I said he inspired me, that I found his story extremely motivating, and I even shared it with my friends and family. HOWEVER, some of the moves he was doing in the video weren't appropriate for his condition at the time. I am actually WORRYING about him. Explain to me like I'm five years old.. How does that make me a hater?
She's right though. As much as I find this story extremely motivating, inspiring and touching, I think it could've been very dangerous for him to fall on his coccyx or something similar. Could've worsened his condition...
- Anonymity concerns (If someone is concerned about coworkers, students, psycho exes or other people they know finding their weight loss profile, but still want to benefit from the website and message boards) - Posting inspirational pictures of their goal body - Low self-esteem that comes with body image Why the hell…
Glad you guys like the idea! :)
They're glitter stickers! :)
You're on a weight loss/fitness website. It's a pretty obvious conclusion to draw when someone's hinting that you're pigging out on cookies.
It was in another thread. :)
I think if people hang out on MFP, it's because they're working HARD for it. People who feel the need to give backhanded compliments are pathetic.
I don't know how you were raised, but where I'm from, replying ''Blah blah blah'' and dismissing someone who's speaking to you is considered snotty and rude.
Saying ''Have a great day'' does not excuse the rudeness of your reply. You should be inspired by pictures such as the one posted by the OP in the abs thread, instead of being jealous. Haters gonna hate. You're the living proof of it...
Well, that was a mature reply...
I totally agree.
Motivating her is not your job. Focus on your own project, and let your personal success inspire her when she faces the facts.
When I was 5 years old, about to hop in the tub for my night time bath, my mom pointed at my thighs and told me that they shouldn't be touching. When I was a teenager, weighing around 175lbs (I'm 5'7''), I went shopping for jeans with her, and when I told her my size (15-16) while browsing the racks, she asked ''What?…
I noticed the same thing!
Couldn't have said it better... And not to be rude, but this thread sounds like you're fishing for compliments to make up for it.
I used to regularly eat a whole full-size frozen pizza for dinner when I lived on my own. And sometimes added ramen, with a liter of Mountain Dew to help everything go down smoothly. Whew, I came a long way.
I am definitely doing a boudoir shoot and pole dancing classes!
It's your opinion. Obviously, there is a balance, there CAN be too much of a good thing. I like to do Versa Tan (spray tan... I hate tanning beds + they're bad for the skin), and it doesn't make me look orange. Why bother if it makes these people happy with their appearance?
I get more looks from men, they treat me better. I used to think that once I'd lose weight and get their attention, I'd feel more confident, but so far it's been making me feel sad, angry, relieved and really happy at the same time. The fact that a woman needs to lose weight to gain respect from other people is really sad,…
My mom, who asks me what went wrong when I tell her I lost two pounds in a week. ''What?? Only two pounds? What happened?'' Go. Away.
A mid-size microwave!
They're high-protein foods and shakes. I haven't started exercising yet, but plan on doing so in the very near future, to incorporate it to my new healthy lifestyle!
I happen to be a Redditor. I used Forever Alone guy because that's how I felt at the beginning of my journey. :) P.S : The narwhal bacons at midnight.
I do. It comes to 93$ CAD a week, including my coach's services.
I am! Started on January 10th, and I am down 35lbs so far! Have a look at my pictures :) I love it! Super easy, and the results are AWESOME. Don't let the prices back you down!
Thanks guys! I've been trying to adjust the size of the pictures according to the stickie thread, but it's not helping! What gives? :(