My hatred of exercise

Exercise is one of the main things that holds me back in my weight loss. I simply don't enjoy it. At all. It's boring. I am fine being active throughout the day--playing with my kids, taking walks, going on hikes, etc. But to get the really heart-pumping, cardio-and-strength, "traditional" exercising?? Bores the heck out of me. I've been doing the elliptical while I watch TV at night, but I know that's not really "enough", in the long run. It's not getting all the muscle groups and I know it's important to shake it up and "surprise" the body every once in a while. But I honestly cannot spend even 30 minutes doing an exercise video--I get so bored and they take so long to do everything I just want to yell at them. I've done yoga, WiiFit, circuit training, had gym membership, had personal trainer do in-house exercises, aerobics, water aerobics... I just don't enjoy it.

So I guess the question here is, how do I get myself to enjoy it? That adrenaline "runner's high" that everyone talks about never happens with me. Even the "fun" activities are still monotonous for me. I can't afford a gym membership or studio classes of any kind. I'd really enjoy dance classes (I used to be a dancer) but again--can't afford it, and they don't even have them at my community college. Hiking is fun, but with two little ones, I can't exactly go climbing steep mountains, and have to go at a slower pace. So I just feel like either I'm going to be miserable and doing it because I "have to", or I'll have to find something that I can actually enjoy.

Any ideas how to get REAL exercise that would be enjoyable? Or how to "trick" myself into believing it's fun? LOL


  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    You sound just like me!! Except for hiking I really don't like, I am no good at, or end up hurting my self at anything :-) But I decided on Weight Training and a Personal Trainer. So I do that 2 days a week and 1 or 2 days of cardio (BORING!!!!). After 10 months I wish I could tell you I love it, but I don't, I am still bored and don't like it, lol.

    However! I love the results I've gotten from doing it and that keeps me going. Everyday I come up with 3 or 4 reasons not to work out, but I still go and get it done. The good news is I wasn't able to exercise for almost a week during Christmas and I actually kind of missed it and felt I needed to exercise. I think that's a good start for me and my hatred of exercise.

    Sorry I know you were looking for advice and I didn't give any, but thought I'd share anyway :)
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    I can relate. So much of what we think of as "exercise" is just SO boring to me. Doing a cardio machine is pretty much torture to me...and if it doesn't have a TV on it? Just put me out of my misery! And standing around lifting weights, or going through a circuit? Blah. Boring.

    So...what makes it fun? For me, if there's a social aspect it's sooooo much better. If I am going to exercise classes at regularly-scheduled times with people that I actually like, and we can talk before/after and even in between sets if it's that type of class, I actually enjoy going. It's basically like a social hour where you just happen to get a workout in.

    Also, if I'm both challenged AND good at something, I start to like it. The first few weeks/months of starting a running program are terrible, but once you get into it you might love it. You'll see your speed and distance increase, and feel motivated. I'm talking about running outside, with scenery and fresh air. If you like hiking, I would expect you'd start to like running once you got "good at it".

    In terms of the videos, you said you like dance...what about learning some dance routines at home?! I'm sure there must be a ton of dance-related YouTube exercise videos. Maybe you could even invite a friend over to learn them with you.

    And what about sports? It can be very cheap to join a local sports league. Heck, a few years ago I played on a dodgeball league! It wasn't exactly a full workout, but you did sweat for an hour each time, and it was anything but boring! I'm currently planning on taking some tennis lessons this summer....if I can get good enough to not need the lessons every time, my gym has tennis courts that you can sign up for a "round robin" of players with.
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    If you really enjoy dancing..why not try Zumba??? Great fun and social - I leave dripping every class and believe me when I say I HATE traditional exercise mile on the treadmill in the morning bores me to death, but I LOOOVE Zumba (and i go 4 days a week). Or if you have a game system try the just dance games...they are fun and a workout too!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Why is your hatred of exercise holding you back? Weight loss doesn't require exercise.
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    I have the same problem in that I get bored easily. The key is finding something you enjoy doing which means that you'll need to try some different things out. Zumba is a great suggestion (h/t 212ackley), or yoga or kickboxing. Turbo Jam combines kickboxing with a dance feel and it's lots of fun. There's a 20-minute workout, and the Live workouts are only 30 minutes each. IIRC the lower body workout and ab workout are in the 20 to 30 minute range. You can pick up used DVDs on Amazon for pretty cheap, which makes building a workout library gentler on your pocketbook.
  • lunarescape
    lunarescape Posts: 51 Member
    Weight loss doesn't require exercise, just a caloric deficit.

    However you sound like you already do exercise, just not the traditional sense of "get on the treadmill/lift some weights."

    I wouldn't worry too much. Why not go for a lot of walks/hikes? Seems good enough to me.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Maybe try signing up for a 5K or one of those obstacle races that everyone is doing these days. Maybe if you have a goal and a reason for doing it it will be more fun, or at least get you out there doing it? Personally I hate exercising inside, but running outside is fun. Try trail running, it gets you out into nature. Run with your dog (if you have one) or a neighbor's dog (if you don't). Dogs love running so much it is contagious. Of course it is harder in the winter time, and I find myself back inside some days, but I get outside as much as I can! Good luck! :smile:
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    i feel you. i hate it so much. i found some routines i can DO but i dont like OMG OMG LOVE them. and when i go workout with my girls or my boyfriend they always ask after "wow didnt u love that, wasnt that a GREAT workout"

    and im like


    but... its like brushing your teeth...if you want just HAVE to.

    i think its about figuring out the exercise that makes you the least miserable hahaha
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I wish I could climb inside your head and give you a different outlook on life...

    Exercise will help you lose weight - and there is nothing boring about losing weight. I'm wearing clothing that I had custom tailored before having kids. Do you know how fun and exciting it is to fit into them again?! I'm seeing muscle definition again, I'm not hating the reflection in the mirror, I'm feeling stronger, healthier and more capable than I have in years. Exercise is a part of all that. Exercise is helping me achieve new things. It's not a thing to be dreaded or hated or discounted before you even start. Think of it as a means to a very happy and exciting ending. Think about it as taking time to do something for YOU. I'm sure like the rest of us you have tons of demands on your time. Be selfish and exercise!!
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    I wish I could climb inside your head and give you a different outlook on life...

    Exercise will help you lose weight - and there is nothing boring about losing weight. I'm wearing clothing that I had custom tailored before having kids. Do you know how fun and exciting it is to fit into them again?! I'm seeing muscle definition again, I'm not hating the reflection in the mirror, I'm feeling stronger, healthier and more capable than I have in years. Exercise is a part of all that. Exercise is helping me achieve new things. It's not a thing to be dreaded or hated or discounted before you even start. Think of it as a means to a very happy and exciting ending. Think about it as taking time to do something for YOU. I'm sure like the rest of us you have tons of demands on your time. Be selfish and exercise!!

    Even with a great outlook, doing the elliptical (for example) is still BORING to me. So, so, so very boring. Yes, it's helping burn calories, and lose weight, and even build muscle definition. But it's BORING. Luckily with exercise, there are a lot of less-boring options for those of use who find "typical" gym cardio/weights to be excruciatingly dull. Simply saying "but it's good for you" and trying to change my outlook doesn't make the exercise less boring. Less-boring exercise makes it less boring! Group activities, outdoor adventures, dancing, sports, etc. Those are less boring and still burn calories and can develop muscle.
  • Jayeskay
    Jayeskay Posts: 10 Member
    Have you tried any of the Lets Dance games on the Wii?
  • notthatthis
    Exercise loves you.

    Work much, much harder, do it for less time.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    Have you tried any of the Lets Dance games on the Wii?

    Haven't heard of them before... But will look into them! Thanks!

    And in response to the "all you need is caloric deficit" responses--that is very true, but my goal is not simply weight loss but health as a whole--strength, endurance, cardiovascular health. I don't believe we have to be 115lb and a size 2 to be healthy, or that just losing weight is enough for my personal "ideal"; I believe I can be 140-150 and very healthy, and I'd much rather have that.
  • alt1268
    alt1268 Posts: 159 Member
    I too want to be fit again, like I was in my 20's. But after spending the last 3 years in a recliner, from an injury am finding it hard to exercise. I do however enjoy bike riding. (but it's cold out) So I bought a recumbent bike, which I can not go very far on, but I do it.
  • FullOfWinToo
    I literally had the "runner's high" conversation less than an hour before i read your post. I always thought it was a bunch of BS until.....

    i started lifting weights. every word you wrote was me to a T. even "fun cardio classes" were as much fun as an eye poke.

    I actually do feel that shot of endorphins from strenght training. it goes by soooo fast and even if i dont really really "want" to go, once i start, that feeling is shaken off in minutes. That never ever ever happened when i forced myself to go run on a machine, take a class or do exercise via home video game.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    I am TOTALLY with you. I HATE excersizing. There is nothing less fun to me than moving around for no reason. I have discovered that Zumba is tolerable, but only alone in my living room. If I have to do it in a room full of people, forget it.

    My solution was finding a purpose for my excersize, or tricking myself into it. My ex had a dog and I offered to take over walking him every day, which was enjoyable for us both, so if you have the time and inclination, this is a great solution (even volunteering at a shelter would be great - they always need dog-walkers!). I walk to the store for a few groceries when I can. I plan to get a bike in the summer so I can bike to do errands around town at a farther distance (I live in a snowmageddon region, so this is not practical until about July when the snow melts. lol). Today I made my boyfriend drive me to work (we work together, but he gets off an hour after I do so we usually take two vehicles). Now unless I want to stick around and wait for him (which I SO do not), I will have to walk the 2 miles back to his house to retreive my car.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I literally had the "runner's high" conversation less than an hour before i read your post. I always thought it was a bunch of BS until.....

    i started lifting weights. every word you wrote was me to a T. even "fun cardio classes" were as much fun as an eye poke.

    I actually do feel that shot of endorphins from strenght training. it goes by soooo fast and even if i dont really really "want" to go, once i start, that feeling is shaken off in minutes. That never ever ever happened when i forced myself to go run on a machine, take a class or do exercise via home video game.

    I like the cut of your jib young lady
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Exercise is hard. There's no getting around that. There's an initial inertia hurdle everyone has to get past before you get to the point where it's even possible to enjoy it, like a speed bump. If it was immediately enjoyable, everyone would do it all the time and everyone would be fit- but the reality is that most people don't have the commitment to get past the speed bump. It's up to you whether it's worth it or not- you can lose weight without exercise. You can probably be relatively healthy with the activity you like to do. But if you want to really get fit, you have to just work at it UNTIL you like it.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    This depends on your goals....because, honestly, you dont HAVE to work out. Your nutrition is the biggest factor.

    EDIT: Let me add....if you want motivation...define how badly you want to improve your health.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    After a little over 1.5 years I'm still not sure I "like" it. Can't argue with the results though.