Why do people think it's ok...

To constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY criticize and/or comment on my food choices at work?

Most of my co-workers know I'm trying to eat healthier and lose weight. The majority of them really could care less. But there is one guy who feels the need to constantly try to talk me in to "cheating just this once" or commenting on how awful or little or whatever my food/snacks are. I feel like I have to justify everything I'm eating. "Yes, I'm just having toast and water for breakfast." "No I'm not having a donut. Yes I know they're free but I'm still gonna pass."

Anybody else deal with this?


  • Calvinsgrl1
    Calvinsgrl1 Posts: 30 Member
    Some people feel bad about themselves if the people around them are making bette,r healthier choices then they are. Its a way to keep you on their level. Just ignore them and continue to make the choices that are right for you. tI has everything to do with them and nothing to do with you. Keep up the good work and stay strong :)
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    Strangely enough at my work, they are now sneaking in the donuts trying to hide them from me, it is hilarious!! Like I have no options. They think they are helping me and I guess they are in their own way. LOL!
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    Yeah. People try to make me cheat all the time. And if I bring a salad 2 days in a row people are confused and comment on it. Then when I don't want to go out for lunch with everyone they think I'm being ani-social. It's super annoying.

    A similar problem an older man comments on my looks EVERY SINGLE DAY. He comments about my hair, my nails, my outfit. I know he's just making conversation but it's SUPER annoying.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Would you be comfortable telling this individual that while you appreciate their concern for your well being and interest in your eating habits, you'd rather not discuss it with them? Or something else that is polite but firm?
    When I worked outside the home I had people like that. He is evil ... make the sign of the cross and point it at him, and if he doesn't shrink and run away (hey, you can always hope), just tell him you appreciate his 'help' but weight loss is a very 'individual' path. Although he may not understand you not wanting to cheat just this once, or just a little, it's your way of doing it and it would be nice if he wouldn't offer you sweets, etc. that could derail you for the rest of your day. Say thanks and then turn around and go back to work. BTW, is he slim or overweight, because there could be more going on there, especially if he is overweight ... such as HE has no self control, so he is messing with yours. Don't let anyone derail your diet.
  • terry_brown
    terry_brown Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Kelly - I have dealt with this and you dont need to justify yourself. When he asks "Are you just having toast and water?" respond ."Would you like some?" if he asks, "Arent you having a donut? They are free you know!." Respond, " No thanks...you can have 2nds". Maybe this will make him back off. Sometimes you just have to throw that ball back in their court without being rude. Someone else may deal with this differently but this is how i would respond. Hope this helps :wink:
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Kelly - you're not alone! I've noticed this is a popular topic on these boards. Thankfully I don't have that problem but it seems to be a real issue with a lot of people! It stinks because work is something you go to everyyyy day!
    Shygur - I would absolutely prefer that one to the original poster ... sounds like they are trying not to put the temptation right there in front of you.
  • HeinzPrincess
    Strangely enough at my work, they are now sneaking in the donuts trying to hide them from me, it is hilarious!! Like I have no options. They think they are helping me and I guess they are in their own way. LOL!

    Aww, they mean well!
  • julieapreston
    Yes, I have that issue as well! I am also now noticing that because I am making healthy choices, they have to comment about how skinny I am and that I don't need to worry about it. Well, if I didn't make these choices then I wouldn't be as healthy as I am!! I guess you just need to stand your ground and keep telling "him" that donuts aren't good for you even if they are free. That is not part of your food plan. You are not on a diet, you are changing your lifestyle! Good for you and keep up the good work.
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    My coworkers used to do that to me all the time.

    One even asked me "When did you become such a fitness freak?"

    I dunno, when did you decide it was okay to eat fast food for lunch every day?

    Try to ignore it. In my experience they get used to it and will stop bothering to mention it all the time. Or they will shut up when they see the weight starting to come off, and realize that it's your good choices that are causing that change.
  • Lipstickandlashes
    This is the main reason I do not tell anyone that I'm changing my life.. People tend to subconsciously sabotage what you are doing.. My mom does this.. It's almost like she tried to make me cheat when I would be on diets before... It will happen still to this day when people notice I'm not eating cupcakes or cookies or just having one serving.. I just tell them I already ate.. And when they say I look I I lost weight I say, "really"! Just ignore them the world wants you to be fat so they can feel better about themselves..
  • Sarahwillow
    Sarahwillow Posts: 56 Member
    His deal is he is an *kitten* and he want's to try and control you. He must have a small peni$.
    Stick to what you know is right and you don't have to tell him what and why you do anything. Ask him to play in some else's traffic, I had to do this at work last week and the person that was bugging me hasn't talked to me since.
    But to each is own. You can't control what other people do, you can only control yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    ALL THE TIME. I have a very small desk area so I have to place my food on the corner of my desk. To top it off my desk is in a sort-of hallway so I get people walking by and commenting on how healthy and weird my food is all day long. I got so ticked off once that I told my co-worker jokingly that she comments on my food everyday and it made me want to hide it. Since then she has backed off.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Tell him to go *kitten* himself. It's not his body the food is going in.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    To constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY criticize and/or comment on my food choices at work?

    Most of my co-workers know I'm trying to eat healthier and lose weight. The majority of them really could care less. But there is one guy who feels the need to constantly try to talk me in to "cheating just this once" or commenting on how awful or little or whatever my food/snacks are. I feel like I have to justify everything I'm eating. "Yes, I'm just having toast and water for breakfast." "No I'm not having a donut. Yes I know they're free but I'm still gonna pass."

    Anybody else deal with this?

    I think your title should have been written as Person and not "people" from only one guy. Maybe you should focus on the people who could care less instead of this one guy.. Why would you care what he thinks anyways? I think you just set your self up for this because you actually listen to this "one guy".. ohh I know its real rocket science here but how about you don't listen to this "one guy".. OP is trolling for sympathy you don't have to justify any thing to him duhh. This thread was ghey...:ohwell:
  • Eleisabelle
    Ugh... my boss comments on EVERYTHING. From how often I and my other runner coworker eat, to how often a third coworker brushes her teeth, to how much water we drink. We just laugh it off, talk about how healthy we are, and roll our eyes when he leaves... Some people don't get it, and they're not going to.

    Is there anyone else in your office trying to be healthy? Try to team up if you can. :)

    Good luck...
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    To constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY criticize and/or comment on my food choices at work?

    Most of my co-workers know I'm trying to eat healthier and lose weight. The majority of them really could care less. But there is one guy who feels the need to constantly try to talk me in to "cheating just this once" or commenting on how awful or little or whatever my food/snacks are. I feel like I have to justify everything I'm eating. "Yes, I'm just having toast and water for breakfast." "No I'm not having a donut. Yes I know they're free but I'm still gonna pass."

    Anybody else deal with this?

    Why don't you just tell him to mind his business. Why do you feel like you even have to entertain him? He would have gotten his feelings hurt by now if it was me.
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    Happens all the time to me. I usually am eating chicken breast and green veggies, and my coworkers feel the need to make comments about that. Especially the vegetables, like calling me a rabbit, or saying, "you eat like a rabbit.." And then if I have a soda or a piece of chocolate it is like a huge spectacle, "OMG, Allison is eating chocolate, look everyone..omg she is drinking a soda..." I mean gheeez, c'mon. Why do you care what I am eating??? LMBO
  • Shamrock9377
    Shamrock9377 Posts: 20 Member
    I have a friend who works with a bunch of idiots. They always assume that if the cookies or cake is gone, that she ate them because she's overweight. She just speaks up and tells them, "For your information, I didn't eat a single cookie. If you haven't noticed I dropped 70 pounds. What have YOU done?" One guy even had the audacity to say back, "Well you sure must have been fat!" So she replied, "Yes, I am and I can fix that, but you just can't fix STUPID, can you!?!?!"

    Don't concentrate on what others say or think. Look in the mirror and see how far you've come. I look in the mirror and I love the person I see. It didn't always used to be that way. But if you concentrate on healing yourself from the inside out, mind and body, it all comes with time. Don't compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Try to improve on that person. No one else matters!