No More Excuses -- Week 38

The "No More Excuses Group" grew some more this week. We had both losers and gainers, and after everyone lost last week, I didn't expect a very good week.

Top Loser honors go to Angela764, Angela, you win the honor of setting our challenge for this week.

As for me, I am in Colorado on vacation eating everything in site, we are walking and hiking at least 5 miles a day so I doubt I am gaining too much. Tomorrow I ride my 1st horse ever, that should be an adventure!!! I was not able to get to a scale this week, but I figure I gained a couple pounds. I have until Sunday to be bad, and then I am hitting the diet hard again Aug 1st until I reach my new goal weight.


So for anyone who wants to join. During your 1st week in the group, send me your starting weight, last Sunday's weight, and this week's weigh in (we do them on Sunday). All information must be sent to me by noon Central on Monday. All subsequent week's you just have to give me your current weight from Sunday by noon on Monday.

This is an open group, and we love to have new people join. If you want to join, go ahead and start posting, tell us about yourself, we have been doing this diet thing a while and may be able to answer a lot of our questions!!!!


  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Enjoy your holiday Jack. Sounds like fun!!!

    I am going camping for a week on Sunday. We are going to Prince Edward County - Ontario's wine country - and going to do some winery tours. I will have to hike a lot too!!!

    Thanks for the chart
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Thanks for the chart Jack!

    Just show the horse who's boss and you will do fine. :)

    Hope everyone has a great active week. Hawkeye
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hey Jack....Thanks again for the chart...

    and WELCOME TO COLORADO!!!! It is a beautiful state and I hope you enjoy your visit.....and your horse ride.....

    I live here and have only been on a horse a handful of times. I even live in "farm country"!!!! Wish you would be here a little later in could enjoy some wonderful Rocky Ford Cantaloupe. It is fabulous! Grown right here in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado. I didn't do so hot last week. I am back after it though. Looks like Angela was our biggest looser. Can't wait to see what she challenges us with.

    Last night I may have over done it though.... ;) Went to CURVES, did my DVD, and then went for a 35 minute quick walk. Probably about 2.5 miles or so. Felt great....but I am feeling it this morning. Even hurt to wash my hair! HA HA HA!

    Well everyone have a wonderful day and we will check in tonight!
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I just noticed that the chart says starting that supposed to be our start weight from when we started in the group or our actual start weight?
  • redbeard
    redbeard Posts: 19 Member
    Time for a new week! Jack - Thanks for the chart.

    I was a bit off my game last week, and found it hard to get out and do my exercise time. I usually either ride bikes or go to the gym with my neighbor in the morning and he was out sick last week. Somehow, I used that to justify skipping a few workouts myself :(

    I did, however, manage to finish my Couch 2 5K training last week. My pace is a little slower than I wanted it to be, but, I can actually run the distance, which I find absolutely amazing! Last night, I started the bridge to 10K, which will lead me to half marathon training for a run at the end of October.

    I just got to figure out how to get my mind to let my body lose some weight. I've fallen back into the trap of eating some stuff I shouldn't and not eating enough of what I should. I want to get this fixed, just don't have the willpower right now for some reason.

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...I am setting myself a goal of losing 10 pounds by September 18 for my niece's wedding. I have a lot of work to do. Gotta get some typing done this morning. Have a great day!

    Jack...Have fun on your trip. We rode horses on a trip to Gatlinburg, TN a couple of years ago. I was a little nervous at first but I really enjoyed it. Thanks for doing our chart.

    Angela...Congrats for being our biggest loser.

    Ann...Great job on the exercise. Can I count some of yours since I missed the gym?

    Dan...Way to go on completing the C25K. I started it last fall but then I fell off the wagon and never finished it. I am thinking about starting it again though. I really felt great when I was wogging (I have to walk quite a bit LOL).

    Hawkeye and Susan...Hiya:smile:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I just noticed that the chart says starting that supposed to be our start weight from when we started in the group or our actual start weight?

    I used my start weight from when I joined the group but I don't think it matters.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    I just noticed that the chart says starting that supposed to be our start weight from when we started in the group or our actual start weight?

    I used my start weight from when I joined the group but I don't think it matters.
    Same here, I also used my start weight for this group.

  • Angela764
    Angela764 Posts: 25 Member
    Because of my schedule I tend to have an erratic workout schedule, so i usally focus on the calories burned through excercise. I usually burn about 1500 calories a week. This week I am going to challenge myself to burn an extra 500 through excercise. So my challenge to everyone else is to also burn an extra 500 calories through excercise. I hope this is a good challenge since I am new to the group I have not seen many of the other challenges.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Because of my schedule I tend to have an erratic workout schedule, so i usally focus on the calories burned through excercise. I usually burn about 1500 calories a week. This week I am going to challenge myself to burn an extra 500 through excercise. So my challenge to everyone else is to also burn an extra 500 calories through excercise. I hope this is a good challenge since I am new to the group I have not seen many of the other challenges.

    This is a great challenge. THANKS!!! I burned an extra 125 yesterday, so I am in the right direction!!!! ;) Congrats on being the "biggest loser!"

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good evening team.....Okay update on Denise Austin.....Lesson #1....don't try and do Tuesday's work out on a hardwood floor!!! Not very smart. I made it through the majority of it, but there is a lot of floor work, and it was hard on my back and knees!!! DUMB DUMB!!!! Oh well, next week I will know better. It was a lower body and ab workout so no real calorie burn but instead strength. I have a very week stomach and back so it will take me a few weeks to get up to where I need to be. Can't wait to be able to do all the exercises with ease!!! ;)

    Tomorrow is back to cardio and kickboxing. Should be a fun one. Will let you know! She just makes everything look so dad gome easy it is disgusting.

    Haven't felt real whoopy for the last couple of days so the exercise is kind of hard but I am determined. Didn't go to CURVES tonight because I was told I worked my body too hard yesterday and that is part of my problem. Will be back there tomorrow.

    Everyone have a great evening!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    I survived the horseback ride, we basically went straight up this mountain overlooking Rocky Mountain National Park, and then went down. I much preferred going up to going down. I have to say that the horseback riding was quite exhausting. Tomorrow we are doing a big hike to some water falls in the Park, should be fun. It is absolutely beautiful up here.

    I just noticed that MFP is available on Android, so I just downloaded it to my Sprint EVO. I work for
    Sprint, so always looking to plug the company. I don't dare log all the food I have been eating during vacation because I don't want to know.

    Today was our gorge day, we drove an hour to a truck stop to eat ck fried steak and cinnamon rolls.....lets just say it was worth the drive.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Ide Like to join! My starting weight and current weight is 209
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Ide Like to join! My starting weight and current weight is 209

    Welcome aboard, Will need your Sunday weigh by noon on Monday.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Ide Like to join! My starting weight and current weight is 209

    Welcome....jump right in and tell us all about you. I think you will like it here!!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all. WOW Wednesday already. Looking forward to a beautiful day. It is suppose to be hot again today and tomorrow and then cool down into the lower 90's for the week-end!!! HA!!!! At least they are calling for a wee bit of rain so that will be nice. I envy you Jack....The mountains are wonderful this time of the year here!

    Everyone make it a great day!
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    i would love to join, thank you for being so nice on your 1st email, this sounds like a very welcoming group!!

    Starting weight last week was 282

    Sundays Weight was 280

    A bit about myself... i have been big since i can remember... no more excuses fits quite well, since starting again i have decided to do it slowly, 1lb a week slowly - as i dont want to diet, i want to change my eating habits and lifestyle. i am sick and tired of being this big and uncomfortable. I love food - quite obsessed with it, buying, cooking and obviously eating it...

    people get foodie gifts off me for birthdays and christmas!! not because i am cheap.. but i show my love with food. MFP is helping me to not over eat through greed, and over time i am hoping that my brain will kick in and tell me when i am not hungry.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.

    Mekhala x
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy hump day all...I just finished my first day of Jillian's 30 Day Shred for the first time since about February. I am pooped. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. It is amazing to me how easy it was when I did it the last time. My son and I are taking a 30 minute walk every evening so that should help both of us. Hope you all have a great day.

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    i would love to join, thank you for being so nice on your 1st email, this sounds like a very welcoming group!!

    Starting weight last week was 282

    Sundays Weight was 280

    A bit about myself... i have been big since i can remember... no more excuses fits quite well, since starting again i have decided to do it slowly, 1lb a week slowly - as i dont want to diet, i want to change my eating habits and lifestyle. i am sick and tired of being this big and uncomfortable. I love food - quite obsessed with it, buying, cooking and obviously eating it...

    people get foodie gifts off me for birthdays and christmas!! not because i am cheap.. but i show my love with food. MFP is helping me to not over eat through greed, and over time i am hoping that my brain will kick in and tell me when i am not hungry.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.

    Mekhala x

    Welcome....Sounds like you will fit in quite nicely with all of us. We all have an "eating" problem or we wouldn't have sought out this site!!!!! Try not to get discouraged and give up. Diligence will pay off in the end....believe me. I have 10 more pounds, and they are the hardest in the world.....I go down 2 then up 2, then down 1, can get frustrating but just know you are getting healthier with every smart decision you make!

    Good luck and we are glad to have you!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Welcome to the newcomers. I spent 2 hours at the garage this morning for what was supposed to be a routine emissions test. Needless to say car has to go back for more repairs - but passed the emissions test just fine.

    But the good news is that I spent the whole time walking around town, down to the waterfront, I did step ups on rthe curve, calf raises, etc. So I made good use of the time. Didn't sit down once. Also did some lunges when I got out of sight people!!!

    You can get a workout anywhere I guess.

    smwert (susan)