sjbuescher Member


  • Also - you sweat in the pool. Don't forget to stay hydrated like would on dry land.
  • I tried it. Had bloodwork done before I started, about a month in I started having blood in my urine and bloodwork confirmed decreased kid ey function. Stopped using all products and went back to normal in about a week. So add me to the not a fan group.
  • I've done a whole 30 which follows a similar premise - not being afraid of healthy fats, eatingnnon gut disrupting nutritient dense food, etc. I'd never felt better and I lost weight in 30 days without tracking while eating whole full fat foods and nitrient dense foods. In the end, being so strict all the the time isnt…
  • MFP already calcutlates a deficit before exercise, so when you don't eat those calories back you're creating an even larger deficit and not fueling your body. Eat back your exercise calories - 1200 is the default lowest minimum MFP gives so either you're already fairly small or have more than 1lb per week weight loss goal.…
  • swim hard MWF, run, weights, and recovery swims mixed in the other days.
  • 3000 including 400 fins, some IM work, and distance repeats. I enjoy the longer distance repeats, did not enjoy the IM's as much!
  • In my swim bag: Cap, Swede Goggles (LOVE) spare pair of standard speedo goggles for those days where me and the swedes just can't get along, standard fins, paddles, pull buoy, and kickboard. I just started swimming with this pace watch (not my arm in the photo) The aquatics center I swim at doesn't have a large digital…
  • sauteed pepper and onion blend with a cut up chicken and gouda sausage, dollop of whip cream and an apple. 479 cals/46 carbs/17 fats/34 protein
  • I'm in week one of tracking macros (set by calories using TDEE). Pretty much in the same order of importance as hornsby. If I meet my calorie goal then at the end of the day, I'm still mostly on track. Fiber and protein are next - if I can hit those and my calorie goal I'm in good shape for the day. Days I can hit cals +…
  • It's possible to gain muscle while in a cut, mostly if you're new to weightlifting or extremely overweight - but VERY difficult. Most people while eating at a deficit have the goal to maintain muscle mass while cutting fat.
  • good swim today. 5X100 warm up 5X100 IM drills with fins 15X100 free on 2:00 400 kick with fins 100 cool down
  • I swim regularly for fitness - minimum 3 days a week and am a highlighted blonde in the summer, and a dyed strawberry/golden blonde in the winter with natural dirty blonde hair. A swim cap won't keep chlorine or water out of your hair (they make a small handful that claim to keep your hair dry, I use a cap to keep my hair…
  • I love banana and spinach smoothies - you get good fiber from the spinach, tastes like banana and low calorie. You might also try picking up a healthy-digestive tea. I love drinking tea and it helps you get your water intake as well as possibly help with issues like constipation. Plain peppermint tea is known to help aid…
  • I ran my first half in March and have been trying to get back on the running wagon - accomplishing that goal was an incredible feeling!
  • With running, if you're not wearing a HRM to get your calorie burn, then I would take the burn you get from your running app and then either eat all of that back or take that -20-30%, at least for your standard mileage runs. But, if you're upping your mileage then you need to fuel your body to both cover the distance and…
  • I'm training for my first half - still running! It is a bummer this isn't a more active board.
  • I swam competitively in the past and am just now getting back into it - if you need some tailored workouts I really like using speedo pace club. There's an app but it doesn't work anymore, but I still like writing down the workouts and using them in the pool. I do better when I have a structure to my swims :)
  • Exactly! Running is great for you if you enjoy it, but can sometimes lead to a "well i just ran 6 miles so of course I can eat _____!". I'd suggest logging your food for a few days without any changes to what you normally eat, to get an idea of what/how much you're consuming now. You may learn that you're overeating,…
  • Another great blog to check out is She started running when she was obese and ran her way into a healthier lifestyle and has done marathons and still runs daily. I would read her earlier blog posts to get some inspiration that is she could do it - I could do it.
  • Don't be afraid! One of the great things about running is that if you have the right mindset, you're only ever competing with yourself. Just remember to take it slow and to never allow yourself to feel embarrassed. That was one of my hardest things to overcome. When I first got back into running, I used the C25K program…
  • My BMI tells me I'm obese - I'm trying to get back into running and am starting to work on increasing my distance so I can one day run a half marathon. Feel free to add me if you'd like! My biggest advice - never be ashamed or afraid to take it slow. There are some runs where my pace is very slow, and a walker might be…
  • Another word of caution for VS - they're one brand, so they're not necessarily trained for the best fitting bra, just selling you their bras that fit your shape. Expensive bras - but read reviews of your local nordstroms (if you have one) and get fitted there. The person who fit me measured me, asked me about what styles I…
  • congrats on signing up! If you're not already a runner, I would recommend starting the couch 2 5k walk/run program. Once you finish, you can use Bridge to 10k and on upwards! Advice: If there's no bag check, don't bring anything with you that you don't want to have to carry the entire time. If it's available and you're…
  • I'm 26 too and used MFP in the past, then fell off a bit and now I'm back! Feel free to add me - I'm using the TDEE calorie method and trying to lift 3 days a week and run 2-3 days a week.
  • Search and read up on "TDEE" (in the forums here and other sources if you wish). If you research and set your daiily intake to your TDEE, then you wouldn't eat back exercise calories and would eat the same amount each day regardless.
  • I am a woman who swims - I get my hair wet before I get in the pool, so it doesn't absorb as much chlorine and stays healthier while I do my laps. I rarely see women like that at the pool I go to - luck of the draw? edited for spelling
  • There's no direct answer to that, because it's all based on preference. There are people on this site who have used MFP numbers the entire time with no slow down, people who started with MFP numbers and transitioned to TDEE after they felt they experienced a plateau, and people who only ever used TDEE numbers. If you've…
  • Correct - below is a good explanation I copied from another poster: As an example say MFP gives you 1450 calories to lose 1 lb/week, and you plan on exercising 5x/week for an average of 400 cals per workout. well MFP will tell you to eat 1450 on the days you don't workout and 1850 on the days you do whereas a…
  • Generally your MFP number eating back your exercise calories and your TDEE are close to the same number, give or take a few hundred calories. TDEE at 1927 per day would have you eating 13,489 cals per week. Eating your MFP 1320 plus 150 3x a week puts you around 9,640. That's a really big difference - is your MFP set to…
  • First you have to mentally look at it as a fresh start every day. Sometimes when you don't forgive yourself you slide into the mindset of "well I went over yesterday, what's one more day?" until before you know it you're overeating every day. Some days I go over a little, some a lot, some not at all. Every day is a fresh…