Want to look as good as possible in a week!

Ok, this is slightly weight loss oriented, but also just a general call for suggestions/help. Basically, I am going to a "thing" next weekend with my boyfriend and some of our friends. I've been working hard and going to the gym 3x a week and yoga or Pilates 1-2x a week for the past few weeks, and I have noticed a bit of a difference - mostly in strength and flexibility! However, I want to look good - not necessarily lose a lot of weight in a short space of time, which i realsie would be unhealthy and unrealistic. HOWEVER, my boyfriend's ex will be at the "thing" next weekend, and we've never met - from all accounts she's superwoman and we've had arguments about her before.

I know a lot of it is to do with confidence, so I'm going to do some little things this week that will make ME feel better about myself, whether anyone notices or not! I've booked myself in to get a manicure and pedicure this weekend, and my eyebrows done (they;re taking over my face!) as well. Then I'm getting my hair done next Thursday...

I'm also trying to drink loads of water.

The thing is, this woman is almost 10 years older than me, so I kinda need to look better than her! I know if sounds sad, and I'm not usually insecure, but this girl was his longest relationship before me, and they're still sort of friends.

Any suggestions for being superhealthy for the next 7 days or so? I was thinking I might cut out animal products for the next few days, as whenever I do that my skin looks great - I just couldn't face a lifetime without eating meat!!

Any suggestions would be great...


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    Just be confident, and show it. He's with YOU now, so obviously you have something that she doesn't. Do you're best with water and getting work outs in, hold your head high, and your boyfriend's hand... and feel good about what you've accomplished.
  • I would say have a nice relaxing bath, face pack on to rejuvenate your skin and make you feel good. If you're feeling uncomfortable about your belly or something particular like that maybe wear those magic tummy sucking in shorts underneath your outfit. Whack on some heels and a smile.

    Try to remember there must be a reason he is with you now and not her!

    Good luck :)
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    stay away from anything that will make you feel bloated, like lots of bread and salt

    get your water in and stick to being healthy

    the most important thing i think is to look after yourself emotionally too, when you are feeling confident, it shows on our faces, you have lost 7 pounds, that amazing! well done, be proud of yourself, try to relax and be kind to youself, especially that day

    we all want to look good in these situations, but confidence is key :drinker:

    hold your head up and smile :bigsmile:
  • mommy2js
    mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
    lots of water and very little sodium. also, a flatter belly makes you look better all over - check out the The Flat Belly Diet principles and i would suggest doing the 1st 4 day "cleanse" - you might lose a couple of pounds but you will FOR SURE notice a flatter belly
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I wouldn't say you NEED to look better than her. She is obviously his ex for a reason. Be true, be yourself. YOu should feel proud to have lost weight, large or small amounts, so just be confident and strut your stuff!

    But if you feel you must look better than her, drink plenty of water and stay away from salty foods as they tend to pump everyone up. Eat fruits and veggies for natural energy.

    I still say, not to worry about impressing or showing up someone you're just meeting for the first time, especially when it's a boyfriends ex. Just enjoy the day with the man you are with.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    If it applies to you, everything looks better tanned! A few tanning sessions, spray tans or a bit of time outside will give you some nice color.

    I use Dove Energy Glow Daily Moisturizer and Self Tanning Lotion to take the glow off my legs! I use it just once per week and it's just enough to take off that white glow and cover veins and imperfections!

    Just want to add that it will really help if you carry yourself with confidence! If you appear happy and outgoing you will look more attractive to everyone, not just her! And don't fidget with your clothes!

    Good Luck!!
  • I couldn't have said it better myself! I agree 200%!!!!!!!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Just be confident, and show it. He's with YOU now, so obviously you have something that she doesn't. Do you're best with water and getting work outs in, hold your head high, and your boyfriend's hand... and feel good about what you've accomplished.

    You read my mind!
    There is nothing sexier than being secure with yourself. If you have to - FAKE IT !
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I don't know about anyone else but when I see a woman who, ok I'll be honest....is what I consider to be less attractive than me or heavier than me, I can still be intimidated by her if she appears to be CONFIDENT and HAPPY. I say do all the things you have planned, get the mani and pedi, get the eyebrow wax because even if others don't exactly notice them, they will notice your confidence boost because you feel better about yourself. I know I could let my eyebrows overgrow my entire face and my fiance wouldn't notice, but I am sure I look better simple because I feel better after an eyebrown wax.

    I've also found that cutting out pop (even diet) helps deflate the belly, and make sure to try to get in a work out that day since you'll feel energized and good about yourself....and drink plenty of water. If you are formally introduced to her, make sure to smile and be friendly because nothing will kill an ex more than the new girlfriend who is NICE :laugh:
  • CarlGleave
    CarlGleave Posts: 46 Member
    You just need this 1 tip

    stop being silly you hit the nail on the head when you said his EX is going to be there! yes you said EX and thats exactly what she is a thing of the past someone who used to be part of his life and believe it or not he's with you and not her and there must be good reasons for that such as he loves you,

    so chin up grow up and i am sure you will knock them dead anyway

    have agreat thing lol and relax and enjoy it who cares if she is amazing, some times people only look skin deep and they are shallow, your better than that !!!!!!!!!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    yeah, confidence on a woman is sexy, so bring that to the table....everything else has already been mentioned (good diet, not too much salt, get your workouts in), but ask any man, we'll tell you confidence is key
  • jenlawton
    jenlawton Posts: 18
    Posture can really help a lot. Stand straight, hold your tummy in, shoulders back, head high. Don't forget to smile, she doesn't mean anything anymore. I have found that keeping good posture really makes you look better, and that smile never hurts! I'm sure you'll be fine, just go and have a great time and believe in yourself.
  • jenlawton
    jenlawton Posts: 18
    Posture can really help a lot. Stand straight, hold your tummy in, shoulders back, head high. Don't forget to smile, she doesn't mean anything anymore. I have found that keeping good posture really makes you look better, and that smile never hurts! I'm sure you'll be fine, just go and have a great time and believe in yourself.
  • I think a spray tan is a good idea... If your not already naturally tan. I did it and it made me feel great lol since I am SUPER white... I also agree with staying away from the salt or things that have a lot of sodium. Like everyone else said, just be confident in you self and nice to her if you get introduces... Kill her with Kindness :) GOOOD LUCK!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I am SOOOOOO with you. I am nervous myself! Saturday my fiance' and I are going to a wedding where his ex will be at. She was the one that completely broke his heart and he thought he was going to marry blah blah blah.It can be soo nervewracking. Cause my day of doom is just a matter of days away. I have dropped three pounds and have started to tone up.

    Just do what you can. I got myself a dress that looks well I think hot! lol. Plus some heels. My fiance likes the dress cause well he has never seen me in one. LOL. Just do what makes you feel good and forget about her.

    PS I am taking the one tip of that dove stuff. Going to give that a try. :) (I got me some white legs!) lol
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    All great advice. I have one bit to add:

    Have a plan.
    Arrive a bit later, so you're not looking at the door and analyzing every female looking for his ex.
    Know what you're going to say to her & be friendly, so as not to empower her.
    Let him greet her first, w/o you standing there just watching the two of them.
    & most importantly, keep smiling, don't cling to him (have someone else near by that you can chat with, if possible) & leave sooner than later (w/him).

    Not too much make-up or any kind of over revealing attire.
    get a little workout (walk) in before the function & drink a lot of water, stay clear of the spirits......

    You'll do fine....let us know how things go.:smile: