saraegentry Member


  • ha! all of the above, plus shaving my armpits, when I lose weight it gets trickier... they're actually PITS lol. And I'm really boney naturally, and my collar bone always pokes out and for some reason that's the place I lose weight first. Like you can see my rib bones AND my muffin top at the same time. So weird.
  • I would eat what you can, but don't say "the only thing that sounds good is a cheeseburger and fries" ;p a day or 2 of saltines and gatorade won't ruin your diet though. They do have the 1/2 sugar and sugar free Gatorades though, you might try those and see if you like them.
  • Hey everyone! I suck at posting on the boards, but if you accept my friend request I'll comment on your newsfeed stuff! :) I have 2 little girls, 3 and 2 years old. I gained 50lbs. with each of them, but only had 4 months inbetween pregnancies, so I didn't lose much of the first 50 before I gained the 2nd! But... I lost…
  • Count me in! SW - 189.0 lbs (Sunday Jan 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Sunday Jan 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Feb 1)
  • I weighed on New Year's Day and still had no loss. So my finishing weight was 189.0, a loss of 4lb for the month. Not quite what I wanted :( I'm still on track though, so I'm hoping to see some loss next week!
  • no loss. boo. 189 as of this morning, which is a little bit better than the 190.6 I saw last night which greatly depressed me. Still depressed I didn't lose anything because I kicked my butt all week and only slacked off for the weekend. Seems like I should still lose after all that. Oh well, one more "cheat day" tomorrow,…
  • I'm so depressed. I've been weighing every day to keep me on track and motivating... and I've been steadily losing .5 lb or so a day. Well in the last 2 days I've gained back 4.6 lbs... SO MAD at myself! I kept the Christmas eating pretty much under control until today and today was just really bad, so I'm crossing my…
  • ha, I didn't know different areas called jumping jacks different things. I probably won't be participating in this because I won't want to do anything on top of the routine I already do. Y'all have at it though!
  • I have a massage gift card that I've been meaning to use, so I'm using that as my first reward. I was trying to lose 10lb in December, so if I hit that goal I'm going to call and schedule that massage! :)
  • I'm not disappointed! I worked my *kitten* off this week at Zumba and stayed under on calories almost every day (didn't stay under on our anniversary-- big date, or yesterday-- my "rest" day and I made christmas cookies with my girls, but every other day I was usually under by 200-300) Starting weight- 193.8 Weight today-…
  • I'll stick around! we can do another 5 lbs. by Valentine's! :)
  • oh man, Monday weigh in? ok! that'll help keep me in check over the weekend :) I'll be back on Monday to check in!
  • oh, are we not going to weigh in every week until the 1st? I think that would help with accountability :) maybe on Fridays?
  • what day are we using as our official weigh in day?
  • I would count anything that is mostly water and doesn't have caffeine. Decaf tea, crystal light, etc.
  • I usually don't change what MFP says unless I'm changing it to what my heartrate monitor says. MFP usually says a lower calorie burn than what the machine says, so I prefer to err on the side of less calories burned
  • the only veggie I really like is raw broccoli, so I eat that for a snack a lot (with ranch dip I make from low fat sour cream and hidden valley ranch seasoning packet). another REALLY good lunch is a pita stuffed with tuna (out of a can), black olives, some cheese and a little mayo. I love it! Sometimes I put a slice of…
  • I did the couch to 5K, it works! I ran 2 5Ks that year and it really kept me going knowing I just had to do a little bit at a time. I started that when I first started with MFP last year. I lost a bunch of weight (and now have gained it all back :( ). I've actually thought about doing C25K again just because it worked so…
  • the class that I go to is mostly hip hop with a little latin/salsa type stuff mixed in so she can call it "zumba", I think each instructor has their own way of teaching. Seriously girls, I love it! I'm not a dancer or anything, I look totally stupid when I'm doing it, but everyone else (except the instructor) does too! :)
  • there are A LOT of threads concerning this topic. Personally, I don't always eat them all back. I always eat at least 1200 calories (not necessary net calories- which would be eating all my exercise calories). Mainly I'll use my workout calories if I'm hungry and need a bigger lunch/dinner or another snack. But, if I'm not…
  • I felt so stupid doing it the first few times, but seriously, I love it. It's HARD, but I love it. It's nice to have a really hard workout that I actually look forward to doing! I say just go for it! The first few times is harder because you don't know the songs yet so you're a step behind 1/2 the time, but the more you…
  • I'm in! I'm having the hardest time getting motivated to keep eating healthy (longer than 2 weeks) and I need some sort of accountability or something! I had great success on MFP last year, but thought I could do it on my own and FAILED... gained back all the weight :( So, I'm back and I really want this weight gone for…
  • I don't miss anything... I give myself a cheat day once a week when I can eat anything I want! I never feel too deprived and the weight is still coming off :)
  • Ok, I went back and looked. I only got 1 point... sorry guys. I don't get a chance to do cardio with my girls- they hate the stroller and walking with them isn't cardio. I'm joining a gym again on Friday, so I'll get to use the childcare there ;) Starting MFP Weight- 197 Starting SAHMU Weight - 193 Week 1 Weight- 193 Week…
  • Hey girls, I'm still here! I just don't have time to come on every day, but I did manage to weigh in this morning before my kids took over the tv (I use my Wii Fit to keep track of my weight). I forget how the points work... I guess I need to go back and look. Are the weeks from Wed.-Wed. Or Sunday-Saturday?
  • Hey black team! My name's Sara, I'm a sahm to 2 (thus the screen name) little girls, the oldest will be 3 on Sunday and the youngest will be 2 in September. Last year I did so great watching what I ate and exercising and I lost a bunch of weight, but I recently got off track and gained a bunch of it back :( I'm motivated…
  • awesome! I don't have time to be the captain, but for whoever takes on that role, will you post the link to that thread here? That way I don't have to go searching all through the motivation boards to see if it's been made yet. Thanks so much!
  • Is it too late to join? I think maybe the black team still has room? If so, I'd love to join! This is exactly what I'm looking for... a smaller group to help me stay accountable. I lost almost 30 lbs and then in 6 months of slacking on here I gained almost all of it back :( I'm determined to get it off and keep it off…
  • Tina- good luck on your 5K! I'm running my 2nd one in March :) My best friend is going to run this one with me, she was pregnant when I ran my 1st one and now she's working on getting the baby weight off, so she's training to run it with me! Also, I think most places actually do put their 1st round of bathing suits out…
  • I'm in again, I slacked posting last month getting busy with the holidays, but I'm hoping to keep up this month! Last month I lost 1 lb, so I didn't gain, but I wanted to lose 5, so still a let down. If I lose 5 lbs this month I'll be at my goal weight! :happy dance: January start weight- 165.3