merflan Member


  • I was listening to Livin La Vida Low Carb today and one of the doctors speaking said that from one meal of 100g Carbs it can take up to three weeks to recover. It was a dose of reality for me. If anyone is interested, I'll look up the episode number
  • Ok thanks that's helpful. I thought once I got over the initial week, all would be good. I misunderstood. Thanks
    in nausea Comment by merflan September 2016
  • I have found the same thing, it just crossed my mind last night. Really minimal mood swings and my heartburn is gone! I didn't take any meds this week. That's a first.
  • Great idea. I'm only 6 days in, after trying to count calories and exercise for the last f6 months. I keep gaining and losing the same 5 pounds so thought I'd give low carb a try. I have 40 to lose and my goal is to fit into my black lace dress for the Christmas party this year. I hate year after year having to wear black…
  • I was able to up my weights on everything last night so that was encouraging. Hopefully next week I'll be back at my 200 lb deadlift.
  • I'm a day late, but like this idea. I'm on day 4 and pleasantly surprised that it hasn't been as bad as I had thought it would be. I'm following the old Atkins book. SW: 218 CW: 210.4 GW: 170 without losing my muscle mass :smiley:
  • Thanks. Just read about it on That's exactly what my trainer was telling me last night, he just didn't call it CKD.
  • I can't figure out how to quote lol but my answer is in bold lol
  • What is CKD?[b][/b]
  • Thanks. I'm just getting started at this low carb thing. But its a real struggle for me. I'd finally gotten away from that "I need to be skinny" mindset and loved making new PRs every week on my lifts. Now I'm back there, needing to lose weight. I was thinking last night of having more carbs on my lifting days, lower on…
  • Interesting topic. My trainer is encouraging me to incorporate one "refeed" day a week after a couple of weeks low carb to keep my body guessing at what is going on. My weight loss has been non-existant so far counting macros and lifting heavy (though I've lost tons of inches and down two sizes in 6 months). Wouldn't…
  • That's one thing I really like about this group, there doesn't seem to be "one way" to do things, even the launch pad talks about various methods of "low carbing". I'm new here too, only on day 2. Starting with Atkins as I felt I needed a plan to follow until I got my feet under me. I'm trying to drop weight pre-hip…
  • I recently found the One bars from Oh Yeah nutrition. 4 grams net carbs in the one I had. I got a couple just to keep in my purse for emergencies.
  • I wasn't completely sure how to figure out what percentage to set my macros at. I'm following Atkins, in the induction phase right now. I actually felt a bit better last night after my workout. The cup of broth helped with my headache for sure. I got cranky around the late afternoon, that time when I usually have my cup of…
    in Day 1 Comment by merflan August 2016
  • I don't think those are little things, those are little things that add up every day to be a big thing. Congratulations. 198 is my current goal, its not easy so you should be very proud of yourself
  • I'm in my 2nd week. So far, its great.
  • wonder I can't find it! Too bad, its my go to.
    in Pie chart? Comment by merflan May 2014
  • It isn't restrictive at all, once you get past the first two weeks. And totally sustainable. Was just asking if anyone else was following it....
  • Good recipe, but I just had to say I love your profile pic!! A german shepherd from the rescue is top of my list when we have time for a dog.
  • Anyone working at home? I am and have had to modify a couple rings but hasn't been too bad. I have an Olympic bar and plates at home as well as the dumbells that you can adjust the weight on.
  • I'm just restarting stage 1. Need some buddies!! i'm getting very frustrated with the scale. Its up and its down. Today it was up 3 pounds from last week, and its not that TOM. So annoying. But I'm 3 workouts in to stage 1 and so far loving it!! Please add.
  • Me. Looking to lose about 40. Trying to break it into small goals. First one is 188.
  • OK, that's a good approach - I'll ask how many sets left and hope they get the hint. I did tell a guy yesterday that I can never get on, and he said it can be impossible sometimes. I have switched to a quieter location (Goodlife), but still the squat racks are always full!! I'll see how it goes tomorrow. I'll probably get…
  • Yes, the foam roller is my best friend and my ultimate enemy lol. I foam roll every day.
  • Yes I meant the squat rack, not the smith machine. I couldn't figure out how to move the bar down to my level. A really big guy was using it before I looked at it. Couldn't figure it out. At this point I'm able to lift 60 pounds over my head and onto my shoulders, but will need to figure it out once I get higher weights.
  • I found it helps to go in with a plan. . It gave me confidence to know I had my workout set out for me...
  • I'm so impressed you are spinning and doing this workout on the same day!! Love to spin.
  • OK thanks. I'm ready to go now! Why am I so nervous to go into the free weight section at the gym lol?