No More Excuses -- Week 38



  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    I had car trouble too! the fuel pump has gone!! not impressed... i was on my way to swimming in the morning, whih was this weeks resolution... swim for 30 mins every day befor work.... did it twice then the car broke.... still had 25 mins exercise though... had to walk to work!!

    Thank you for welocming me everyone! i have put my boyfriend on mfp and he has lost 5lbs already!! i love this site!!
  • beasy22
    beasy22 Posts: 41 Member

    I would love to join this group, I'm away on holiday until the 13th August but I'll update on my stats when i return. This seems a fantastic idea and a very supportive group :smile: :happy:

    Have a fantastic week and weekend and catch up with you all in a couple of weeks.

  • Angela764
    Angela764 Posts: 25 Member
    My wisdom teeth have been bothering me this week. Really haven't had the motivation to work out, but I have been pushing myself to. Along with that I have a really big test tomorrow for school so I have been studying alot. With my husband working nights and three kids I'm feeling a little overwhelmed but at least it will be over tomorrow. Thank god that tomorrow is TGIF!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just got back from Kid Rock/Bon Jovi concert. It was awesome. Now we are going camping tomorrow till Monday. Haven't had much exercise this week, but have been keeping up with the push up, sit up, squat challenge. I have made a pack I will not quit this one. Need to get back into my evening walk/jog, but it has been so hot here lately, and have been quite busy during the day, so we are having late suppers, so I haven't been getting out.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Morning Team,

    TGIF!! I hope everyone had an active and healthy week thus far and that it continues into the weekend. I don't know about you, but that's where I "always" fall off the wagon. I do great all week and then decide to splurge a little on the weekends, which I feel we deserve, but my problem is going a bit overboard. So for this weekend, my goal is to stay within my calories and do some sort of exercise each day. That's shouldn't be a problem this weekend with golf and yardwork. It's well over a 105 where I live and I can usually sweat a few pounds or so.

    Welcome to all the new folks!

    Have a great weekend. Hawkeye
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Completed W2D3 of all three challenges. Legs and arms are like jello. Getting ready to go the lake today till Monday. Plan on going golfing Sunday, and celebrating our anniversary (6 years) tomorrow. Won't be the healthies weekend, but won't go to crazy. I am down 1.4 pounds today. Still have 3.6 pounds to go to get down to the weigth I was at the end of May, before summer started, and things got a little crazy. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Will check in on Monday.
  • tericamp
    tericamp Posts: 19
    Sorry about not getting my info to you this week. I am pretty sure I will have lost weight at my next weigh in since I have been sick with a stomach bug for the past week. This is the first I have been able to log in this week and so my reports are going to look really bad. I haven't kept track of anything I have eaten this week (not that it has been that much).
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Morning Team,

    TGIF!! I hope everyone had an active and healthy week thus far and that it continues into the weekend. I don't know about you, but that's where I "always" fall off the wagon. I do great all week and then decide to splurge a little on the weekends, which I feel we deserve, but my problem is going a bit overboard. So for this weekend, my goal is to stay within my calories and do some sort of exercise each day. That's shouldn't be a problem this weekend with golf and yardwork. It's well over a 105 where I live and I can usually sweat a few pounds or so.

    Welcome to all the new folks!

    Have a great weekend. Hawkeye

    I do the same as you - good all week and blow it on the weekend and gain back the 3 pounds it took me 5 days to lose. Going on vacation this week - so hopefully walking etc. alot to make up for the extra alcohol I am sure to consume
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Send me those Sunday Weigh ins ASAP.
  • Angela764
    Angela764 Posts: 25 Member
    fell off the wagon this weekend getting back on tomorrow. :cry:
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    fell off the wagon this weekend getting back on tomorrow. :cry:

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Options I go again. After a great week-end....but way too much eating....I am starting fresh this morning. I am going to go fill in my food chart for breakfast thru lunch so I know what I have left for dinner! Then I WILL get my exercising done every day this week. That is my commitment to myself. I have to do this!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great Monday and makes this week a great one as well!

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...I have been MIA lately. I helped my aunts with their yard sale in North Carolina on Friday and Saturday. Then Sunday was church and softball practice. Monday my niece came over with her little boy to swim and then I went kayaking with my hubby and youngest son. Today is school registration and grocery shopping for our camping trip Thursday through Sunday. Maybe things will slow down when school starts back, yeah right LOL. I am hanging onto the wagon with both hands but I haven't fully gotten back on yet. It is just kinda dragging me right now. I hope to find a routine again soon. Hope you are all doing well. I will miss next week's weigh in since I'll be camping but I'll get back in the week after. TTYL.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Back from camping, had a great time. Managed to not even gain weight this weekend. My biggest thing is to get back into my walk/jog. Definately have to do that today. Never got around to doing pushups, situps, squats, yesturday, so I will do W3D1 today, then continue on Thurs, and Sat.

    Have to really watch the eating today, we are having my daughters favorite (perogies with mushroom sauce) for supper, and I have a weakness for them, so will have to plan out the eating day shortly to see what we can all allow today (specially if I don't manage to get a walk in)

    Hope everyone has a good day, will check back in this evening.

    Tammy - When does school start for you guys. My son starts kindergarten this year, but he doesnt start till the second week in Sept. The grade 1 and kindergarten is a split class so they like to get the grade 1's settled before they bring in the kindergartens. The rest of the school starts at the last week of August I think.
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    i have joined the gym!!! and started to go swimming every morning... yay .... in work with wet hair though... brrrrr

    went to the chippy last night, but stayed within cals!! best of all i saw 277 flickering on the scales this morning, after being stuck at 278 and above for weeks!!

    Hope you are all doing well. Speak soon xx