CarlGleave Member


  • Well done for acknowledging you have a problem, that's the hardest bit out the way having that moment of clarity is what will take you to where you want to be, you just need to keep remembering that. I'm happy to be a shoulder to lean on a long the way
  • "Amazed" by Lonestar I think they covered the original but this was mine and my wife's, or "more than words" by extreme to of my all time favs enjoy
  • So many accidents happen in the gym from perving my mate who was spotting me dropped a 35kg dun on my shoulder just missing me face because the little hotty on the treadmill fell over hurt but was funny she didn't half fo over . I think gyms should ban mirrors to many bumps n bruises cased by them
  • LMFAO HELL YESSSSS!! Love this topic hi everyone x
  • Good luck, I would cut back on the gym maybe 3/4 times as a max, I used to go 5/6 times a week had some great results but soon learnt to hate the gym because of the amount of time spent there, don't forget walking the dog and doing the gardening etc are all cardio too
  • For real? You asking guys to admit to perving at the women at the gym m sure there are a few who will answer honestly lol but yes I do think it's hot x looking forward tot he replies on this topic
  • Wow amazing Hun. Must have been hard work big pat ont he back you need to go treat yaself to something new.x
  • We're have you gone lol well done
  • You look fantastic Hun, also so much happier you look so unhappy before I hope the pictures and what I have said is true good for you x
  • I know this diet is insane but to try it isnt going to kill me if it works then great if it doesnt at least my stomach will have shrank
  • the app is OK, but the really spirit is on the site good luck !
  • lol i used to have this problem the easy answer is to bin your scales lol it broken my heart as the ones i had cost me $80 any ways what i do is weigh myself at the local pharmacy i do this after breakfast on a wednesday after i have weighed my self i have a few treats this way i dont feel guilty as i know i have a whole…
    in hello Comment by CarlGleave August 2010
  • firstly your young this goes for you, weight loss is good but do it slowly try to get 70% of of your weight loss results from exercise to help tone your body
  • I just want megan fox lol
  • most foods take about 4-6 hours to digest of you are eating late your body shuts down and most of what you have eatten is stored bad idea try not to eat after 6pm 7 pm at a push !!!!!!!
  • thank you all for the kind words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i promise to get pics up when i get a second to myself lol
  • hell yes user carlgleave
  • CHICKEN BREAST WITH SIDE OF THE VERY TASTY EVERYONES FAV SALAD!!!! I also eat on a sunday chicken breast with a piled plate of boiled veg and a small amount of gravy really filling and makes you feel like you have had a nice sunday dinner
  • I think (i maybe wrong) but are u not better altering you diet to include these supplements (protein etc), and stop taking the ****e of shelves, not to sure if this may help but when i used to hit a brick wall with training, i would drop my weights ie when doing bi-cep curles i was doing 20-25 kg duns i dropped down to…
  • also if its that time of the month! women tent to put on 2-6 lbs in water retention!! during this time
  • This is why i do not have scales in the house, it is to easy to jump on when ever and if you do it day by bay and you dont see a loss it can really get you down my advise bin the scales i after my breakfast on a wednesday, weigh myself on the pro scales in the chemist. i also have wednesday as my treat day then i have all…
  • You just need this 1 tip stop being silly you hit the nail on the head when you said his EX is going to be there! yes you said EX and thats exactly what she is a thing of the past someone who used to be part of his life and believe it or not he's with you and not her and there must be good reasons for that such as he loves…
  • you truely have choose the best site!!! the people here are amazing i spend about 1 hour aday (back and to) you do really get out what you put in and then more you truely do make friends so dont be shy get involved with other feel free to add me as a friend good luck hun """""""!!!!!!
  • I think you need to give a little more detail for people to help you, are you being medicated for it? if not do see your doctor asap my nan had it she ended up in a metal home lol no seriously
  • ok i can see you have lost 25lbs so well ****ing done!!!!!!!!! my advise have a week off eat ****e and start again see if you can shock your body!!!!!!!! also are you measuring your portions right? i was very supprised how little 30g of cornflakes is i just to eat more like 100g thinking it was 30g just an idea again well…
  • it is important to have a rest, i know exactly what you mean my partner is 37 weeks preg and we have a 7 year old and a 3 year old, she has had 8 months of hell with the latest child, so much so i have sent the last 6 weeks off work helping out so i know the battles you are faced with, it will come hun chin up and remember…
  • LoL what a thing to ask!! i bet you get a million different answers, the best thing is to eat what u like in moderation, check the kcals but also check the fat content if its 7% fat its normally ok to eat, but 7% is the high end of the fat content try sticking to 4-5% fat products, drink plenty of water try get a little…
  • quick weight loss !!!!!!!!!!!!! it can be done but it will come back and then some there is no quick fix it takes time and hard work, weight loss is not a diet it is a life style change with a simple formula kcals in against kcals out they recon there are 3500 kcals to 1lb of fat, increase your exercise, i find walking…
  • i never weigh myself at home, i always get weighed at the chemist on the professional machine, in the same shorts and t-shirt after my breakfast. stops me getting gutted if i havent lose any weight from 1 day to the next try it i also have my treat day after getting weighed that way i have all week to work off those treats