

  • That is fantastic! You look amazing, and you still have that great smile! Way to go!
  • Hi Stephanie! Welcome to our group! I love yoga too! This month, my challenge is doing Insanity! EEP!
  • I went from 231.5 to 226.3 for a loss of 5.2lbs!!! That is a 2.25% loss. :)
  • Sounds great guys! Don't be afraid to post a new topic of you want to start a discussion. I'm going to let y'all just do your thing, and then on the 30th we wil all weigh in and the winner will be announced!!!!
  • What is your plan for your 1 hour of exercise today? I worked out walking around with the baby, and then after work I went to the gym and walked/ran for 30 mins. Do you prefer working out in a gym or at home? Outdoors? I prefer to exercise at the gym, unless Im riding my bike or hiking. But the majority will happen at the…
  • I see we all want more posting!!! That's good! Lets all focus on doing that, ok?
  • What is motivating you? I want to look cute in cute clothing!!! Is that too much to ask? What is holding you back, if anything? My love of food. Loving food means I am constantly having to abstain from eating the foods I am seeing/smelling/craving. Not fun! What did you do for exercise today?? I did: 40 sit-ups 20 crunches…
  • Have you taken your measurements? If so, have you seen any changes? I measured around the biggest part of my stomach because Valerie and I are doing the 30 day ab challenge. After exercising and eating a big salad, I was down 2in in that area! What did you do for exercise today? I did a 1hr 17 min workout including jumping…
  • How did your day go in terms of working out? What did you do? I killed it with an abs workout and a 63 minute walk with the kids! How was your calorie intake? It's been good! I've eaten crap I shouldn't, but in small portions. Have you noticed any changes in your body? I feel better about myself and I am ready to start…
  • :) How did your day go? It was great!!! What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! 1 hr 27 min hike. What did you struggle with? Drinking all my water. What are your wins for the day? A huge hike! We are a week+ in. Any nsv's? I feel skinnier and healthier! Are you weighing in weekly? If so, share your successes!…
  • Happy Hump Day! How did your day go? What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! I took a nature walk with the kiddoes- 1hr 17 mins and 3 miles! :) What did you struggle with? NOTHING! I totally rocked my diet and exercise! What are your wins for the day? Eating my low calorie home-made pad thai for dinner instead…
  • How did your day go? It was great! :) What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! Ab workout and an hour of leisure walking. What did you struggle with? I ate ice cream at neighborhood night out! What are your wins for the day? I made healthy pad Thai & had one moderate size serving. Yum, it's so good. Your…
  • How was your day? It went really well! What were some challenges you experienced today that you were able to overcome? I wanted to eat Italian sausage. So, I did and ended up killing it at the gym. And, I'm under my calorie goal by almost 400 cals. Where did you fail and how can you avoid that? I shouldn't have eaten the…
  • •What meal of the day did you just LOVE? Or, what has been your favorite healthy/low calorie meal lately? I just love bagels and lox, and I found a 120 calorie bagel to put lox on! Add 1t of whipped cream cheese, 2oz lox and onions tomato and capers for a delicious and on plan lunch!!! •What NSV did you experience today? A…
  • How did your day go? It was very busy, and then very stressful! What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! 30 minutes on the elliptical, 25 minutes lifting weights (arms), and 5 minutes of cool-down yoga. What did you struggle with? After being stuck in a building at the fair because of a storm with tornadic…
  • How did your day go? It was really good! I was super busy with work, but got my exercise in! What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! I walked around the fair for 4 hours! My phone said it was 1hr 49mind before I stopped it. I'm sure it would have been more than 2 hours if I hadn't stopped it! What did you…
  • You only missed day one. No biggie!!!! :) Welcome to our group!
  • Welcome Shroedersim! Your goal sounds great!! I've only done one challenge before (the squats challenge!) I'm ready for this!!!
  • That's a great goal! What is an OCR?
  • Welcome to our group Hayley!
  • Yes!!! Please do join!!!!!
  • I struggled to get out of bed too! I was supposed to get up in the AM and exercise. But, I didn't. I still got my workout in though. Welcome to our group! I'm so glad you're here!!!
  • •How did your day go? My day was pretty great! My work kept me busy until about 8! •What did you do for exercise? Break it down for us! I walked 32 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5mph, and then I lifted weights (arms!) for 30 minutes. I'm exhausted! •What did you struggle with? I made cupcakes for the kids...and I ate 2!…
  • My goals are to lose 8lbs, and to lose 2 inches off the biggest part of my stomach. Ultimately, my goal is to be 160...so this will be a big head start to that!
  • I like to toast a waffle and then microwave a turkey sausage party, and I put it on the waffle, fold over & take with me! It usually takes me an hour to finish all my breakfast! I follow these guidelines: 1 meat 1 starch 1 milk 1 fruit
  • You can do this!!! :)
  • Mine is that I ran for 6 minutes today! :) Thats pretty big for me!
  • Last week: 223 This week: 219.7 WOOHOOO! I really stuck to the program. I even went on a major hike, and still exercised even though I hurt my knee on that hike! :)
  • Week1: 220.8 Week 2: 223 I had a really bad week. I just wasnt able to control my hunger! rawr! I am back on, this is day three of back on the plan!!!
  • My arms cannot do pushups....they are waaaaay too weak. Anything else I can do this week instead? Seriously, I cant even do one girly pushup!