ajevans2674 Member


  • I'm also running it! Getting ready to start my official "training!" I've never trained with a club or group -- I tend to do best going solo. For my first marathon I used Hal Higdon's training plan. I still use essentially his plan, but I've advanced it a bit now that I've become a more competitive runner. Actually, I think…
  • When you first start restricting calories, hunger can be an issue - it definitely was for me! I found that over time (about 4-5) weeks, the hunger started to dissipate as my body started getting used to the reduced calories. The way I dealt with it was to drink tons of water all day, and try and choose high-protein foods…
  • Definitely not. In fact, studies have shown that drinking chocolate milk after workouts is great to consume to efficiently repair muscles, which then leads to stronger muscles that in turn burn more fat and boost your metabolism.
  • I have at least 15 sports bras - I'm a runner, and love intense cardio! My absolute favorite sports bra (I've tried a lot) are the champion ones at target (C9 seemless racerback). They're often on sale, so it's always good to stock up then. They should feel snug, but not chafe or hurt. On the plus side, they come in tons…
  • I think certain kinds of pizza could be classified as a vegetable. This, however, doesn't make it healthy. There are plenty of veggies doused in sauces, sauteed in oils, covered in cheese, that are far from healthy, but they're still a veggie.
  • I LOVE Downton and Austin, although I prefer the Bronte sisters to Austin. I studied Victorian literature in both undergraduate and graduate studies, so I definitely have an affinity for the period. I just finished season one of Downton last week on Netflix and then my wonderful husband just bought me season one and two so…
  • I do both! I've got my 5k time down to 7:19 mile from months of intense interval workouts as well as pushing my speed limits during my endurance workouts. Varying your training runs each week is crucial to success in all races. As long as you're getting in your mileage for half-marathon training, there's no reason why you…
  • Agreed! Having a cheat day that isn't too horrible, is probably not going to make much difference in the long run. It's days of that each week that cause weight gain. I also struggle with this issue of knowing when to cheat and how much - without feeling deprived. I try to schedule them and eat a little lighter the day…
  • I also love pre-cooking steel cut oats, only I use my rice cooker. It' so simple and healthy! I also enjoy Greek yogurt topped with my favorite cereal or granola. I eat scrambled eggs with a bit of parmesan cheese. I also eat a lot of green smoothies which include spinach, frozen banana, chocolate protein powder, sometimes…
  • Arlington Heights!
  • The reason i wouldn't suggest doing this is that it if the relationship isn't already strained enough, turning it into a business proposition will. Not to mention the main point, which is that if she decides not to pay it back, because she obviously can't afford to, no document will be able to drudge up money that she…
  • Man, it's funny how many people say work hard, etc. and eat what you want. To an extent that's true. But rather than give you "secrets," I feel like tips could easily be in order, keeping in mind all our bodies metabolize and process differently. Here are some of my tips: --Be strict with my diet during the weekday, so I…
  • I'd go with Morningstar brand veggie bacon. My husband, a huge carnivore, actually eats it as a healthier alternative. I'm a vegetarian, so it's the only bacon I've had in 8 years...I'm definitely not going to be the best judge to tell you if it tastes just like bacon, but it does taste yummy!
  • I'm also a marathon runner who has experienced highs and lows in weight, which have most definitely affect my PRs. I found that once I started doing regular weight lifting (3 days a week at BodyPump class), I lost inches and gained muscle. I think that as you gain muscle, you tend to lose fat (for people who have fat to…
  • One of my favorite snacks! I use spinach, frozen banana, a few blueberries, and either chocolate protein powder or unsweetened cocoa powder, depending on my calorie intake. If I have calories to spare, I'll use a bit of coconut butter or chia seeds...both great sources of healthy fats.
  • Me too! It took me almost a month to realize I should take advantage of the community section and fill out my bio. Counting calories can't be everything!
  • Paula Dean is responsible truly to only herself; however, her refusal to admit that her lifestyle caused this generally preventable disease is highly disappointing. Maybe I expect to much of celebrities, but the fact is that people listen to them. We may not, because we know better, but many do. Hence why using celebrities…
  • I had the same experience a few years ago, only it was because of a different medication. I ate super healthy and exercised every day, but steadily gained weight over the course of a 4-5 months. I'd say your best bet is to try a different BC pill or form. I had a friend who had this happen, changed which pill she was…
  • Coconut oil is fairly expensive, so my suggestion is to make you own. All you need is unsweetened shredded coconut and a food processor. Place shredded coconut in processor and process for about 8-10 minutes, and voila, you have homemade coconut butter/oil. It hardens at room temperature, but can easily be warmed/heated to…
  • I'm the same way! I love red wine and dark chocolate, but once you give it up for a certain amount of time you stop craving it. I used to LOVE coke. I cut it out of my diet and eventually stopped craving it. Occasionally, I take a sip of my husband's coke, and then I always regret it because it's hard to not want more. Way…
  • I also use water often. I'll use olive oil if I think it will greatly enhance the flavor of the dish, otherwise for just general sauteeing of veggies I try and use water. It's a wonderful calorie-saver!
  • Thank you both! That's what I was hoping! :)
  • I'm just looking into changing gyms - joining the Lifetime Fitness in Schaumburg. The gym itself was very impressive, but I was really rubbed the wrong way by their sales person, who I found highly irritating. I'm still up in the air as to whether I want to pay over $60 a month for a gym membership...I'm already at $54,…
  • I'm from Elgin, currently live in Arlington Heights. I second the idea that we should run a 5k or something. Love running races!!!
  • My favorite "healthier" munchies are veggies dipped in hummus (or pita bread, pita chips, or pretzels), or any kind of healthy bean-based dip. You can also bring a fruit tray and make a homemade fruit dip using Greek yogurt and agave or maple syrup as a base. If you search for healthy yogurt dips, I'm sure you'll find a…
  • Agreed! I mean it's a banana, not a McDonald's Value meal. If you love it and log it, then make room for what makes you happy!
  • Aside from trying a to alter the types/amount of foods you consume (more protein foods, more small snacks throughout the day, more fruits & veggies, etc.) I think it just takes a while for the body to respond to changes. If you're used to eating higher calories and then restrict them, it can take a few days to adjust, but…
  • I agree with the person who posted about bodyrock.tv workout website. While I've only done it a few times, it totally kicked my butt! My newest winter find is cross-country skiing. I just learned last year in Stowe, VT, and had a fabulous time because it's the only kind of skiing I can do without my fingers and toes going…
  • Chicago suburbs! I've actually been a member for 3 plus weeks or so, but never discovered (or rather was oblivious to) the community section! Pretty sweet! :)
  • Once a week. I realize that my weight will fluctuate based on a variety of factors like hormones, salty diet, water intake, etc., and I don't want to drive myself crazy thinking about a number everyday. Don't get me wrong. I love watching the numbers on the scale drop, but i don't want to ever become a slave to the scale -…