Elly115 Member


  • Height is a must for me and the first thing I notice , sorry short guys :ohwell:
  • For right now I decided to just leave it broad - No Jackets, vests, or shoes during weight in I like the fun idea of people wearing there first weigh-in clothes to see how far they have come (I know some people have 60+ lbs goals in mind so that would be cool to see) Might also take a group before and after photo too to…
  • Shaky44 I love the idea of competing against our other office, might actually do this for the start of our next round of challenges in May. Plus when its warmer we can do group activities outdoors :smile: & I am ready to win so I will defiantly going to try and keep momentum alive!:drinker: We are going to weigh-in at the…
  • Thanks for you suggestions knra_grl! Glad you think a split would be a good idea, the thing is here we have security guards who are in the 450+ range and the females are in the 240-190 range so I thought it would give the females more intensive to feel like they are in the running, also the males can help the females with…
  • I am planning to start T25 friday 1/24 (should be coming in the mail today *fingers crossed*) but I would love to have from T25 friends here!
  • "You are confined only by the walls you build yourself." I love this! Because sometimes I can be my own worst enemy, especially when it comes to weight loss.
  • I didn't check in week 1! sorry, but I weigh-in (mid week) tomorrow. Last week I weighted the same but i'm a little worried cinco de mayo might pay a toll on my results this week... :indifferent: But! Ive been getting complements on my facing looking slimmer in the office today which is always a good thing! :bigsmile:
  • After 5pm at work
    in I'm done... Comment by Elly115 May 2013
  • I would like to know to answer to this question as well! Have been doing insanity plus 3 miles-a-day the past 4 days and seem to be OK but I am now planning to up the calorie in take due to all the extra activity.
  • Wow thanks for posting this, making me more of the fact I might not be engaging my core enough. I'm in the middle of week 2 and loving all the pointers, thanks and good luck!
  • Wow Sierra! Thanks for being so open and awesome! I loved the quote you mentioned "Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along." -- Rae Smith. Beautiful! & thanks everyone for sharing your weight loss journeys, inspiring! About me; I'm Eleana but…
    in Welcome! Comment by Elly115 May 2013
  • It used to be Ice cream then I converted to Frozen Yogurt and its just as bad! I have to tryyyy every flavor when I go in! :noway: Lets not even talk toppings....lol
  • I"m in! will do them after work :happy:
  • Im 23 from NY, currently doing Insanity!:explode: :smile: Looking for active friends on here to keep me on track with eating healthy. :flowerforyou:
  • Im pretty new to logging and coming on here but love the idea of following a challenge! can't believe summer is 51 days away!
  • Hey! I'm currently on my seconded week of Insanity. Would love to get more friends that are currently on or planning to get on program :) As for words of advise, I would just go at your own pace as said above but also don't want to use that as an excuse to not work at your full potential. Also if you can, get a Heart Rate…
    in Insanity Comment by Elly115 April 2013
  • This is amazing congradz! Why did you up your calorie intake if you dont mind me asking?
  • I'm trying up the protein in my diet, having 5/6 smaller meals a day and was thinking I could substitute one meal for a protein bar but apperently I shouldn't? (Emergencies only) I know those quest bars have 15-17g of protein, that what caught my interest. Guess more meal prep for me, yay.... :/ lol
  • Yeah Ive read that the chest strap is a MUST! Im going to check out the New balance thanks. And that GPS functionality sounds convenient but I already use mapmyrun so I think I'm set there. But I know alot of people speak very highly of the Polor products....WHY is there so many choices? :noway: Thanks everyone for your…
  • Ok adding everyone! How are you guys liking it so far? good results? Also are you guys taking any added supplements? I just bought a liquid fish oil and I am taking OneADay.
  • Agreed, its very high impact. I wouldn't recommend it with a back injury because it could end up make things worse :/ In terms of results, Im on day 5 and im down 1.5lbs so it works! But I also have about 50lbs to lose. Was also looking for people on the program
  • You should really consider trying it out Brittanikerns! Ive been on it 5 days and can really SEE a difference in my body already and Im down 1.5lbs! In 5 days Yay!I I know pretty much all the stuff (video's, meal plans, ect.) in the insanity package can be found online free of charge so you should look into it! But it is…
  • You totally sound like me! hah I would blame others for my failed attempts at weight loss when in actually i'm the only one who's going to take my *kitten* to the gym! or go for a walk/run after a long day work! Just got to realize you are the only one that can make the change you want to see in yourself, thats what pushes…