be so honest right now: I woke up at 4 a.m. by picking up my phone and answering it thinking that my alarm clock was my phone ringing. When I realized that's how out of it I was, I said Shaun T could suck it and went back to sleep. LOL So I'll be hitting day 19 this afternoon when I'm not so out of touch with reality. Hahahahaha

    For all of those early risers who conquered Insanity this a.m., congrats!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Ok, I'm going to be so honest right now: I woke up at 4 a.m. by picking up my phone and answering it thinking that my alarm clock was my phone ringing. When I realized that's how out of it I was, I said Shaun T could suck it and went back to sleep. LOL So I'll be hitting day 19 this afternoon when I'm not so out of touch with reality. Hahahahaha

    For all of those early risers who conquered Insanity this a.m., congrats!

    lol I don't even think my brain would register noise at 4am. I am definitely not a morning exercise kinda girl, I either do it right before lunch or in the evening. As long as you do it, that's all that matters!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks Casey :) Yea, I do certain things better in the am and some in the pm. Pure Cardio is a pm deal. LOL
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    So I'm noticing that I'm not nearly as sore anymore after my workouts and in the morning. Not sure if this is a good thing, that my body is building the muscle and getting used to the hard exercising, or a bad thing, that I need to push harder lol. Either way, I'm happy with being able to sit down easily again lol. Did my first workout of the week, wanted to punch Shawn T in the face lol but I did it. I can feel my body being able to do more than I could last week, and it's great to feel the improvement. I just have to say though, it's taking longer and longer to make myself get up and do these workouts now that I know whats coming lol so ya'll have to keep my butt motivated lol. I just keep saying to myself, I will do this whole program, I will finish it, over and over.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    So I'm noticing that I'm not nearly as sore anymore after my workouts and in the morning. Not sure if this is a good thing, that my body is building the muscle and getting used to the hard exercising, or a bad thing, that I need to push harder lol. Either way, I'm happy with being able to sit down easily again lol. Did my first workout of the week, wanted to punch Shawn T in the face lol but I did it. I can feel my body being able to do more than I could last week, and it's great to feel the improvement. I just have to say though, it's taking longer and longer to make myself get up and do these workouts now that I know whats coming lol so ya'll have to keep my butt motivated lol. I just keep saying to myself, I will do this whole program, I will finish it, over and over.

    We can do it! Week 2 begins today for me. I have to finish the 60 days - my fiance is doing it with me and I CANNOT LET A BOY BEAT ME! =}
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293

    We can do it! Week 2 begins today for me. I have to finish the 60 days - my fiance is doing it with me and I CANNOT LET A BOY BEAT ME! =}

    today was my first day of week 2 too, so that's awesome, we can definitely keep each other motivated. I wish my husband would do it with me, I do so much better when I feel like I'm in a competition lol I don't take losing very well.
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    today is the start of my 2nd week! I was sooo sore the entire last week... i'm hoping that now that i'm not sore i'll be able to push myself harder!! I am also doing it with my fiancé!! & seeing your posts made me want to make it my goal to beat him in the final fit test!! feel free to add me so we can motivate each other! & DIG DEEP!!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Good Morrow Insane peeps! Day 20 is in the bag. I got a sports bra that actually holds the girls very well and I've actually been able to do things I wasn't able to do before (I.e. Jumping jacks). I'm so friggin soar its not even funny. Lol

    Anyway, 4 more days and its recovery week...yessssss *dbl fist pump*
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Got up this morning and had like a 2lb gain 0.0 made me feel like *kitten* but I still did my pure cardio. I need to go to the store and pick up a tape measure so I can start going by inches as well. Still makes me feel good when it's getting a little easier every time to do these, at least that way I can feel improvement in my body if I may not be seeing it on the scale.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Feeling MUCH better on week 2 than I did last the first week. I was so sore. today I feel awesome and I definitely picked up the pace in last nights work out.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Got up this morning and had like a 2lb gain 0.0 made me feel like *kitten* but I still did my pure cardio. I need to go to the store and pick up a tape measure so I can start going by inches as well. Still makes me feel good when it's getting a little easier every time to do these, at least that way I can feel improvement in my body if I may not be seeing it on the scale.

    you NEED a tape measure. Buy one today! You'll be so glad you did.
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