Calvinsgrl1 Member


  • So around 1800? I was over 2000 for the first 3 months I was always hungry. Is 1800 a good range then? Also do you think on the days we work out we need to eat even more? Ive read the regular exercise is actually good for milk production. What about carb consumption does it matter where the calories are coming from? Thanks!
  • I am 6 months PP. Moms out there what is a safe calorie intake while working out and EBF? I have a very big boy who loves to eat we have started him on some solids and my supply has dropped between him nursing less and with me watching my intake. If the weight is going to stick around until he weans I might as well eat.…
  • My DS is around same age. I have lost all the baby weight plus an extra 10lbs in the past few months thanks to ebf and healthy diet! Oh and because DS is a beast already over 20lbs and almost 30inch! I have however stopped counting calories burned from bf. Once supply is established is it not oaky to eat a normal range of…
  • Hi there my son is 5 weeks! I just got back on here to make sure I was eating the right amount while nursing. You can FR me. Im wondering why you gained the weight back once you stopped nursing? I have 35lbs to loose. :)
  • I gain while I am training because I eat way more carbs then my normal diet which is lower carb and higher protien. Your sense of accomplishment will be worth the extra lbs and after just go back to your norm. Before your next training cycle begins :) Good luck everyone!!
  • I think that it helps and your body naturally craves them when you are training. I had oatmeal before and 1 gel pack 15 min before my race today and one half way through and made a good time. Last night just had some rice with my veggies and chicken. I read 70% of your cal the few days before should come from complex carbs…
  • I would say Sedentary because you are not moving around at work so you are not burning extra calories. I am a server where I stand and move all day so I can eat more to maintain body wieght. When you work out just log it all like Im sure you are. The profile question applys to work only :) I cant wait tell I am 3lbs away…
  • Im training for my first Half-Marathon and I've actually gained. I eat way more carbs then I normally would and I think that is the cause. I have two weeks tell my race and want to get back to my normal diet!! It will be worth it once I finish but it is very frustraiting. My legs are definitly more toned though. I'd be…
  • Some people feel bad about themselves if the people around them are making bette,r healthier choices then they are. Its a way to keep you on their level. Just ignore them and continue to make the choices that are right for you. tI has everything to do with them and nothing to do with you. Keep up the good work and stay…
  • Count me in! CW 178 Want to lose 10 lbs this month....I've only been losing about 1lb a week and would like to up that to 2 so I'd be happy with 8. Waist: at belly button 38 Hips: 41.5 Workout at least 4 times a week usually 5, A mix of training, cardio and MMA
  • Go under goals and switch to custom. Just go through and change the percentages. :bigsmile:
  • Okay I just found where to change this! Thank you :) I still would like to hear from some women who have 20 lbs to loose or who have lost this wieght on what they try to shoot for in their percentages Thanks!!
  • Im sorry but for whatever reason I am not having luck with the link I will keep trying.
  • Plus havent studies shown that women benifit more from carbs post work out and men protien....its all very different for everyone!:smile:
  • I am having a problem finding it.:frown:
  • I definitly agree!
  • Im new to feel free all to add me :)
  • Im new too!! :) Those workouts are just that...Insane! But they really work and you will see how much you improve just do what you can and dont get dicouraged everything comes with time. Nice thing about those you can do them at home. Good luck I will add you too.
  • As hard as is is on one of "those days" it really does keep the oxygen moving and the blood flowing as to make your cramps feel better just keep it light. You should mix up your workouts regardless it'll be good to try something out of the pool :)
  • Hey! My wedding is in June and i am definitly wanting to look my best :) fitting should be done in three and a half months and i really want to drop 20 lbs by then....its a sample dress and i dont want then to have to take it out for fear of it changing the dress. Also just starting my life with my new man as healthy as…