No More Excuses -- Week 37



  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hey all-- here is my work out for today- pretty much similiar to yesterday

    sprints- same as yesterday
    50 squats
    100 crunches
    and now i've joined the 100 push up challenge if anyone's interested
    so i did the test - 9 push ups
    and then day 1 week 1 level 2
    6 pu rest 60 sec 6 pu rest 60 4 pu rest 60 4 pu rest 60 as many as you can do min. of 5. I did 5

    I ate more food than i planned on today, not the worst in the world, but i did have a couple of sweets, and a fruit smoothie this morning, thats not in my normal food plan. I was planning on upping my cals from 1200 to 1600 I ate over 1700 but was still under cause of all the work out I did, I am going to try just sticking at 1600 tomorrow, should be easy enough to do just have to cut out the sweets or the smoothie.

    Thru the winter I had started the pushup challange, the squat challenge and the sit up challenge, but then got off of it some how. I would like to start them up again, but find summer kind of hectic, was thinking of starting in September if you are interested in joining me. Or I could suck it up and start next week. Let me know what you think. Now would prob be a good time to do them since during the summer I just seem to stick to cardio, come winter I usually do my Biggest Loser dvds.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well today has been a pretty good day with the exception of getting bit by a wasp just under my right eye this morning. 12 hours later it is still swollen and soar.

    Wasn't able to go for walk/jog tonight, but did do a good 25 min walk with kids, then I took them to the park for an hour. Then when I got home I did my squats and sit ups. Feel good. Have over 600 cals to eat yet, but will try to only eat 1/2 of them, and will try to eat healthy ones. Will prob have some crackers then a yogurt.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hey all-- here is my work out for today- pretty much similiar to yesterday

    sprints- same as yesterday
    50 squats
    100 crunches
    and now i've joined the 100 push up challenge if anyone's interested
    so i did the test - 9 push ups
    and then day 1 week 1 level 2
    6 pu rest 60 sec 6 pu rest 60 4 pu rest 60 4 pu rest 60 as many as you can do min. of 5. I did 5

    I ate more food than i planned on today, not the worst in the world, but i did have a couple of sweets, and a fruit smoothie this morning, thats not in my normal food plan. I was planning on upping my cals from 1200 to 1600 I ate over 1700 but was still under cause of all the work out I did, I am going to try just sticking at 1600 tomorrow, should be easy enough to do just have to cut out the sweets or the smoothie.

    Thru the winter I had started the pushup challange, the squat challenge and the sit up challenge, but then got off of it some how. I would like to start them up again, but find summer kind of hectic, was thinking of starting in September if you are interested in joining me. Or I could suck it up and start next week. Let me know what you think. Now would prob be a good time to do them since during the summer I just seem to stick to cardio, come winter I usually do my Biggest Loser dvds.

    I know all about hetic hunny LOL single mom- 2 kids 3 and 5 (one with adhd), acitve duty navy, and school part time!! whew hetic right.....squats, sit ups and push ups are easy to fit in watching a show great, do some during the commerical, gonna grab a bath take 2-3 min knock some out... need to wake up first thing in the am there ya go!! you can do it.. no more excuses right? I say do it now, AND!!! we can start it again in the winter!!! it'll only tigten up our butts and the bat wings on our arms, and stregthing our core right??? lets do it together, and don't wait till next week to start. start today, with me!!!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Ok, well i hope to win the challenge one day- so just a few questions

    does everyone have access to an elliptical or treadmill?

    what are the challenges usually on food/water/working out?

    I have a treadmill. I like to incorporate a nutrition one, with a excerise one - but that is just my pref. I knew you weren't the winner, I thought I would just join u on the squats and crunches - can motivate each other to see if can do every day. Keep me posted on other challenges in that group each week.

    Ok sounds great- did you do your crunches and squats today, I did, the crunches were harder the squats so much. I almost hate how strong my legs are only cause nothing else in my body even comes close

    Just finished crunches and squats - if it wasnt for you I honestly prob wouldnt have done them. So thank you for the modivation.

    Thats what we are here for, a lot of us, including me wouldn't do a lot of stuff we do with out our friends on here!! :D keep up the good woork
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hey no more excuses,

    its wednesday, has anyone checked in with our winner? She on vaca? or just need a little support??? Half way through the week....lets get motivated!!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Okay Sassy I am in. I am going to start all 3 today, push-ups, squats, and sit ups - since today is Wed I am going to cheat a bit, and start on day 2. I am going to do them Mon, Wed, Fri. I really have never finished anything before, started this quit, started C25K and quit (more so since I dont use treadmill in summer, and find it easier to do there - I know its an excuse). Also not going to do the initial test, I somewhat know where I am from last time, will post later at what level I am working at, and if I completed it. There is a nice app on the website that you can log your progress, on each of the sites.

    I got to admit I am not as hectic as you. I have a 4 (turning 5 at end of Oct) son, and a 2 year old daughter (was 2 in Mar), and I am a stay at home mom, who works out of the house doing book keeping, and we farm, but this year is kind of slow since it is so wet here this year.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Okay Sassy I am in. I am going to start all 3 today, push-ups, squats, and sit ups - since today is Wed I am going to cheat a bit, and start on day 2. I am going to do them Mon, Wed, Fri. I really have never finished anything before, started this quit, started C25K and quit (more so since I dont use treadmill in summer, and find it easier to do there - I know its an excuse). Also not going to do the initial test, I somewhat know where I am from last time, will post later at what level I am working at, and if I completed it. There is a nice app on the website that you can log your progress, on each of the sites.

    I got to admit I am not as hectic as you. I have a 4 (turning 5 at end of Oct) son, and a 2 year old daughter (was 2 in Mar), and I am a stay at home mom, who works out of the house doing book keeping, and we farm, but this year is kind of slow since it is so wet here this year.

    One thing I have realized, we are only as busy as we view our self. life is only as hetic as we make it. I have a lot on my plate, but I have to decide what is most important to me, working out and cleaning the house always feel last on the list for amyriad of reasons.

    Now I realize those things need to come first why??? because they are optional, all of the other stuff I HAVE To do so they WILL get done no matter what, so I do the optional stuff first get it out of the way, and then everything else will fall into place. Also being completely honest with myself, when i took a solid self inventory, i realized i was sitting on the couch, because last time i was out working out so hard my marriage finally fell apart after years of him cheating, it finally fell apart, but it happend when i was out of the house so much working out so subconciously, i was waiting for him to come back home. When i realized how absurd that was and the things it was teaching my children just from them viewing it, I couldn't bear it anylonger. I have my sad days still, sometimes its still really really hard, and sometimes I want to quit, cause its rough doing it all alone, but i let myself experience that for a short time, and then i pick myself up and move on, I have found in doing that, the sad days are getting less and further between. I'm not sure why i just put all of this out there,so hopefully something i said has helped you or someone else who might read it. I'm here for ya!

    I am set up to do it tue/thur/ sat, so we can bounce off of each other.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I did all 3 challenges this morning. For the 100 push up challege I am working on level 1, completed W1D2 max was 4 and I did 5. For the 200 sit up challenge I am working on level 2, completed W1D2 max was 10 and I did 15. For the 200 squat challenge I am working on level 3, completed W1D2 max was 16 and I did 20.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Well I did all 3 challenges this morning. For the 100 push up challege I am working on level 1, completed W1D2 max was 4 and I did 5. For the 200 sit up challenge I am working on level 2, completed W1D2 max was 10 and I did 15. For the 200 squat challenge I am working on level 3, completed W1D2 max was 16 and I did 20.

    woah....good job...cept i missed the sit up challenge and squat challenge, i was working on just a weekly challenge from a friend of mine. are there threads on the other challenges where can i find info on them?
  • theheathern029
    I really would love to join this group! How do I send you my starting weight and everything? I am really excited and feel that this group will help me stay motivated. I want to loose about 20 lbs and a few months ago I had lost a total of 10 lbs but then stopped my diet and gained it all back because of lack of motivation. I hope this will help me :)
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Wow Renagry and Sassy make me tired. I am 56 and find that I can't do a lot of what I did when I was younger., espcially push ups. Perhaps I can push off's from the wall.

    I did take a 35 minute walk this morning while I was waiting for my oil to be changed on my car. I was going to do my usual noon hour walk at work - but it is raining. Perhaps I will do a little retail therapy walking the mall out of the rain. Expensive but still gets me moving.

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I did all 3 challenges this morning. For the 100 push up challege I am working on level 1, completed W1D2 max was 4 and I did 5. For the 200 sit up challenge I am working on level 2, completed W1D2 max was 10 and I did 15. For the 200 squat challenge I am working on level 3, completed W1D2 max was 16 and I did 20.

    woah....good job...cept i missed the sit up challenge and squat challenge, i was working on just a weekly challenge from a friend of mine. are there threads on the other challenges where can i find info on them?

    There should be links off of the site, if not i think the sites are just, and I knew you were doing those just from the other group, but I thought I would get back at it from the sites. Only made it to week 3 last fall before I quit, my goal is to finish all 3. Right now thou I am only doing girly push ups, if I accomplish that, then I will do again with a full push up.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Well I did all 3 challenges this morning. For the 100 push up challege I am working on level 1, completed W1D2 max was 4 and I did 5. For the 200 sit up challenge I am working on level 2, completed W1D2 max was 10 and I did 15. For the 200 squat challenge I am working on level 3, completed W1D2 max was 16 and I did 20.

    woah....good job...cept i missed the sit up challenge and squat challenge, i was working on just a weekly challenge from a friend of mine. are there threads on the other challenges where can i find info on them?

    There should be links off of the site, if not i think the sites are just, and I knew you were doing those just from the other group, but I thought I would get back at it from the sites. Only made it to week 3 last fall before I quit, my goal is to finish all 3. Right now thou I am only doing girly push ups, if I accomplish that, then I will do again with a full push up.


    Sounds perfect do the "girly" push ups now then when we tackle it again in the fall or winter you can try "regluar" push up. I will go to those sites when i get home and join you on those!!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Wow Renagry and Sassy make me tired. I am 56 and find that I can't do a lot of what I did when I was younger., espcially push ups. Perhaps I can push off's from the wall.

    I did take a 35 minute walk this morning while I was waiting for my oil to be changed on my car. I was going to do my usual noon hour walk at work - but it is raining. Perhaps I will do a little retail therapy walking the mall out of the rain. Expensive but still gets me moving.



    In my opinion any variation is acceptable as long as it makes you stronger. I would love to have you on board with us with whatever variation you're comfortable with!!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I really would love to join this group! How do I send you my starting weight and everything? I am really excited and feel that this group will help me stay motivated. I want to loose about 20 lbs and a few months ago I had lost a total of 10 lbs but then stopped my diet and gained it all back because of lack of motivation. I hope this will help me :)

    Send your starting weight to the person who started the thread (the very first post on page 1) and then just jump on in!!!
  • Angela764
    Angela764 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm very pround of my self this morning. When I got up this morning I was very tired and didn't want to go work out. But my oldest daughter said mommy will you take me with you on your bike ride this morning I told her I was going to tell her I wasnt going today I was tired but she made me go and now I feel great. I am glad that i went.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I'm very pround of my self this morning. When I got up this morning I was very tired and didn't want to go work out. But my oldest daughter said mommy will you take me with you on your bike ride this morning I told her I was going to tell her I wasnt going today I was tired but she made me go and now I feel great. I am glad that i went.

    aren't kids the bestest!!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Well I did all 3 challenges this morning. For the 100 push up challege I am working on level 1, completed W1D2 max was 4 and I did 5. For the 200 sit up challenge I am working on level 2, completed W1D2 max was 10 and I did 15. For the 200 squat challenge I am working on level 3, completed W1D2 max was 16 and I did 20.

    woah....good job...cept i missed the sit up challenge and squat challenge, i was working on just a weekly challenge from a friend of mine. are there threads on the other challenges where can i find info on them?

    There should be links off of the site, if not i think the sites are just, and I knew you were doing those just from the other group, but I thought I would get back at it from the sites. Only made it to week 3 last fall before I quit, my goal is to finish all 3. Right now thou I am only doing girly push ups, if I accomplish that, then I will do again with a full push up.


    so I did the 200 sit up and squat challenge today I did week 2 day 1 on sit ups and week 3 day 1 on squats, on i want to sync my push ups with these too so I'm going to do all three challenges on Friday. We will be doing them all on the same day!! no quitting on me!!!! I am crazy crazy sore!!! but thats ok cause come october when its time for my pt (physical training) test I am got to rock it out!!!
  • Angela764
    Angela764 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes they are :happy:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Wednesday all...I got all of my cabinets back together and the kitchen put back in order. I got to play in the pool, read some of my new Nicholas Sparks book and even took a nap. I had a light work day so I enjoyed myself. My niece is coming over tomorrow to swim and grill out. I plan to do the 30 Day Shred DVD tomorrow and head back to the gym on Friday. It is so hard to go back after being absent for a month. Softball practice will start soon and that will give me some exercise. I have really slacked off this summer:frown: I will get back on the wagon for the hundredth time.