fitgirl4life Member


  • Totally agree! What a spectacular view, soooo envious that is where you "walk" :love:
  • Just read this article, awesome! Thanks for posting it. :smile:
  • ^^This. The book changed my eating forever. Reading it was a huge "lightbulb" moment for me. Five years on and I am still eating 5 small meals/day as recommended.
  • I'm 5'3" and 124 lbs, 23% body fat. I'm wondering how you calculated your goal weight? Is it based on a specific body fat %? I would be more concerned with getting to a body fat goal than a weight. For instance, if I was 19% bodyfat, I'd look very lean but I would still weigh 119 lbs. I would look ill at 105 lbs, not to…
  • I've just gotten over a rotten cold myself. The first week I had it, I went to the gym twice and pushed through. The second week, I got even more sick, and even came down with a fever. I was kicking myself for pushing my body when I should have been resting! It took me another week of total rest to get back to normal. I…
  • I put cheese in the same category as oil, butter, chocolate and peanut butter. I eat it in a VERY controlled manner. It is 40% fat after all, and even a 30g portion has an extortionate amount of calories. Even light cheese is still 20% fat. Once you log all your food and see what a huge portion of your overall daily…
  • Maybe you could show her my new MFP friend's blog: Very inspirational!
  • I ate cleanly for 4 whole days! I resisted wine and chocolate in the evening, even though I was really craving them. I made really good food choices all week, and didn't go over my allowance. And I exercised every day! :flowerforyou:
  • That is really inspirational! What a fantastic goal you have and thanks for posting the link to your blog :flowerforyou:
  • Part of all professional athletes training is the "rest and recovery" days. In fact, I recently read an article written by someone who won a competition in a health & fitness magazine about how they achieved their amazing body: no more than 3 workouts per week! A lot of times only 2 workouts. The rest of the time they were…
  • Hee hee....dark/cynical sense of humour, love it! I'm in Surrey, feel free to add me :smile:
  • Congratulations on your achievement! That is fantastic work and you must feel so proud of yourself! Once I hit my goal weight, I was able to maintain for months without any problems. I'd already changed my eating habits and was exercising 4-5 days/week, so I could do it even without logging my food. I could just "see" what…
  • Fabulous job! Way to go girly!
  • My diary is public, feel free to have a look. I don't log my food on Saturday's but otherwise, I log everyday. I blog extensively about my food planning and preparation, so have a look at my blog posts! I eat cleanly as much as possible. Lots of lean protein, healthy fats and…
  • Wow, you look gorgeous!! Great work and totally inspirational! :smile:
  • You're right. Exercise is over-rated. You'll do much better sitting on the sofa. Good luck.
  • I just found your blog and loved it! I'm new to heavy lifting, but working through my "Body Sculpting Bible For Women" program, doing 3 days/week of lifting and 3 days/week of 30 min HIIT. Current weight/BF: 121 lbs, 22% First Goal: 117 lbs, 19% Time: 12 Weeks Great to find this thread!
  • I do NOT agree that you need a protein or recovery shake. You need to eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes a good amount of lean protein (I eat 30% protein, 50% carb and 20% fat in MFP for my ratio). I have successfully worked out for YEARS without using a protein or recovery shake, and I lost 30+ pounds. The reason…
  • Congratulations! What a fantastic feeling! Enjoy shopping :smile:
  • I'm not a nutritionist by any means, but here's what's worked for me. I believe in everything in moderation, and that as this is a lifestyle and not a diet, it has to be do-able every day. I follow the 80-20 rule. If I'm good 80% of the time, I can be naughty 20% :laugh: . So, I do allow myself daily treats, but I keep…
  • Scales are not the most scientific, exact instruments of measurements. I can step on and off the scale three times in a row and it will say something different each time! You have to allow +/- 0.5 lbs (at the minimum) in error.
  • I've noticed that my skin is glowing and I look (and feel) 10 years younger!
  • This is a really interesting topic. I don't have kids myself, but I remember growing up and not having any interest at all in phys ed or exercise! I always said if I had kids, I would not pressure them into doing "exercise", but rather, just make being active part of everyday life. For example, your 11-year old daughter…
  • You are SO beautiful!! You look amazing, congratulations on the massive achievement!
  • Well congratulations on your weight loss thus far! However, you're only into week 2 and already doubting yourself? Wow! You must want instant results! It took me three months to lose my last 10 lbs. I have many friends here who have been at this over a year to lose their 100 lbs. I'd say you have a long journey ahead of…
  • I'm not sure what you mean by "clean", but I try to eat as healthy as possible. Lots of veggies, whole grains and complex carbs. I rarely eat processed food or drink alcohol. I never eat junk food (Burger King, KFC, McD), I cannot stand it! I eat out at restaurants about once a week, ones that offer healthy foods and lots…
  • Ok here's my AMAZING SECRET to weight loss, it's fool-proof, and I'm even going to give it to for FREE!!!!! Eat less. Exercise. Drink plenty of water. Make healthy food choices. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I plan all my meals in advance, and weigh out everything. I don't trust my eyes. I take my food with me to work, or if I'm…
  • You seem to be doing everything right! So you just have to be patient, this is what happens after the initial weight drop. I once waited 3 weeks for my plateau to break. It's frutrating, but this is a slow process, some weeks you can drop 2 lbs, and others, nothing. If you make your food diary public then maybe we can have…
  • So true! It sounds like common sense but so many women allow themselves to be taken advantage of and/or mistreated, thanks for posting this as a reminder that we are worthy of love and respect!
  • Bump for later! We are also considering a dog so I'd be interested in hearing the opinions out there. :smile: Our issue is that we love taking holidays abroad and I'd feel guilty putting a dog in a kennel twice a year. :frown: