Mommies Losing Weight

Hey everyone! I'm looking for other moms out there trying to lose the baby weight and tone up. I'm 20 years old, and my son is 19 months old. I am trying to lose the last 20-30 lbs and tone up.

We can support and motivate each other! =)


  • queenkb
    queenkb Posts: 39
    I have you by 11 years but I have 19 month twin girls and I need to lose I'd say 40-50lbs! LOL I gained 69lbs during my pregnacy and have lost 49lbs since! But I am still far away from my goal! I would love to be your fit pal!
  • I have you by 11 years but I have 19 month twin girls and I need to lose I'd say 40-50lbs! LOL I gained 69lbs during my pregnacy and have lost 49lbs since! But I am still far away from my goal! I would love to be your fit pal!

    I sent you a friend request! Wow twins! =) I gained about 45 lbs during my pregnancy. It is hard work losing the weight, but very much possible! What kind of exercise are you doing?
  • queenkb
    queenkb Posts: 39
    I do it all..well i am in the gym but my fav exercise is Zumba. Today is my Zumba class day and I am super excited. I just started Jillian Micheals 30 day shred its cool..I'm just on level 1, moderate circuit training. This week I've officially started hell week, 2 a day exercises and 1200 cal diet, my agressive weightloss goal is 5lbs! I know this is truly a hard battle but I intend on winning the war and surely appreciate supportive soildiers such as yourself on my side! :)
  • I've been wanting to try Zumba! I have been doing TurboFire for the past month. LOVE it! I have attempted the shred a couple times... pretty intense! A lot of ppl have gotten great results with it. Glad to have a new buddy for our weight loss journey!
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    HEY LADIES!!! I'd love to join. I'm 30 and had my daughter almost 10 months ago. I have about 15 lbs to lose. I gained 30 lbs in total....lost 20 lbs then once I stopped breastfeeding I lost control and gained more back......I am finding it hard to find time to work out....but it's totally my own excuses!hahaha...I am back to work so i get up at 5:30, get ready for work, my daughter is up by 6 and then her and I play from 6 to 6:30 (which i could totally be working out) but since I'm away all day, seeing her in the morning just makes my day!!! hahaha..then I'm home by 5:30 we have dinner and do family time and she's asleep by 7:30...i KNOW I can work out at this point...I'm lazy and dont! hahaha....My only exercise i get right now is when I commute. I have to walk 15 min to my office from the train and 15 min back at night....I hate that I know I am just being lazy...hahaha....I need to be acountable!!!
  • Hey chulie! Sent you a friend request! Maybe you could get up maybe 30 mins early to work out and go to bed a little earlier or something. =) One major thing that helped me with my exercise was finding a workout that I actually liked. I started out doing Turbo Jam and loved it. Now I'm addicted to TurboFire. But the most important thing is knowing that YOU CAN DO IT! And that's what we're here for.. to hold each other accountable and support each other!
  • Hey I'm 23 and my daughter will be 3 in may. I would love to blame her for the lbs I need to lose but thanks to nursing I was under my pre-preggo weight(a gross 108 I thought I looked sick) by her 6 month check up. I put this extra 35lbs within the last year when she found fast food and we started doing treat projects together. Add me if you would like, I'm a little lost as a first time dieter but maybe we can help each other out.
  • 11 lbs so far? You're doing great!

    We are similar in age =D
  • I've got a 5 monyh old son 2 yr old daughter! Just started my weight loss journey on January 2nd & my stomach has already lost inches! I need a few friends too:)
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    Hey everyone! I suck at posting on the boards, but if you accept my friend request I'll comment on your newsfeed stuff! :) I have 2 little girls, 3 and 2 years old. I gained 50lbs. with each of them, but only had 4 months inbetween pregnancies, so I didn't lose much of the first 50 before I gained the 2nd!

    But... I lost all that a while ago, and now I'm working on losing weight I've pretty much always had. I LOVE Zumba! I've been doing it for about 6 months and I'm getting certified to be an instructor next week! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!
  • ZoeBug
    ZoeBug Posts: 15
    2 kids here and about 60lbs to lose!! It has been really hard for me because I LOVE food!! It is really hard for me to discipline myself to actually cut back and watch my portions!! My 30th birthday is in 5 months and I decided I wanted to be fit and in shape by then!! It hit me hard thinking that I am turning 30 and I look the way I do! I should have done this a long time ago, but was lazy! I am changing my lifestyle and plan to kick this in the butt!! I started going to the gym this last Monday and cutting back on my calories and I have already lost 1lb! I know it's not a lot, but as long as they keep coming off I will be happy!! Gotta ring in my 30's with a bang right?! I have been doing cardio and Zumba which I absolutely love, and then when the kids go to bed I pop in a P90X dvd and wear myself out!! It has been easier sleeping and I actually go to bed at a decent time because I am exhausted!! Good Luck to all you Mommies!! Glad we can all have a common goal and be able to be here for each other!! :)
  • Hi ladies! I would love to join!

    I just had my second child about 9 months ago. It's definitely been harder the second time around plus two C-sections. Ugh. I have about 10 lbs to go. . .

    After my first child, I not only lost all the baby weight within one year but I was SKINNIER than my prepregnancy weight but I worked really hard.

    My husband is currently deployed so my goal is to lose those last 10 lbs by the end of march. I really need more of a TONE up on the stomach. Anyone have any issues with the second C-section? My stomach is really awful and would love any advice!
  • ninamm3
    ninamm3 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm a Mom! And, I was a young Mom too. I write a blog if you like to read and want to stop by! :)
  • i have 3 girls youngest is 4 months old gained a total of 90LBS =( still have 55 to go plz add me toooo
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    Right here my son is 19 months old and I am trying to lose the weight =)
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi! I'm Mom to 5 kids (7yrs., 5yrs., 4yrs., 2 yrs. & 3 months), 4 boys & 1 girl. I've got 25 lbs to lose!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm 24 with an almost 3 yo & and an 1.5 yo. My pre-pregnancy weight was about 145 (wasn't working out) and I'm currently at 160. Since starting back in January I've lost 8lbs. I want to get back down to at least 145, and maybe smaller since I'm taking the exercise approach this time....Anyone have any workout suggestions? I'm currently doing a calisthenic based workout DVD 3x a week and walking/jogging approx 3x a week. But in all honesty I'm getting a little bored...I'm curious to try either P90X or Insanity?
  • ZoeBug
    ZoeBug Posts: 15
    P90X is great!! Really hard, but fabulous!! I like the mixture it gives you so you aren't doing the same thing over and over!! I haven't tried Insanity, but know many people who have and love it!!
  • Another mom here too. Only difference is that I'm almost twice your age! (faint) I will be 40 next month and have 3 kids. My girls (ages 8 and 9) are 16 months apart. I gained a ton with the first pregnancy and didn't lose much before getting pregnant again. I then lost about 60 lbs prior to my having my son (age 3) who is almost 5 years younger than my middle. I gained all the weight back and have been wanting to lose it ever since. I have lost and gained about 30 since he was born but am now at my heaviest ever. It sucks.

    No more kids for me so I can't use that excuse any longer ;) We've got tons of commitments with the kids so I'm always on the run and my "me" time is very limited especially given the fact that my husband travels extensively for a living. I've got the exercise equipment at home so no excuses... I just need to find the energy to use them.

    We can do this!
  • Hey everyone I'm 23 a mom of an almost 2 year old. I'm still trying to get to my pre baby weight. I started in December changing my eating habits and lost 6lbs but now I'm exercising and watching what I eat having trouble losing anymore. I'm stuck at 172 and want to get to the 160's by my sister's wedding on February 25!

    It's great to know other moms are struggle to lose baby weight too!