lunarescape Member


  • You need to eat a couple hundred calories more. Don't do as much cardio and do more strength training. Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Clean up your diet and don't starve yourself, but make sure you're eating at a deficit to lose fat.
  • I'm 5'2' and 105~ pounds and 19 years old. I lift heavy (or at least try to.) However, I look very small and petite. You'd never think I lift. I do Stronglifts 5x5. Basically, it is comprised of two workouts, A and B. Workout A: Squat- 5 sets, 5 reps Bench - 5x5 Bent over rows - 5x5 Workout B: Squat - 5x5 Overhead press -…
  • It was business, but I changed in to Food & Nutrition in hopes to be an RD someday.
  • There's no wasting your time in regards to your health. Weight loss is calories in < calories out. Exercise, namely cardio, can help you burn more calories and make your caloric deficit larger. Your diet is the most important thing in weight/fat loss. However, don't think you're wasting your time with exercise. And as for…
  • 1. Favorite ice cream flavor? Rocky Road or anything with peanut butter. 2. Favorite pop tart? Cookies & Cream or fudge 3. Favorite chips? Cool Ranch 4. Favorite snack cracker? Cheez-Its Sharp Cheddar and Monterrey Jack 5. Favorite chocolate candy? Butterfingers 6. Favorite chewy candy? I forgot what it's called but it's…
  • 1. When people (coworkers namely) tease me about my healthy food choices. 2. When people practically shove food down my throat. "Want this piece of my chocolate bar?" "No thank you." "Why not?? It's just a piece!" Because once I start, I can't stop. 3. "I want to get toned but I don't want to get bulky." 4. "Lose 5 lbs…
  • Wow, you look awesome.
  • I've seen it happen and have almost let it happen myself. Being too obsessive of calorie counting to the point of it controlling every aspect of your life. Just don't go crazy with it and you'll be fine. c:
  • Business Administration c:
  • I'm 5'2', barely a 32A. Before I lost my 20lbs I was about a 34A? It runs in the family. ;( Idk, my best friend is a DD, and she says she hates them. Sooo I don't think any of us are happy with what we have.
  • I did it for my initial weight loss. It helped me start using weights (the baby weights.) After I built strength/endurance I switched to actual lifting. It's a great workout for beginners and gets you on the road to bigger and better things.
  • Weight loss doesn't require exercise, just a caloric deficit. However you sound like you already do exercise, just not the traditional sense of "get on the treadmill/lift some weights." I wouldn't worry too much. Why not go for a lot of walks/hikes? Seems good enough to me.
  • Don't stress out so much about it. It has been said countless times, and will be said countless times again: this is a lifestyle change, not just a diet. If you want a cookie, have a cookie. It's everything in moderation. If you treat it like a punishment to work out or eat an apple, then you'll just feel awful and not…
  • What's wrong with eating after 6? I hate going to bed hungry. It doesn't matter when you eat as long as you stick to your calorie goal. The whole "eating right before bed is bad thing" is a myth.
  • All the extra fiber, I've heard.
  • Definitely recommend Starting Strength:
  • Like everyone else has said, the sodium in them is outrageous. However, you can add veggies with them or there are some kinds that come in the little Styrofoam cups that have vegetables with them already. Everything in moderation. If you really like them (like I do) it's okay to have them once in a while, just like…
  • So inspirational. You look so feminine, yet strong.
  • I usually make it so I sit down and work for a bit, then get up an do some jumping jacks or calisthenics for five minutes, then sit down again.
  • I'm 5'2" and I lost 20 pounds by eating 1400-1500 calories a day. You do NOT want to starve yourself. If you are hungry, eat. I drank lots of green tea too to offset my appetite (not actual hunger, just random cravings.) Now that I'm just maintaining, I eat about 1600-1800 with exercise.
  • Less salt, more water - as others have already said. Also, make sure to cut down on pop (diet too) or anything carbonated, as it makes you bloat.
  • It's hard to tell whether the anti-depressants I were on were making me gain weight or if it was my poor diet. Regardless, I used to be on Zoloft and Lexapro. Now I'm on Prozac but I eat better and work out so I haven't been randomly gaining weight. I would definitely discuss this with your doctor because when I noticed I…
  • Agreed. I recently went to a party and one of the girls there is on a diet. She was miserable the entire night because we had pizza and breadsticks and other junk. She said she was on this diet where she can't have carbs, etc and she has to take these drops. "I know people on this diet and after they're done with it they…
  • I would definitely add them in. Anything besides water.
  • I go for a bike ride around my neighborhood. But since you said your neighborhood isn't the safest, you could Google local bike trails or go to the park.
  • I work at a grocery store so I stand for almost all of my 6 hour shift. Sometimes when things need to go back to the shelves I'll take advantage of that to take a walk around the store. I'm a little embarrassed to say that on my break I'll go into the bathroom and do jumping jacks or jump rope... heheh :x
  • Like others have said, both are important. I used to think diet alone was enough.. (this was before MFP) and I would never stick with it. I find that when I exercise, I want to eat less not only because exercise will actually diminish appetite, but I don't want to give up my hard work.
  • Definitely. ^ I want to eat like this for a long time, so if I deprive myself of what I truly love (sweets) then I'll be miserable and I'll go back to my old habits.
  • I haven't used this personally, but from what I've seen and from what others have said, it's effective. Basically, I just got on the treadmill and started running. Try intervals of power walking and jogging, it builds up your stamina (it did for me, anyway.) Good luck! Running is great exercise and…
    in Running Comment by lunarescape June 2012