

  • It all fell apart for me yesterday, Wednesdays are where I really struggle, when it goes wrong on a wednesday it usually means it continues to go wrong through the weekend. This week I really thought I had cracked it, but I got home from the gym and dinner was crisps and chocolate. :grumble:
  • Right now I would love a big piece of juice watermelon! I just had a big lunch and now feel all bloated and tired and in desperate need to something light and refreshing!
  • I find I lose weight better when I have protein shakes but that's because I use them to bulk up smoothies or convenience after a weights session. the actual protein shake isn't going to help you lose weight - it's still calories. I just use it to boost my protein intake without having to carry around meat and eggs with me…
  • You could have a look at tabata workouts? Higher intensity for a shorter period of time. Or maybe a metabolic circuit? I like this one
  • I think these things just tend not to be the most accurate or reliable way of working out steps/distance and calories unfortunately. Have you tried any of the HRM's that us a "comfort" band/chest strap? One like this…
  • Already sent! I got over-excited when I saw Aberdeen! I was worried you were going to say Aberdeen in the US though! I'm more of a Glasgow girl myself but I'm familiar with Wishaw and Bell College - my auntie taught there for a while actually! I really did not expect to see someone from Aberdeen on here!
  • Oh hello! I'm in Aberdeen too! :) I also moved here to be with my partner! Good luck do you! you absolutely can do it again!
  • You can't spot reduce fat unfortunately, to lose fat from your arms you need to lose fat from all over. No amount of tricep dips is going to melt away arm fat. If you do enough to build any muscle it's still going be hidden under fat sadly!
  • It's not so much that you will have put on muscle but it is down to the lactic acid in the muscles and fluid retention too. I agree measuring yourself is a much better guide, particularly when exercising Have a look at this article for why you shouldn't rely to heavily on the numbers on the scale…
  • I really don't think I could have been any clearer in my post that I was talking about ME and WHAT WORKS FOR ME. I also know that a lot of people respond a similar way. I don't know why your telling me I'm not an expert on you. I haven't given any advice, I've shared my experience only. I don't know where you get this idea…
  • This is more for a raw vegan diet but I think there's loads of great advice for non-raw diets too
  • I eat 3 smaller meals plus 2-3 larger snacks - snacks are usually yogurt with berries/nuts/seeds, cottage cheese and prawns, veggies and hummus, fruit and nut butter - something substantial but definitely snack rather than meal. I find this works for me as I don't do well if I don't eat regularly and end up feeling…
  • Sweeping and inaccurate generalisation there!!! I, and many others, eat exercise calories because to us this is a plan that is supposed to work for life, not a quick fix or a kickstart, it's got to be sustainable! There's also a lot of people, like me, who don't want to lose weight, we want to lose fat and preserve as much…
  • Hello! I'm a bit late for the July thread but I'm also from the UK and would love to join you for the rest of this month and properly for next month!
  • It's interesting to see such a mix of...tactics people employ to lose weight! I do agree that the title and first post could have been worded a bit better as it does seem as though everyone is being told they should not eat exercise calories or eat over 1000 cals a day. Obviously that can't apply to anyone and the topic…
  • At the moment I'm at 1400 a day for 0.5 - 1lb loss per week but I earn 200-500 for exercise and eat all the extra. I lost 2 stone and but 10lbs back on , once I've got that 10lbs off again I'll go back to eating more with a slower loss rate. I can really struggle to keep to 1400 but with a bit of careful planning its easy.
  • What a great idea! Feel free to add me too please :D Really helps encourage me to keep logging in and tracking my calories!
  • I read a review of this recently and I really want to give it a go! I'm a bit scared of it though to be honest!
  • Personally I don't pay too much attention to freezer rules and I seem to be OK! And I don't have a particularly strong stomach either!
  • Today I had a smoothie with: 50g greek yogurt Small Banana 1 scoop cookies & cream protein powder 200ml coconut milk
  • See it sounds like just in the UK different people call a different spoon a table spoon! I've always had teaspoons, desert spoons and tablespoons. A tablespoon would only really be used for measuring stuff or serving foods - though my mum also has a couple of scarily enormous serving spoons too.
  • I bought myself a set of measuring spoons and have been using measuring cups a lot more too. I figure they will be pretty standard and safe! Usually though I prefer to go by weight as it's more accurate. I'm also in the UK so a lot of the measurements don't mean a lot to me, I usually end up clicking through a few option…
  • Hi Candice! I'm new to MFP and don't know anyone here yet - will add you in just a moment. Would be nice to get to know some people for support etc I find it makes a massive difference! I lost about 2 stone last year using a similar site and I' hoping to lose the last one here!
  • I'm in! I need this so much! I do really well Mon - Fri then just fall apart over the weekend! I've started the day with a small bowl of porridge and a glass of fresh carrot and orange juice and I'm about to have scrambled eggs with smoked salmon for lunch. Planning to have prawn Pad Thai for dinner. Exercise will just be…