My First 10K

I registered for my first 10k, for that matter my first anything. I use to think it was crazy. I am so excited, does anyone have any good tips for race day?


  • Steph_Mayberry
    Steph_Mayberry Posts: 6 Member
    The Monument Ave 10K is so much fun that you really just need to wear good shoes, stretch and just have fun!!! Be realistic and dont try to go too fast. I did it in just under 2 hours and walked the whole way! You should find a costume too....I dressed up like honey boo boo child last year!!! It was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!
  • Steph_Mayberry
    Steph_Mayberry Posts: 6 Member
    Look at my pictures and you will see my costume!!!!Its not my profile pic anymore....maybe I will change it in honor of the up coming race!!!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Good luck! This thread is full of great info
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Steph, I saw your picks and they are awesome. We are doing a Bethlehem/Big Bang Theory theme. So yeah, not sure how to integrate the two. I am excited. We are in the walker/joggers wave but it is a start.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    Runner's World has a bunch of articles up on their website. They had one last week about running your first 10k. I'm going for my first 10k in May when it warms up! I've done plenty of 5k's so I figured I'd sign up for this one. Its local so I won't have to get outta bed too early.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I have never done a 5K, the 10K here is a neat event. Next year I want to run it, okay some of it.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I have never done a 5K, the 10K here is a neat event. Next year I want to run it, okay some of it.

    i'm doing monument. it'll be my second time running it. my goal this year is to beat last year's times of 1:10 and that's running it. it's a great race. SO MUCH going on! lots and lots of music and SO MANY people out cheering you on - it's crazy fun. if you're walking it i would have good walking shoes, stretch before and after. if you've never walked 6 miles train for it. you have time. you might even decide to run a bit but don't feel you have to run. good luck!
  • sjbuescher
    sjbuescher Posts: 45 Member
    congrats on signing up! If you're not already a runner, I would recommend starting the couch 2 5k walk/run program. Once you finish, you can use Bridge to 10k and on upwards!

    Advice: If there's no bag check, don't bring anything with you that you don't want to have to carry the entire time. If it's available and you're able, I really recommend doing advance packet pick up. One less thing to stress about on the day of.

    If you're currently walking/running, test out what you're going to wear on the day of your race. Nothing worse than planning on a cute outfit to find it chafes horribly the entire time! For a big bang theory race, I'd probably do some "Flash" superhero theme. Red shorts/skirt, red t shirt and a homemade flash logo could get it done well enough :) Or make a t-shirt with something like the periodic table of elements/pics of dna chains and molecules.

    Don't forget sunblock and have fun!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    That is type of advice I was looking for, I hate links.

    I have done the couch to 5K and the bridge and the zombie training about a year ago, I just got out of the habit of running. Plus my friend had had hip surgery, so I want her to be able to keep up. I do not want to overwhelm her.

    Sunblock, that is brilliant. Never even thought of it.
  • yl639129
    yl639129 Posts: 30 Member
    I just signed up for my first 10K too! Good luck!!!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I just signed up for my first 10K too! Good luck!!!

    Awesome, I am excited.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    What are you doing with your number, shirt, time printout (if provided), and finisher's gift (if provided ... medal, water bottle, bag, etc)? You don't get another first 10k.

    Consider fabrics when making your costume. If you normally run in moisture wicking fabrics, stick with them in your costume if possible. has Big Bang items if you don't want to make your outfit.

    Parking can be a pain at some events. Factor travel time, lot to starting area distance, etc into your planning and training. A few blocks walk from the lot to the event plus the time spent on your feet before the race can add up. Look at the road closure map long before the race so you aren't depending on a road that is closed ... been there and the detour through a bad neighborhood wasn't a fun way to start the morning.

    Is there someplace to clean up and change after the race? A bathroom stall, baby wipes and dry clothes are an option if a full locker room isn't available. If not, towels to protect your seats should be on the packing list.

    If there isn't a bag check ... still dress for the weather. Thrift store sweats and disposable cotton gloves can come in handy if it is chilly before the race ... something you can abandon at the start or toss in the trash along the route if needed. A trash bag with holes poked for your head and arms makes an impromptu, disposable parka to keep you drier before a run.

    Ask the organizers where the photographers are along the route. There are usually group shots at the starting line and individual pics at the finish. Some races have mid course photographers. If you know where they are, you can make sure you have your best stride and confident look while in the camera's eye. Gasp for air, puke, shuffle, and suck the rest of the course but look good when it counts.

    Most importantly, set simple achievable goals and enjoy the experience. Stay within your comfort zone on the first one. Depending how much of a type A personality you are ... sprint from your friend in the last few yards and make them buy the post race snacks/drinks.