Serial Starters



  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Maureen, where in AZ does your daughter live? My youngest lives in Flagstaff. I was supposed to go out in March which of course didn't happen. My weight has been holding but that is not necessarily good. Rainy and very windy here. Just knitting so far. Maybe I'll hit the garage. Have a good day.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Maureen working from home, boss had Tuesday and Wednesday off which is unusual for her so it raises eyebrows, but is fine by me. Her emails today are very curt, I decided she has fire coming out her assets.

    Party at Lynn's house in the future!!! Yippee.

    Lana go walking or use the pool.

    Back to work
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    Maureen working from home, boss had Tuesday and Wednesday off which is unusual for her so it raises eyebrows, but is fine by me. Her emails today are very curt, I decided she has fire coming out her assets.

    Party at Lynn's house in the future!!! Yippee for elderberries! Lynn - is there such a thing as elderberry jam? Or is that not part of the deal?

    Lana go walking or use the pool.

    Back to work

    Sara ~
    I like the idea of an excursion to Wisconsin when the elderberry wine is ready this year.

    I walked today; the pool is at 61 degrees, so it will be a while before I can get in it. I think I was able to swim in it in mid-May last year.
    I have clocked over 4 miles today, but my daily goal is set much higher. We will see.....

    Hey Ladies - I have messed up this "quote post", but I do not have the ooooomph to fix it.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lana you are walking much more than I am - good for you!!

    My brain gets so tired after work that all I want to do is nap. So Miss T has had dinner and I will take a nap.

    Cboys are bored, give them something to do.

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    holly1283 wrote: »
    Maureen, where in AZ does your daughter live? My youngest lives in Flagstaff. I was supposed to go out in March which of course didn't happen. My weight has been holding but that is not necessarily good. Rainy and very windy here. Just knitting so far. Maybe I'll hit the garage. Have a good day.

    It's my younger sister (ha, she's 58). She lives on the Navajo reservation, at Pinon. I'm planning to fly into Flagstaff when I visit--it's the closest airport, 2.5 hours from her and about half on dirt roads, apparently. She loves Flagstaff.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Oops new month, pay rent.....

    Is it May already? Our weather has not been really helpful and letting us know.

    Shopping this weekend will include more broccoli, if the place I got the asparagus has more I will get some. I am thinking of broccoli quiche.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning Sara~~

    Yes - it's a new month! I am looking forward to it being a better month than April was. Whew~

    Waves to all who stop by later on~~


    256.8 today
    258.8 highest
    214.0 goal for end of year 😳
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Rain again. Hit the garage this morning. Sooo dirty! Bought some fresh fruit at a local stand .My favorite apples are gone and won't come in again until September. PA has great apples. Last year the strawberries were ruined by hail. Let me know when you're going to WI for elderberry wine. I'll take a road trip and meet you there. Never been except for a layover in the airport. Have a good weekend.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Friday. An easy day at the DP followed by a long wait for my smoothie treat and a zoom with my sibs. Figuring out plans to help sis Patti in FL after surgery and planning a visit to AZ to help out another sis with her daughter. Decided AZ has to come after FL b/c I'm not visiting a COVID hotspot (Navajo reservation) and then going to my most vulnerable relatives. Will wait to see how lifting restrictions works out before buying tickets anywhere, of course, but FL is pretty essential travel.

    Warmish here but my long wait for smoothie after walking has me still feeling chilled, 2 hours later. Maybe just gonna jump in the hot shower now.

    Hoping you are all having a good day.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Groceries, restaurant and then home. Such excitement!!

    Nap is on list as I have been staying up late talking to neighbors lately.

    Wishing all a wonderful weekend and wave to all who follow. Stay safe.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning Sara~~
    Thank you for the cute card! Love it!
    What restaurant are you going to go to, assuming take out, right?

    Boy, when this is all over with, I will be so grateful for the simplest things:
    -talking to neighbors while standing close to them and being able to give them a hug and
    -eating out at a restaurant.
    I rarely eat out for lack of people to do it with, but knowing now that I can't do it, even alone, makes me sad.
    I miss being around people.

    Thankfully the weather in NC should be very nice this weekend, so I may get a little yard work done.

    Time for breakfast - BBL


    256.2 today
    258.8 highest
    214.0 year end goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lana - I was wondering if you got the card, there is another one in the mail this weekend....Take out for now is all most places do. Got more asparagus as the last batch was so good.... take it while it is in season.

    My hairdresser is open again and I see her tomorrow. Only one customer in salon at a time.

    My dentist is open starting on my day for cleaning (Thursday) and we get to sit in cars to wait - knitting time for me!!! Nearby chocolate shop is closed :# but that may be a good thing.

  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Saturday. I got up REALLY early--4:40--b/c the puppy needed to go out (unusual, but she had a bone yesterday and I think that's why). Fell back to sleep for maybe an hour, so for the first time, I hit the "old timer's hours" at the grocery store. 6 to 8 am. Not really busy. I noticed a lot of things are still missing from the last time I was there--mostly sale items. Since it has been over 1 week, I'm guessing people are stocking up a bit more in general so that if there are other shortages, they will have some of the things they need. Canned fruit, in particular. Well, that's the one item I was looking for so I noticed specifically what it was--other empty spots on shelves, too. Anyway, I got some dairy products and pet food, mostly all I needed. I need to get to a Target for a few household items not in the grocery store.

    The dogs and I had a nice trek at the DP for about an hour. I got home, fiddled with a few tasks, watched a video, then went back to sleep for about 3 hours! I almost never nap that long anymore. But I still woke up early enough that it won't interfere with my nighttime sleep.

    I keep floundering around the same 2 lb range and it's getting old. I've been trying not to eat back my exercise cals but I have had trouble with that, so maybe I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and eat less. I've been feeling pretty satiated and haven't had any out-of-control eating since I played with my settings a few weeks ago (due to hunger), but I think the deficit is either so small or non existent. Yikes--I just looked at my graph and I really have been stuck; 30 days. So, time to shake things up, I guess. This will not be easy and I have to find a way to make it sustainable.

    Wish me luck, ladies.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Things are opening up here... only 10 people in places for 10 minutes... we'll see how that goes...we decided to have Mexican take out, last night... they really had their stuff together... and, they were so busy! They bounced from car to car, all across the parking lot... wait time was an hour, but was so worth it..

    Found some work shoes from Skechers. They had a 30% off sale for Essential Workers...I made sure to read Reviews and they were all Good. Yesterday, was first day wearing them... my feet felt pretty good at end of day.. it's funny, the sole is really thick, so i'm taller...I find myself bending down differently, lol... today, I did have a little discomfort on the top of my right foot... awhile back, I dropped a really heavy plate, straight up and down, on the top of my foot. It hasn't bothered me, so I forgot about it. I'm not sure how to fix this...I will see, if just loosening it a bit will help... hopefully... i do like the shoes a lot and hope this doesn't become unbearable for me...I need good shoes so badly...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dawn!! Glad you posted. Shoes,did you say you bought a pair of inserts? If so remove the inserts in your new shoes and use the inserts. If not - take out the inserts and see if the toe section is thick or thin - it may be the insert that is causing your discomfort. Try wearing the shoes without the insert at home to see if that helps.

    My hairdresser is open one person at a time. She has 2 doors for cross ventilation if need be. I see my dental hygienist Thursday and I am sure they have the face shield.

    Asparagus, broccoli, and mushrooms to prep - not sure if quiche will happen or just use them for salads. Just really dont have a lot of energy to do a lot, so I am glad I have 3 days off right now.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Hi All~~

    I am hurting mentally with this isolation business. Even before covid 19 I was having trouble getting enough social contact and hating that I live alone. Now, it's really bad.

    I miss being able to go and sit in the library near other people, or go to a diner and sit and eat near other people, or the parks just to sit near some other humans. Now the only thing I can do is go to the grocery store or walk on the trails and wave and say "hi" to a few peeps.



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- good morning! The shoes came with built in arch support... which I really need... just not sure why my foot started hurting, after all this time. I am on the top of my feet, all the time. I have to kneel to hold big dogs. So, I thought it would have been bothering me all along... and, maybe it's not caused by the shoe at all. Maybe, I did something to reinjure it... putting too much weight on it... leave it to me to have

    Enjoy your days off. And, your veggies... sounds yummy...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- I don't have words to help you feel better. I hope things get back to "normal" soon... enough to at least be able to enjoy sitting in the library or diner..

    DH and I went for a walk in the park while waiting for our Mexican food....I felt guilty the whole time...a police Officer drove by and I cringed, waiting for him to tell us to leave... thankfully, he just smiled and waved..I just worry.... ready to not have that worry, anymore....
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey! Looking for friends to keep each other motivated - feel free to add me 😁
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lana - sitting on the couch with you. I am on anti - depression meds and that's partly why I knit in my car so I can get outside see the sun and knit.

    Neighbors of mine and I meet up in the parking lot and they have fold up chairs. I wear a dental mask and we keep our distance as much as we can. Keep up your walking it improves your biochemistry and helps with depression. My church has online services so I can see people I "know" and attend church - is there anything like that in your area? If I lived in your town I would have my mask on, bang on your door and tell you to get your walking shoes on. So I will post my steps daily if you will and we can keep each other accountable. I walk around a garage building sometimes so I am close to home (week days - see break issue below).

    I also have been lax about walking (boss during week IM's me at least every hour demanding I answer her asap) and breaks are hard to take but I will make sure to starting next week.

    Asparagus and sweet potato in oven - made hard boiled eggs last night, will steam broccoli and with any luck make a quiche and a pot of rice so I have meals for next couple of days.

    Time to go watch church. I got my hair done. Hairdresser is not "working" but is having people come in on weekends and paying for me.
