Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning.

    Dog is finally eating which is a great relief to me. She ate her soft food which is a nice start. I used a syringe and shot her meds into her throat (no needle) after I crushed them and put them in some Vienna Sausage liquid (so it tasted half okay). Now I can face Mrs Monster a little easier in our online training.

    Dawn- it may be the lack of cases that allows your gma to go home- she also does not go out much so they may be thinking she will self quarantine anyway..... just glad for the change to her advantage.

    I have given Mrs Monster her street name but too many "kitten" words to post. You are welcome to imagine.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning Sara~
    So glad to hear Miss Tillie is eating better. Whew.
    As for Mrs. Monster, the You-Know-What Spray does work over the internet.
    Give her a spritz whenever necessary. 😈

    Dawn - Assume that good things will happen for your grandmother on Friday. Positive thinking will help you both. Big, big hugs~ 💖

    Lynn - Waving to you up north. I hope that you have a good day today.

    Waving to Tracy and Maureen and Kathryn and Holly and Runa and Saltine and Missy and everyone else who stops by today.


    256.6 today
    258.8 highest
    214.0 2020 goal
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning all!
    Sara - also glad your dog is doing well.
    Lana - waves
    Dawn - hugs. Friday will go fine - I am sure! Just found out my father in law has a fizure(?spelling- basically a fancy name for a tear) in his colon where it bumps up against his bladder, so yuk is being absorbed into his bladder, causing chronic bladder infections. So he too is having surgery Friday. Bodies are so amazing and so complicated once in a while.
    hello to all who stop by - Maureen, Tracy, Kathryn, Holly, Runa, Saltine, Missy, Suzu - we miss you guys!
    Have a great Tuesday. My scale went the wrong way... :wink:

    CW 195.2
    HW 207
    GW 180
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hey Lana!
    I have a building project going on in the lot outside my window and I believe you must've sent Alejandro to work for the construction company. It is very warm outside and he has his sleeves rolled up. Wowza! Thanks!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    I forgot I also have the "you know what" spray in roll on form- great idea.

    Lynn, just be careful not to spill that coffee on yourself staring so hard!!!! We all need a little eye candy, so enjoy.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Lynn - good for you!!! It's so nice to have a view of something nice 😉

    Sara - I forgot about the roll-on! 😁
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited June 2020

    Good morning All~~

    *tossing beach bag onto favorite lounge chair for later*

  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I'm heading to DE to my camper for just a couple days. My daughter needs a break from me. I will not be going to any major beaches and I still have my trusty mask. I'm m just going to clean the outside of the camper and for a respite. Alejandro has a previous engagement so it is only the dog and I. Waves to all. Pun intended.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning,

    Dog up and fed, I may have to exchange cans of chicken food for beef food. I am sure it happens all the time.

    Sirens/helicopters kept me up much later than usual. Luckily I have the day off. No Mrs Monster today. What a relief. I have an early apt and then I will go grocery shopping and see about getting some cake. HOT temps and ice cream is calling but so far not yet.

    I bought a couple more pendants and some stone hearts to remind me of what is more important - beauty or food that is not nutritious (ice cream). Now I have hit my limit until the Fall.

    Back for a little more zzzz.

    Wave to all who follow. Its a little crazy out there so stay safe.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Holly - have a peaceful time at the beach with your mental health break. ☀️

    Sara - Oh, cool. Day off for you!

    I got into the carbs heavy duty yesterday, and boy did the scale track that for me. Carbs make me retain water.

    Well, my pool heater isn't working because the circuit breaker for it burned up and melted. It is the worst I have ever seen --and I've seen a lot of burned breakers while I was working.

    I suspected I was simply going to have to replace the breaker, but the mess is so bad inside the panel, I think should replace the whole panel.

    I have to think on this for a while and figure out whether I want to do this work myself or pay someone tons of money to do it for me. Ugh.

    Adding another item onto the long, long Do List.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member



    a nice little distraction
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited June 2020

    Good morning,

    Went to bed earlier than I have been lately and took Melatonin - so even when dog needed out at midnight sleep has been easier.

    Dr apt via computer was a bust as her system is messed up. She saw me on the phone. I didnt realize how dark my apartment is. Nice when it gets HOT like it is now.

    Grocery shopping I found a package of 4 (smallest I could find) of a cake I have not tried. It will be my reward for a short time.

    Holly, getting away is always good for you as well.

    Miss T had a hissy fit and peed on the carpet right in front of me yesterday. She has never done that so I know it was a hint. Considering this is the first time in 12 years I am a lucky owner.

    More sleep as I have a 2 hour meeting online and I would rather not fall asleep!

    Wave to all who follow. Week is almost done. Stay safe out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning Sara - Goodness gracious.....what was Miss Tillie upset about that she had a hissy fit and peed? Do you know? What was she hinting at?
    (I'm just trying to learn as much as I can about dogs. Thanks.)

    I hope that your workday goes well.
    - - - -
    I am grateful for another morning of sunshine.

    Waving to All~~


    256.2 today
    258.8 highest
    214.0 2020 goal
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning!
    Sara - glad you slept well. Melatonin does not work for me. My body "jumps" from it. Like I will be sound asleep and then my body jerks awake. weird.
    Hello Lana - I too am grateful for today's sunshine.
    Been busy in my garden again now that it is warm. So much work, but I love the produce. Did I tell you guys that we got chickens? 5 - 4 egg layers and a rooster :) We will see how that project goes.
    Waves to all - have a GRAND Thursday

    CW 193.6
    HW 207
    GW 180
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Miss T collapsed outside this morning and I am waiting for the Vet to open so I can see about putting her down. I called in sick and I really dont care if my boss doesnt like it.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Lynn I had that reaction a couple of times when I first started taking it.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    edited June 2020
    Oh Sara...I am sorry...I will be wishing the best for you and Miss T.
    You are in my thoughts...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Miss T is at Vet taking tests. Dr said that her heart murmur is larger and she could have had something similar to a stroke. Blood work first then xrays and an ultrasound - credit card company will love me. So far so good, not "this is your day to deal with this". I need to walk some of this off before it is too hot.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    Miss T will have 2 new meds that she must take daily so no more of this diva stuff, syringe time (no needle) twice a day. One to drain fluid in her lungs and one for her heart. She will have an ultrasound soon for more heart details. I am a wet noodle.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    brennerjlb wrote: »
    Good morning all!
    Sara - also glad your dog is doing well.
    Lana - waves
    Dawn - hugs. Friday will go fine - I am sure! Just found out my father in law has a fizure(?spelling- basically a fancy name for a tear) in his colon where it bumps up against his bladder, so yuk is being absorbed into his bladder, causing chronic bladder infections. So he too is having surgery Friday. Bodies are so amazing and so complicated once in a while.
    hello to all who stop by - Maureen, Tracy, Kathryn, Holly, Runa, Saltine, Missy, Suzu - we miss you guys!
    Have a great Tuesday. My scale went the wrong way... :wink:

    CW 195.2
    HW 207
    GW 180

    Will be thinking of you and father in law, tomorrow. I’m just trying to stay positive...trying...good thoughts to you