Angela764 Member


  • Hi everyone its been a couple of months but Im ready to get back on track. i have 11 more pounds to go i can do this! SW= 152 CW=133
  • I'm back on track with my diet now if I can just get my workouts back in. Hopefully I will get them back in soon.
  • not so good this week. :( we have been so busy we have eaten out 3 times this week. hopefully i dont gain and can at least stay the same.
  • Good morning everyone hope you all had a great weekend. I had a busy one but it was very nice. Just finished eating breakfast and now getting ready to leave for the gym hopefully I can stay on track this week.
  • Ok, I'm back on track this week. Last week was crazy busy on top of that my son and I both were sick. I am back to the gym tomorrow morning I have ten more lbs to go for my goal (by my birthday i have plenty of time). Today i have to make sure I'm drinking enough water. hope everyone has a great week. =-)
  • Hi everyone! I also have not been drinking enough so hope to do better with the challenge. Doing good with eating good and I'm hitting the gym hard this week.
  • Didnt do to well this week was over my calories 3 days and missed my workout 2 days this week. Hopefuly next week will be better.
  • Happy birthday! Its my sons bday today also.
  • my challenge for the week is to walk six miles this week. I am curently walking 4 a week. not eating after 7:30 is a tough one for me too i try to eat sugar free jello when its late. hope everyone is having a great week so far.
  • Hope everyone is having a great week diet has been really good and went to the gym all week. Hopefully I keep it up thru the weekend.
  • I have a question does anyone know if coffee will keep you from losing weight? Have had a great week. I was proud of myself I had family in town and still stayed in my calorie limits and got up early to work out before we would do anything that day. Today I am going to cut the grass for my work out it will be like 100…
  • This week is going good so far keeping up with my exercising and staying under my calories. I always stay under my calories but they are not always healthy calories so my challenge to my self this week is to eat more salads and fruits (healthier calories). My kids start back to school on Mon so next week i will be picking…
  • fell off the wagon this weekend getting back on tomorrow. :cry:
  • I am in i need the push. :smile:
  • My wisdom teeth have been bothering me this week. Really haven't had the motivation to work out, but I have been pushing myself to. Along with that I have a really big test tomorrow for school so I have been studying alot. With my husband working nights and three kids I'm feeling a little overwhelmed but at least it will…
  • Because of my schedule I tend to have an erratic workout schedule, so i usally focus on the calories burned through excercise. I usually burn about 1500 calories a week. This week I am going to challenge myself to burn an extra 500 through excercise. So my challenge to everyone else is to also burn an extra 500 calories…
  • omg lol:laugh:
  • I'm dieting and exercising. And it helps that my husband is dieting with me. I have been getting up at 6:30 am to get my workouts in its making me pretty tired but I'm feeling the results. What are you doing?
  • Ok so yesterday I took it easy on my workout I hurt my neck :cry: but it is feeling better this morning so I went for my morning bike ride. I am only doing cardio but at least its something.
  • Hi my name is Angela. I have three kids 7,6,4. I am getting ready to go back to work full time for the first time in 7 years. I'm all ways busy with their activitys and my husband works nights so its pretty much just me most of the time. I have been trying to lose wieght for the last 4 years but found this site and really…
  • Yes they are :happy:
  • I'm very pround of my self this morning. When I got up this morning I was very tired and didn't want to go work out. But my oldest daughter said mommy will you take me with you on your bike ride this morning I told her I was going to tell her I wasnt going today I was tired but she made me go and now I feel great. I am…
  • Congrats on the wieght loss.