Whats a good test booster to use to see results?

I'm currently taking T-Bomb II, DHEA 25mg, N.O. Loaded, and Syntha 6 and am on a five day per week workout regimen. The only problem is, i think i am my body is starting to get used to these supplements so its time to change it up. I change my workout routine frequently, but now i need some advice on what supplements to switch to. I would like to keep a test booster/enhancer in my diet, and along with that comes the DHEA. Thanks!


  • CarlGleave
    CarlGleave Posts: 46 Member
    I think (i maybe wrong) but are u not better altering you diet to include these supplements (protein etc), and stop taking the ****e of shelves,

    not to sure if this may help but when i used to hit a brick wall with training, i would drop my weights ie when doing bi-cep curles i was doing 20-25 kg duns i dropped down to 5-10kg duns and increased my reps so instead of say 3 sets of 10 i would do 3 sets of 100 this seriouly pumped my (GUNS) LOL i would do this for 2 weeks and then try again with bigger weights and move past the wall i hit

    ive started low weight training over the last 3 weeks ive dropped 2 inches off my arms from 18" to 16" they look lean

    ohh and a **** load of very very very strong black coffee before to give you the boost to get through it
  • Vipecap
    Vipecap Posts: 166 Member
    I can't recommend a good booster to use but I would say you need be cycling them 3 wks on/ 1wk off so your body doesn't get use to them. You also should get blood work done if you havent in the past 6 months just to make sure everything is in line and nothing is out of whack. When you start taking test boosters, hgh, or steroids you run the risk of seriously messing up your internal balance if you don't use them properly and cautiously.