

  • Hey ya'll! My name is Halsey and I am doing the Shred to get in shape for my wedding in August! As a former motocross and BMX racer, I got used to hours upon hours per day in the gym. Well, I'm not 18 anymore (I'm almost 22) and I'm now beginning to feel all of my past racing injuries. However, I am bound and determined to…
  • I'm starting back up tomorrow, but I'm still in! I messed up my back really badly last week, and I hate making excuses but I could barely even stand up...still can't really. I figure I'm going to do a lot more harm than good if I push it. I'm doing upper body exercises too, but everything else is on hold right now.
  • I'm in! I won't be done with my 30 days until Feb 17th, but after that I'm all about RI30! I'm also going to add in 6w6P probably 3 or 4 times a week. I have an ex who I will be seeing at a BMX national on my 21st birthday (april 12) who I am determined to make him ever regret his decision to be an *kitten* to me. MWAHA!
  • I did P90X before, and failed. My joints just don't like that stuff anymore, which sucks because I love that high intensity workout type stuff. I guess I'll be doing Ripped in 30 and I'll probably combine it with 6 Week 6 Pack.
  • Today is only my 4th day and I jumped to Level 2 today as well. I like it a lot better because it's based around plyometrics which I'm used to doing from my motocross and BMX training.
  • I have to do the modifieds on a few, but not all. Not necessarily because I don't have the muscle or strength, but I have crappy joints from motocross and BMX racing that like to pop, click and grind out of place so I really don't try to encourage those dislocations to occur.
  • You look GREAT hon!
  • I actually went ahead and did it. I'm used to lots of plyometrics from BMX racing and motocross so I LOVE level 2 :D
  • Thanks ladies! The brownie was DELICIOUS! And my hypoglycemia thanked me, haha. I'm just focused on chilling out on the couch with a heating pad on my calf today. Whether my body likes it or not, I'm hopping right back into it tomorrow!
  • Stop paying attention to the scale! It seriously does you absolutely no good. When I was in my best shape and in elite gymnastics and racing motocross I was 5'5 and weighed 173. I had a 6 pack and my legs were more muscular than most guys'. You can't pay attention to weight, all that matters is inches.
  • It's not good for you to go 30 days straight through. Your muscles need time to heal and if you go all 30 days you increase your risk of injury, and really setting yourself back. Even as a professional motocross racer, I always took off one day a week to give myself time to recover. Consider taking one day off, and then…
  • Congratulations, everyone! My DVD should be here today (I'm getting ancy) so I'll start as soon as I get it and post my first day's success. Keep it up!!!
  • Just sounds like some cramps from the muscles tearing (to rebuild themselves). Make sure you stretch enough every time, and look up some new calf exercises online if you have to. Also, don't drink a ton of water before the workout. It sounds weird, but doing a ton of water before exercising can actually hurt you. During is…
  • Didn't this thread already get started in the group? Eh, I might be going totally crazy. Either way, here's my before pics.
  • As long as you are making the effort, that's what matters! You will get stronger and eventually be able to do those regular push ups, but for now just do everything you are able. Slowly you will start to realize when your body is adjusting and getting more muscle.
  • You're the one running and getting healthier, they're driving and being lazy. I say, good for you! Who cares what other people think? :)
  • I stretch a ton. I also LOVE Cytomax. If you haven't ever tried, do so! It actually battles the lactic acid in your muscles and makes you feel 110% better. You can pick it up at GNC or any health supplement store for around $25 for a 3 month supply.
  • All of mine is now in! Just got back from the pool, hopefully my DVD will come today.
  • It's really not a good idea to do 30 straight days. I understand the want to workout consistently, but not giving your body a rest is a good way to hurt yourself. 6 days on and 1 day off is what I'll do. On my day off I'll probably go take some relatively easy laps down at the pool or I'll go for a half an hour walk. But…
  • Girl you are looking AWESOME!!!! Don't even pay attention to that scale. According to my BMI I'm severely obese, it said this even when I was at 11% body fat. Muscle really does weigh more!
  • I'm 20 (turning 21 in April, woohooo!). I'm a former motocross and BMX racer, but had to quit about 2 years due to injury. Now I'm on the road to losing about 20 lbs! I'm starting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred tomorrow, and from what I've seen, it's awesome! Consider looking into it :) Right now I'm 5'7 and 155, but I'd…
  • Throwing up isn't necessarily bad, it just means you really pushed yourself! Obviously I don't suggest that you work hard enough to make yourself vomit all of the time, but it really is just your body trying to adjust to all of the work and stress that you're putting it through. Basically, you're kicking your own butt!…
  • I'll be doing it 6 on and 1 off. It doesn't matter how in shape you are, your body needs some rest time so that you don't injure yourself.
  • I added my weight, and I'll add my measurements either later tonight or tomorrow before I start 30DS. Such a great idea!
  • I already did. I'm not starting until tomorrow, but here they are. I post dated the picture so I don't wind up messing myself up and I question when exactly my 30 days is over:laugh: . I also need to do my measurements here in a little bit, too.
  • This is my first post! My fiancee actually just added 30DS to the Netflix queue so it should be here on Tuesday. I'll start tomorrow though by running to at least get some cardio in. Do you have to use weights or can I do without for a while? Last I checked they were kind of expensive, and I'll probably only be able to…