

  • That is fantastic! I am still gearing up for my first 5k in a few weeks, but I look forward to the day I can say I've run a marathon as well!
  • You should do cardio first, it raises the heartrate and helps warmup the muscles. The more warm your muscles are, the less likely you'll get injured doing weights. Also, do some more cardio after your weight training as well. You'll get the best burn starting and ending with cardio. Cardio, cardio, cardio!
  • I'm in week 5 myself and love it. I've never been a runner by any meaning of the word. I got some running shoes and got to it. It was pretty tough from the get go, but I've been able to do every workout without needing to walk, but I still feel challenged. I'll be finishing up in early May just in time for my first 5k May…
  • The general consensus from what I’ve seen on here is that Polar is a good brand to go with. They come in a variety of styles and prices, so it really is a personal choice. I have yet to purchase one, but I think when I do, it’ll be a Polar.
  • Well done! I'm in week 4 and have been dreading what's coming, but I'm glad to see those who have done it. It hasn't been easy so far, but its all been doable. Congrats on this huge accomplishment!
    in C25K NSV! Comment by fatfiske April 2012
  • I agree with the comment above. When doing a new exercise routine, especially a vigorous one like 30DS, your muscles will retain some water at first. This is because they aren't used to the exercise and work you're putting them through. If you don't see a change in two weeks, you can look at other causes, but I wouldn't…
  • Good question! Unfortunately I don't have the answer. I had heard the same thing in the past, about heel first. When I bought my most recent pair of runnign shoes (in January) they siad that it was supposed to be the middle of your foot. That sounded a bit weird, so I'd like to hear what else is beind said out there.
  • I weigh myself daily, in the morning. I don't put a lot of stock into the number that I see, and only enter it into MFP when there's a loss (to keep myself happy). Somtimes I go almost a week with nothing then a bunch comes off at once. I think I weigh myself out of an irrational fear of gaining 10 pounds a day for a week…
  • That's too funny. But almost more funny is the size of the girls trying to "battle the bulge"! I wish I had the same weight problem that they did! :laugh:
  • Undergrad: Political Science Grad: JD/MBA I'm half way done with the JD/MBA and look forward to actually getting paid someday!
  • I was thinking the same thing. haha
  • Awesome job! Its encouraging to see people who have successfully used the program! I'm only in week 2 and still have my doubts about being able to do a 5k in the end. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • What a wonderful problem to have! When I pulled out my shorts they were pretty lose, but not as much as yours (yet)! Just time to cinch in the 'ol belt and hope for the best!
  • That is nothing to be ashamed of! I have been there and just keep on trying week 1 over and over until you can do it! With a combination of walking/running you can just try to jog as much as you can, and stop when you need to. Its just about pushing yourself a little further each time. It'll come. It always does.
  • Me too! I got a pair of Asics (and a matching shirt to boot) and it has been awesome. I've only just started week 2, but I have had no foot/shin pain whatsoever and can only attribute it to the shoes!
  • I'll agree with what has already been said in both posts. It seems like you are doing things alright. But the most important thing you can listen to is your body. As long as you are eating nutritously, staying hydrated, have energy, and are losing weight I wouldn't worry to much about the exact amount of calories you are…
  • Wow! Looking good and geting results quickly! You'll be ready in no time!
  • Haha, a wonderful problem to have! :laugh: :laugh: I'm starting to have some of those problems myself. Luckily, I've held onto some clothes that I wore when I was smaller, but I'm starting to shrink through those as well! Keep up the good work!
  • I love fitting into new/old clothes. With warm weather hitting hard here in Michigan I decided to try pulling out some clothes I haven't been able to fit in for three years and they fit better now than they did when I bought them! Keep up the good work and the changes will keep coming!
  • Congratulations! The first few weeks can be rough when you know you're putting in the sweat, but not seeing the results you wanted. Just keep going and you'll get there! Changing takes time! :)
  • First of all, congratulations! I found the first month was the hardest in changing eating habits, but having success certainly helsp! People have a variety of opinions on eating back your exercise calories. I'm not sure what you weight, but I'm a pretty hefty fellow myself. Since MFP gives me so many calories (1770) I tend…
  • Great job! I've got a long way to go, but its nice seeing other guys reaching their goals.
  • I do this now, and it also makes me sad. But at least I spend the time to savor them now! :smile:
  • Strangely enough- Heart- Alone For whatever reason it just does it for me these days
  • I've noticed that after my big cheat days I'll usually go up a few pounds. I think it isn't just the calories of the food, but the increased quantity as well. After a few days for the food to "work its way through" (for the lack of a more decent term), the weight will usually go away. The water will help with the sodium,…
  • You look great! I'm looking forward to hitting 40, but still have a ways to go. Keep it up!
  • You look great! And actually, you are going through exactly what I hope to be doing as well. I started the beginning of January at 292 and have an initial goal of 220 that I hope to reach at some point this summer. I haven't seen too many guys in similar positions as myself, and its nice to see a successful one. Thanks for…
  • I'm pretty boring, but it works for me: 100 calorie english muffin (or 1 Eggo Waffle) 80 calorie Danon Light and Fit Yogur My Wife's breakfasts are a bit higher calorie, but really good 100 calorie english muffin Slice of American Cheese (70 cal) Egg scramblied in the microwave (70 cal) Slice of Ham (15 cal) So for 255,…