How important is it to care about nutrition....

.....When you're sick?

I know it probably seems like a stupid question. I have a stomach virus --- and the thought of eating yogurt, spinach, chicken, broccoli, etc. makes my stomach turn.

I've been sipping on Gatorade (which I hate to do because of the sugar) and trying to eat some cracker ---- but that's just a bunch of nutritionally void food.


  • 0AmyMarie0
    Just get whatever you can stomach in you. I wouldn't even attempt yogurt or spinach and whatnot when I've got a stomach bug. Hope you feel better soon.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Honestly if I had a stomach virus I wouldn't care about anything. The most important thing when you have a stomach bug is to stay hydrated. You should not eat anything to give your body a chance to expel the virus. If you can't keep anything down then what's the point of eating anyway? Gatorade is good so is plain water. The rule I was taught is a sip every 15 minutes until you can keep stuff down. Just get better and don't worry about it.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Just eat whatever you stomach will take. You're probably eating so few calories right now, it won't matter. Nutrition is important, but not as necessary when you're sick. Especially with a stomach bug!
    Try watering down the gatorade so you get more fluids and less sugar.
    Feel better soon!
  • marquesajen
    When I'm sick I just don't care. I stick to saltines (low sodium woot woot), soup, tea, and water.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    whatever you can eat when you're sick, i think is what you need to do. focus on nutrition and calories later, when you're back to normal!! feel better :flowerforyou:
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Chicken soup with carrots and parsnips? That way you get protein, vitamin a, and vitamin c? That's what I do!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Eat and drink whatever you can until you're better. Yesterday I was sick with food poisoning and didn't eat or drink anything until the puking stopped.
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    It's important to eat healthy so you don't get sick in the first place- or if you do you have the ability to deal with it efficiently. When you're sick you're just in survival mode. Eat and drink whatever you can (within reason) that gives you strength and keeps you hydrated.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Try to stay hydrated as best you can, and start with broth, then solid foods very slowly.
    You can't worry about food intake when you're vomiting up your meals.

    That's not the time to track your macros....
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Bone broth made from Chicken carcass is what I eat when sick. Heals the gut and gets you nutrients that your needed to heal the body.
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I would eat what you can, but don't say "the only thing that sounds good is a cheeseburger and fries" ;p a day or 2 of saltines and gatorade won't ruin your diet though. They do have the 1/2 sugar and sugar free Gatorades though, you might try those and see if you like them.
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    Stay away from Dairy - having a stomach bug can make you temporarily Lactose intolerant which will only make the situation worse! My theory is that you should only eat things that won't be too gross to throw back up and are relatively low in fiber! Typically the BRAT diet is suggested - Banana-Rice-Applesauce-Toast.