SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Got my workout and squats in... hows everyone else doing?
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Another 80 minute workout and squats. Feeling pretty good that I got up and did something on the weekend! Hows everyone elses weekend going???
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hii everybody!

    Looks like everyone is working hard!

    I got my workout in last night ...I was so proud of myself for working through the back pain!

    I burned 1001 Calories in 127 mins, of cardo! wOOt! Did my squats ... not much fun at all I must say! Hope to repeat it tonight!

    QUESTION: Do you all get you daily recommended fiber in? If so what types of foods do you all eat to boost it up?

    Fiber is my biggest challenge, even "high" fiber items I buy only end up having like maximum 9g! I recently started eating Bran ...everyone told me it is disgusting but I don't mind it and it is supposed to be good for you.

    Keep up the great work TEAM BLACK!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hii everybody!

    Looks like everyone is working hard!

    I got my workout in last night ...I was so proud of myself for working through the back pain!

    I burned 1001 Calories in 127 mins, of cardo! wOOt! Did my squats ... not much fun at all I must say! Hope to repeat it tonight!

    QUESTION: Do you all get you daily recommended fiber in? If so what types of foods do you all eat to boost it up?

    Fiber is my biggest challenge, even "high" fiber items I buy only end up having like maximum 9g! I recently started eating Bran ...everyone told me it is disgusting but I don't mind it and it is supposed to be good for you.

    Keep up the great work TEAM BLACK!

    Bran is pretty bad, but if you can find something like grape nuts, something crunchy that you can throw into light or fat free yogurt really helps that awful after taste!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Hope everyone has a a good day! I didnt work out today because my husband insists that I dont kill myself and take a break so thats what im doing today. I did sneak in 30 squats while he wasnt looking, I just couldnt help myself! Still sticking to my low cal diet and no sodas, even though I cheated and had a sip or two of a dr.pepper and thought it was disgusting so switched back to water! Hope everyone is having a blessed day!

  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hii everybody!

    Looks like everyone is working hard!

    I got my workout in last night ...I was so proud of myself for working through the back pain!

    I burned 1001 Calories in 127 mins, of cardo! wOOt! Did my squats ... not much fun at all I must say! Hope to repeat it tonight!

    QUESTION: Do you all get you daily recommended fiber in? If so what types of foods do you all eat to boost it up?

    Fiber is my biggest challenge, even "high" fiber items I buy only end up having like maximum 9g! I recently started eating Bran ...everyone told me it is disgusting but I don't mind it and it is supposed to be good for you.

    Keep up the great work TEAM BLACK!

    Bran is pretty bad, but if you can find something like grape nuts, something crunchy that you can throw into light or fat free yogurt really helps that awful after taste!


    Well, everyone really scared me with how bad it was going to be so by the time I tried it .. it wasn't THAT bad .. although it isn't good. I will look into finding grape nuts and trying that out. For now I'm in a state of mind where I will just eat what I need to no matter how terrible it tastes .. if it's good for me, I'll eat it.

    Same goes for working out ... even if i hate it and it hurts .. I push on! This is the first time in my life where I won't allow myself to stop working out when there is like something sore, or blister, or minor pain! Yahooooo.

    have any of you done the 30DS? I bought it today and I'm thinking of starting it tomorrow.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Another 80 minutes clocked today, and 450 calories burnt! Plus 30 more squats. The kitchen has closed at 8:30 for the passed two nights. If im adding correctly I think I've got all 4 points for this weeks challenge! Hope everyone else is having success this week cannot wait for weigh in on Wednesday!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Alright Everyone.... Lets get this team moral up and get the motivation out there!?

    Hows everyone doing? I just did my insanity day 2 or week 2... it was CRAZY but i love it...

    Whats everyones weight loss goals?

    Me... i started at 216.7, i was once in the Navy and my lightest weight was 161... so its my goal! It seems forever away!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Are we all still here guys? So proud of all you ladies for sticking it out through this first week. Learned this week that A. I dont have to kill myself to lose the weight, B.I may not lose a pound a day!!! Drepressing...and freeing all at the same time. So happy to be a part of this team with all of you. Is anyone having any trouble? I know Sunday I had a bit of a relapse and at alot of pizza, felt disgusting and kinda like a failure. Im so glad we have a support system here though, and Im always here for anyone that needs to talk!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Im here! Bella, im glad you are too, seemed people were dying off! i got discouraged!

    i've had a few bad days not many though i seem to be sticking with it alot this time and if i do want an ice cream cone in this HOT HOT weather, i fit it into my calories...

    How are you guys dealing with the heat too?
    Are we all still here guys? So proud of all you ladies for sticking it out through this first week. Learned this week that A. I dont have to kill myself to lose the weight, B.I may not lose a pound a day!!! Drepressing...and freeing all at the same time. So happy to be a part of this team with all of you. Is anyone having any trouble? I know Sunday I had a bit of a relapse and at alot of pizza, felt disgusting and kinda like a failure. Im so glad we have a support system here though, and Im always here for anyone that needs to talk!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    It sure is hot, we're on our 24th day of 100+ degree weather. Lived in Texas all my life and I dont think its ever been this bad, atleast not that I can remember. Luckily I've found things to do inside until it cools down a little bit. And I've got a new found love for my blender, ice and and fruit juice and ive got one healthy slush!
    Im here! Bella, im glad you are too, seemed people were dying off! i got discouraged!

    i've had a few bad days not many though i seem to be sticking with it alot this time and if i do want an ice cream cone in this HOT HOT weather, i fit it into my calories...

    How are you guys dealing with the heat too?
    Are we all still here guys? So proud of all you ladies for sticking it out through this first week. Learned this week that A. I dont have to kill myself to lose the weight, B.I may not lose a pound a day!!! Drepressing...and freeing all at the same time. So happy to be a part of this team with all of you. Is anyone having any trouble? I know Sunday I had a bit of a relapse and at alot of pizza, felt disgusting and kinda like a failure. Im so glad we have a support system here though, and Im always here for anyone that needs to talk!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    So even though I completed all the challenges already, I still did another 80 minutes of cardio today. And weighed in. Cant wait to start the next week and weigh in tomorrow to see how everyones progressing!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    mmmslshie sounds good... good thinking! i might do that! haha

    Ill weigh in in the morning... kinda scared to! dont think i lost to much :/
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Just remember any progress is still progress! Whether its long strides or baby steps you are still on a journey to a new healthy you!:flowerforyou:
    mmmslshie sounds good... good thinking! i might do that! haha

    Ill weigh in in the morning... kinda scared to! dont think i lost to much :/
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I've gotten all 4 pts. This week. The kitchen has closed before 9 every night, even tho I didnt always post that!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Alright, ive gotten a pt each night for the kitchen closed before 9:30, and for doing my squats... how to calculate all that? Im confused on the pts.. sorry

    As for weigh in

    Starting Weight on 7/20 - 211.8
    Week 1 on 7/27 - 211

    only a .8 loss, need to get ontop of this better!
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    Hey girls, I'm still here! I just don't have time to come on every day, but I did manage to weigh in this morning before my kids took over the tv (I use my Wii Fit to keep track of my weight).

    I forget how the points work... I guess I need to go back and look. Are the weeks from Wed.-Wed. Or Sunday-Saturday?
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    Ok, I went back and looked. I only got 1 point... sorry guys. I don't get a chance to do cardio with my girls- they hate the stroller and walking with them isn't cardio. I'm joining a gym again on Friday, so I'll get to use the childcare there ;)

    Starting MFP Weight- 197
    Starting SAHMU Weight - 193
    Week 1 Weight- 193
    Week 2 Weight- 188.1
    Goal Weight (long term)- 160

    This week's weight loss is probably gonna be a lot more than any other week before the starting weight I used was from my doctor's office scale (after breakfast with clothes on) and today's was from the Wii Fit (first thing in the morning with no clothes), but I've been pretty good about staying under my calories, so I'm hoping the weight keeps coming off!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    So excited for this challenge week. After I workout this afternoon I will start posting everything. But as for my weigh-in today here's what I did!

    Starting Weight-258
    Week 1 Weight-256.2
    Week 2 Weight-252.4
    Goal Weight (long term)-180

    I lost 3.8 lbs last week...not as much as I would liked to have lost but still not too bad!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Week 2 Challenge(7/27-8/3)

    (7/27) Cardio Challenge-1 Hour Workout consisting of 45 minutes cardio and 15 minutes Yoga.
    10 sets of 10 jumping jacks

    (7/27)Strength-5 sets of 5 push-ups

    (7/27)Emotional Challenge-Being the weigh that I am now, has always bothered me, because I cant run and play as much as I want to with my little boy. I cant slide on the slides with him at the park and I get tired so fast when he still wants to play. On the other hand, I have my amazing husband who loves me for who I am and has always told me I am beautiful no matter how big and ugly I feel.

    (7/27)Food Challenge-Chicken Picatta with mushrooms and spaghetti

    1 lbs boneless skinless chicken breast, butterflied and pounded thin
    1 lb Fresh Mushrooms
    1 lb of whole wheat spaghetti
    Low Sodium Chicken Broth
    Onion and Garli (measure to your tastes)
    salt and pepper to taste
    I throw in a splash of milk and a cup or so of baby spinach at the end and let it wilt down adds lots of vitamins!

    Cook Pasta (we all know how to do that!)
    Heath olive oil in a pan, lightly dust chicken with flour, cook until crispy, and set aside.
    Chop onions, and garlic and throw in the pan, slice mushrooms and add them.
    Once the onions and mushrooms are cooked down add a little bit of salt and pepper and about a tablespoon of the flour, let it cook out.
    Add Chicken broth, I use almost an entire box, it just depends on what you want your sauce to pasta ratio to be. Let it thicken up and add a splash of milk. Salt and pepper to taste. Throw in the spinach if you wish, and then add the chicken back to the sauce.

    Let the chicken heat through then serve over whole wheat spaghetti.
    1 Serving(1 4oz. piece of chicken, 1 cup of noodles, 1 cup of sauce with as many veggies as you'd like) is,354 Calories, 41g Carbs, 3g Fat, 34g Protein.