holly1283 Member


  • Get in line. Pierre is stopping here first.😁
  • Tubbies. Autocorrect at its finest. I am stubby too though.
  • Just wanted to say it is a joy to read your posts Lana. I really need to meet some of the cabana boys. If they like stubbies I am all in!😀
  • I've been on hiatus for no good reason. Dawn, I think, sorry if I got the wrong name, sorry to hear about your step dad. I of course don't know the severity of his congestive heart failure but it isn't necessarily life threatening if the treatment takes the fluid out of the lungs. Both my parents was treated and released…
  • Swimming on the agenda for today. Maureen how about Phriny Fisher, George Gently, Agatha Raisin? Not great but still good.
  • Maureen did you watch Brokenwood mysteries out of New Zealand? Also on Acorn. Now that we are green my exercise will be to try to get back to swimming my mile. Sorry to be the odd girl out. It's easier on my knees.
  • Sara, what a nice tribute to Miss T. Lana, I go to AZ the end of July. A little apprehensive. Finally got to go to the Y to swim.. Protocols to adhere to but loved it. Only swam 1200 yds. My arms kept saying " are you kidding me? " . The lungs were fine. Have a good day all.
  • Have to get my rear in gear and lose some weight. Booked my flight to AZ and will have to have a seatbelt extender! I finally got on the scale since covid19 quarantine. I gained 5 lbs. I actually thought it was more. Had one day of being under my calorie amount. Have a good weekend!
  • Words can't express. So sorry.
  • Thanks to those who shared their breakfasts. I like cream of wheat and oatmeal also. Never put ricotta in. Sounds interesting. The only time I eat large breakfast is when I'm coming out. Hot and humid here in PA. Was up in the attic of my older home. My granddaughter and I.went early this morning. (Dining out). My kindle…
  • Just curious, what do you guys eat for breakfast? My portion control still it good.
  • Pet
  • Don't know what is in store for you and Miss T but when a previous let of mine was diagnosed with kidney failure I got the special food and followed the vet's advice and had Odie for another 2 1\2 years. Just snuggle and relax with her today. Enjoy
  • My 3 days at the beach were good. I wish I slept better there. So sorry to hear Miss T's health concerns. It so hard since we love them so much. You are a good mommy Sara.
  • I'm heading to DE to my camper for just a couple days. My daughter needs a break from me. I will not be going to any major beaches and I still have my trusty mask. I'm m just going to clean the outside of the camper and for a respite. Alejandro has a previous engagement so it is only the dog and I. Waves to all. Pun…
  • Congratulations to all you ladies on your way down. I can't seem to get in the groove again. I know what to do and what works for me but knowing and doing have escaped me at present. Keep up the good work.
  • Sara, I hear you about the internal dog sneezes. It sounds like she is in distress but the vet says no. We have rain here in PA today too. Was out in the Jungle garden early. Portion control better but still not what it should be. Hang in there ladies. Waves to all.
  • On my goodness. I need directions to the Cabana club! Your eye candy is causing me to drool. I'm home from my camper. The tide was so high the water was back to the dunes. The dog and I just stared across the water and breathed in the sea air. Hope all enjoy the long weekend.
  • Those individual quiches look really good. I'm driving down to my camper in Delaware.won't be staying long. Just checking things out and cleaning up a bit. Usually my eating is controlled because I only take so much food. However they have a great bagel shop. I'll check out the little beach to see if it's ok . The dog…
  • Maureen you seem to have missed two words in my post. The words were WISE and INTELLIGENT. I do not advocate irresponsible behavior. A mask does not prevent you from getting it it deters you from spreading it. We don't know yet if an immunization is an answer. I said maybe. At any rate rest assured I will not discuss VIVID…
  • I have this uncanny knack for expressing what no one wants to hear. Sorry if I offend.
  • Of course there is a threat. There will always be one, just like influenza. Maybe someday it will be eradicated like smallpox in the meantime we need to make wise choices and not let the fear control our lives. We lose more people to the flu but we don't let it rule out lives. Yes, it's scary but somehow we must…
  • Silly governor is issuing citations and finds and revoking licenses to stop moving into the yellow for certain counties. I'm hoping to get to DE to clean my camper. We'll see. Have a good Thursday.
  • Welcome Tazzy. Ireland is on my bucket list. Good group here. I haven't been here very long. Glad you came.
  • Happy Mother's day to all even if it is just mother to our furry friends. Lana, it wasn't the generic med itself for me it was the different filler. Glad you're checking in with the doctor. Relax and watch the caffeine for now. Beautiful day today and the powers that be have divorced our county from Philadelphia and we…
  • Lana, sorry about the depression. I can totally relate. Sara is right about the walking. Since it is so rural here I can walk the alley and don't have to wear a mask. While I don't live alone I often feel lonely. It will open up eventually. You will be all right. There is rarely a night that goes by that I don't cry but…
  • Rain again. Hit the garage this morning. Sooo dirty! Bought some fresh fruit at a local stand .My favorite apples are gone and won't come in again until September. PA has great apples. Last year the strawberries were ruined by hail. Let me know when you're going to WI for elderberry wine. I'll take a road trip and meet you…
  • Maureen, where in AZ does your daughter live? My youngest lives in Flagstaff. I was supposed to go out in March which of course didn't happen. My weight has been holding but that is not necessarily good. Rainy and very windy here. Just knitting so far. Maybe I'll hit the garage. Have a good day.