Calling all dog owners!

happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Hi everyone! :happy: Who has a dog? (Sorry it's so off topic, I'd just like opinions!)

I am so torn if to get one or not, my partner really wants one so it's basically down to me...

Financially I think we could cope as my best friend has a big dog and we've sat down and gone through everything, I know we have cats, but we'd get a puppy so it'd grow up around them, we love walking and can most certainly make the two long walks a day commitment (more at weekends), we have a decent sized garden, amazing relationship with our local vets, not phased by doggy-mess (!), and I can make my peace with being a little less house proud if it bites furniture etc when it's growing up AND we have all the love in the world for one... but although we can both work from home fairly frequently - there are inevitably going to be days when neither of us can stay at home and the dog would have 8 hours alone.... That really worries me...does anyone else also have this situation? Can you still have a happy dog? :)

I have looked into "dog-minders" and that sort of thing, but there doesn't seem to be anyone that could cover my area, so it isn't really an option. We could possibly look at having one of those fancy kennels with a dog run installed in the garrden (if I get super budgeting!) but I'd be worried about it being cold and lonely!!

It's not something I'm rushing into - I adore animals, so it would be a home for life - therefore I need to be super sure that it can work! I'm just interested to hear people's situations and whether you can have a dog still working full time?

Many thanks! :happy:


  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    Bump for later! We are also considering a dog so I'd be interested in hearing the opinions out there. :smile:

    Our issue is that we love taking holidays abroad and I'd feel guilty putting a dog in a kennel twice a year. :frown:
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    We have a yorkshire Terrier who is 3 1/2 yrs old. When we were looking to get a dog (which we had never had before, we just had cats) we researched which ones were suitable for moulting, grooming, health issues, size.

    We picked a yorkie because they are funny, don't smell like a dog, small breed (although ours is bigger than average), not too many health issues.etc

    I would say have a look at some dog images, see which ones you like the look of then research these. Some dogs dont mind being left whilst others fret and get lonely.

    The dog for you is out there, I promise.

    I wouldnt be without Scooby now and they change your life for the better :)
  • hi i have a akita( profile pic) she is 1yrs old and amazing, do you have family member that could watch dog during day while at work? i am stay at home mum so my dog comes every where with me, you could get a dog run but it would be unfair to leave for 8hrs every day if you and partner wok full time,
  • I've got 2 dogs.... well puppies really. One is 9 months old and the other is 6 months old. Both me and my partner work full time, however I work from home. But there are times when I have appointments outside the home and the dogs have to be left alone for a few hours at a time and they are fine. I make sure they get their walk before I go out, leave them with plenty of food and water and lots of chew toys. I also leave the radio on in the back ground for them, so to them, it's like someone is still in the house.

    How often would you be leaving your dog on it's own? If it was going to be everyday, my opinion would be not to get one. But if it's only going to be now and again, I don't think that would be a problem at all.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    hi! I have a 10 month old Samoyed. I work a lot too, and we have a huge yard so when I'm working, he plays outside. We have a kennel, full of hay (to keep warm) and a dog house. If you get a large breed or high maintenance breed, they'll probably be really hyper when you get home though. I think a nice, long walk when I get home helps a bit with that. When I first brought my puppy home, first thing he did was to pass a sick bowel movement on our hardwood floors! lol. But before you get a dog, make sure to introduce the puppy to your cats. Sure, a puppy can get used to cats. But can your cats get used to a dog?
  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member

    So first I must say I am glad that you have sat down and thought this through. May I suggest adopting a puppy from a shelter. Shelter dogs are the best. Anyway. My ex and I adopted a dog in March of 07. Both he and I worked full time jobs and I went to school. Most of the time with my rotating schedules someone was home with him, and he was able to be left at home for quite a while without us being home. He is an inside dog. When I began student teaching while my ex was working or when he had to be left alone all day, if I could find someone to let him out I would, however most of the time he just slept all day and was good. Of course once we got home we had to play with him for a while. But he was always happy. In June of last year my ex broke up with me, after refusing to work it out with me I took the dog and left. He no longer sees the dog, thank God....sorry, a bit off topic. But needless to say I had to now figure out how to work 10 hours a day and add in an hour communte both ways and still care for the dog. Because it is 12 hours and travel concerns when there is weather, I have a dog sitter. On my way to work he gets dropped off, and when I get off he comes home with me.

    My situation is a bit extreme, with hours, and being the only care taker, but. between my parents and sister and her husband who have 8 dogs between them, all 4 of them are gone for about 8-9 hours a day, their dogs are left in the house from the time they leave til they get home. All the dogs do well and are very content.

    So it can work, the problem with a puppy is they won't be able to hold it all day, that is somethng like children, has to be built up over time. Most people kennel train their dogs, but still it takes time to build up that kind of bladder control. In a kennel they will learn, as dogs don't like to foul up their sleeping area. With all my time around dogs, we have kennel trained our puppies, however once they get old enough we stop using the kennel and let them stay loose indoors while we are gone.

    i hope this helps and good luck
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    I used to work at a doggy daycare, and plenty of people brought their dogs there during weekdays while they were at work. And most of them enjoyed it greatly. Of course, they were happy to see their owner at the end of the day, but they got to interact and play with other dogs throughout the day. ..Not all doggy daycares are set up the same way, but generally the dogs do get to interact with other dogs.

    If there is a doggy daycare around you, this may be an option to consider! Especially since it isn't going to be every single day or anything.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Bump for later! We are also considering a dog so I'd be interested in hearing the opinions out there. :smile:

    Our issue is that we love taking holidays abroad and I'd feel guilty putting a dog in a kennel twice a year. :frown:

    I go on vacation about once a year and I have my dog kenneled and he absolutely loves it! They walk him, and play with him, and he has other dogs to play with. Just make sure it's a good facility that will treat your dog well.
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    I really want a puppy but I think with the hours my boyfriend and I work (minimum 8 hours up to about 14 hours a day) it would be cruel for me to have one, especially as I live in a flat. I thought about getting two puppies so they could keep each other company, but even then I don't think that would make up for me being absent that much. I hope you can work it out between the two of you because it would be amazing to be a mummy to a pup x
  • Why don't you adopt a dog from the shelters. I adopted my dogs from the local shelter and they are just awesome.
    They can be left at home while you are working.
    You should at least check them out.:smile:
  • I have two jack russells that I have had from pup and I work 8 hours 5 day a week. They are 2 years old now and are in full routine of being at home all day, however when they were young I did go home every lunch time to let them out (or got my neighbour to do it). Ideally dogs shouldnt be left for any longer than 4 hours without releaving themselves, but I think if you get them in a godd routine and dont mine the odd accident then its fine. I feel bad for leaving mine at home all day but I make up for it when I get home and try to stay up quite late (11pm) so that have extra time with me.
    I would like to suggest that you get an older dog (maybe from a centre) that is housetrained and probably used to be left alone, many have come from homes and get on with cats too, however many centres do require that the dog is not left alone for more than 4 hours. So although you will be giving a rescue dog a second chance you may have to consider the work thing!!
    Having a dog is a big comittment (if you really care about them) its almost like having children. They cant be left for too long, problems when you go away and cant take them, but they are very rewarding and great companions to have.
    I would think carefully as there has been times where I have thought I'd done the wrong thing, but the choose is yours, as they say!
    Good Luck x
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    I am getting a pup in about 3-4 weeks, I have had good contact with the breeder since before the litter was born and am really looking forward to bringing her hone :) ! I have choosen a smaller breed as they tend not to be hyper and are more content to stay at home and sleep during the day. I am going to gate off the kitchen so that's her daytime area (while I work) and try to crate train at night (to housebreak). I had the same questions when I decided to start looking for a puppy, but decided that as I live about 5 mins (by car) away from where I work it wouldnt be a problem to take my lunch hour at home and this breaks up the time away into managable 4 hour chunks (or even 2 x 30 min breaks with 2.5 hours between - we'll see how it goes). Lots of people say its cruel to have a dog a work, but this means that basically you have to be a stay at home mum, or retired to have this type of pet and I know plenty of peeps who work longer hours than me and manage it. So long as you can ensure that during your evenings and weekends you spend all your time with the pup / dog then I can't see how it cruel. If you intend to work all day, party all night and keep your dog in a crate during that time then don't bother, but if you can make suitable arrangements during the day time so that it has a good area to stay in - possibly even leave the radio on to keep it company with plenty of toys to stimulate it, then I say go for it! There are worse situations for a dog to live in, i.e. puppy farms, dog pounds etc. Good luck with whatever you decide. :)
  • xxnicxx
    xxnicxx Posts: 14
    We have two dogs.

    Our Samoyed is older. When we got him he was used to an hour walk (6.15-7.15am) in the morning before I went to work. My partner would then get home from work any time between 12 noon and 3pm and take him out. He then had a short spell of being in the house between 8am and 6pm by himself, which he did not seem to mind at all. In fact, I am sure I woke him up everyday when I returned from work. As my partner now works shifts, he only has four days a month of being home by himself between 8am-6pm. And I actually believe this is his favour time of the month. He likes to sleep all day without being disturbed. Even when my partner is there he sleeps all day (except for when my partner walks him) and wakes up at 5pm.

    I must say he is given a lot of exercise as he loves his walks. In the mornings he gets an hour of running round the local park. And he will have at least another two hours of walks during the day and/or in the evening. Even when I get home at 6pm, I still make sure he gets that. It can be hard work, but it makes him a lovely happy dog.

    On the other hand, my younger dog is a Pomeranian. We have only had him since my partner has worked shifts. He loves the company and wants to sit with someone all day. I don’t think he is very keen on the four days he is left at home all day. But, this is probably because he is used to being with someone.

    Therefore I think if you want to get a dog whilst working full time, you need to research the breed and it will need to get used to it from a young age. And also you have to be willing to put in the hard work. Sometimes you don’t feel like it but it still has to be done!
  • I Have a west highland terrier (westie) she's 3 and due to my shifts sometime she's at home all day. It's not a problem and just means she's very happy to see me when I get in! I think it's good to research the bread as some require less exercise etc. I also have 3 cats so it's entertaining to say the least!
  • First off, let me say it's a huge commitment. About 13 years of commitment and should be taken seriously. That's how I approached the whole 'dog or no dog' decision. There's the Vet, food and walking thing to consider. Picking up poop and sudden illnesses. Spaying or Neutering. If your not planning on breeding the dog.

    It's basically like having a child.

    I've regretted having a dog on some snowy or rainy days. When she wants to sniff everything and not do her business. But then again, there are days I can't imagine life without her. Luckily, I have some support, when it comes to walking her and I can go away sometimes without depending upon a kennel. Which I can't afford.

    A dog will bring HUGE joy to your life. And it equals out in the end. My suggestion is to be responsible and aware of what it entails and then go with it, if you're comfortable with the commitment.

    Not to be Debbie Downer, but this is my take on the situation. I've always owned dogs. Since I was a child. And it pains me to see unwanted pets with irresponsible owners who thought they were 'cute' and didn't think before they made the leap. Not to say that's you and I'm sure it's not because you are seeking advice. Which I commend. I just take the whole pet ownership thing very seriously.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I have a 2 year old chiweenie. He's home at least 5 days a week alone (well him and the cat but she doesn't hang around him). He's really very good about being left alone. He doesn't get into the garbage or chew the furniture. We've bought him lots of toys to play with and leave him some raw hides to chew on, and of course his bowl of kibbles and water. Although his back story is a little different. We got him at about 8 months old. He was taken from an abusive home by a friend of ours but she couldn't keep him in her apartment. Like you, I thought long and hard about it but when I seen this little guy my heart broke and I immediately fell in love with him. At the time I worked 3 weeks on and weeks off. So for a full 3 weeks there was someone with him all the time to love him and teach him. It didn't take him long to realize he wasn't in that bad situation anymore. Now, he's the best little thing I think I ever did :)
  • I don't know what my husband and I would do without our dogs. We have 2 chocolate labs, and they are our "kids" right now. We both work out of the house and it is not a problem. When they are young, you can crate them during the day in case they have accidents - or you can try leaving them in a room with puppy pads, but my dogs always chewed them up. When they are potty trained, just make sure they go potty before you leave in the morning and they will be fine staying 8 hours alone. I don't leave my dogs food or water (the more they eat and drink during the day the more they have to go!) and they are fine. They go into a kind of "hibernation mode" and sleep all day.

    We have one room in the house that is the dog room. It is where they get fed and it has a regular bed and a dog bed in it. They stay in this room all day and sleep. They can look out the window and watch people if they want, but most of the time they sleep all day till we get home. They even go to their room by themselves on the weekends to sleep because that is what they are used to - it is their safe place. You will be surprised how much your dog adapts to your schedule and living style. And, as others have said, there is always doggie daycare or dog walkers that come to your house during the day.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    No dogs. Love dogs, but our lifestyle doesn't permit it. We like to travel, sometimes on very short notice. Plus, I spend a lot of time and money on my backyard and don't like to step in dog *kitten*. Haven't had a dog in 20 years. Got a cat, but with a cat, you can load up a food dispenser and water dispenser and leave for a week or more. No problem. Do that with a dog and the dog will gorge and eat all the food the first day, *kitten* all over the house and then starve to death.
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for all your comments and input! :happy: A big help!

    We also love to travel, but have already figured out a "holiday trade off" with our friends who already have dogs, so it won't really be an issue for us. I would love to get a rescue dog, both of our gorgeous cats were from the RSPCA and I feel so good for giving them a loving home, but we have been warned by quite a few people that many rescue dogs have major behavioral issues, whereas if we got a puppy we could take him to puppy-classes "bring him up as our own" so to speak, which with us being "first time dog owners" might be better for us...hmm, one to think about though, maybe speak to the lovely ladies at the RSPCA we got our cats from....

    I really think I am leaning more towards getting one - especially seeing how many of you have dogs and still manage to work out of the home. I still won't jump into anything...but watch this space! :laugh:
  • Gah!! :noway: OK - one time, long ago, the notion that shelter/rescue dogs come with baggage and behavioral issues may have been true - but not now!! Shelters and rescues across the country are literally busting at the seams with incredible, adoptable, perfect animals, abandoned through no fault of their own due to (hello!) the economy.

    It hit hard, and breed-specific rescues everywhere are overflowing with exquisite pure bred animals. I have been in rescue for 20 years and can tell you I am floored, shocked, jaw to the floor almost daily at most of the dogs and cats I see waiting behind kennel bars.

    PLEASE. While SO many pets are dying in shelters due to lack of space, do NOT buy a pet - please consider rescuing a pet in need. I work mostly with German Shepherds and Dobermans now, and can tell you (just as an example), if you want to blow your mind? Look at the site of a group called "Westside German Shepherd Rescue". They have nearly 100 PUREBRED gorgeous stunning incredible GSheps at any given time - from 8 week old puppies to teenagers to young adults and senior dogs, they have them all. It will completely amaze you. Each is more gorgeous than the next, and the behavior and temperament of the dogs? Impeccable. With everything from "ball dogs" to SNR capable, to couch potatoes and those who end up in service or therapy work. Even if you don't like GSheps, you'll see what I mean about the quality of dogs in rescue right now.

    My Gshep, Arlo, was left tied up and abandoned at a train station when he was a year old - I picked him up from the rescue three days later and he has been, since day one, the MOST even keeled, calm, gentle, well mannered, sweet dog I have ever known. He is CGC titled, works as a therapy dog (excels with children and seniors, special needs especially), and is in training to be a Service Dog. I use him for all my temperament evaluations on shelter dogs, we work together helping "socially challenged" Gsheps to come out of their shell, and he does community service as a Goose Herder! He is an amazing ambassador for the GShep Breed and Shelter Dogs.

    He is living the life any dog should: always in dog school continuing his education, gets a few hikes (3-6 miles) weekly, daily hour long walks, runs in open spaces with other GSheps once a week, his goose herding gigs, and he comes to work with me every day. He pretty much goes everywhere.

    Yes, there are still pets landing in rescue for having issues, but that is the exception and not the norm right now. The benefit of going through a rescue or shelter is they are not trying to "sell you something", and are truly interested in matching you with the best pet for you, based on breed, temperament, energy level, etc. Please consider it. Even if you have your heart set on a specific breed, find a breed-specific rescue and if they aren't local, work with them and the numerous Rescue Railroads out there to get the dog to you.

    For the record, no large breed dog should be left alone for 8 hours a day without interruption!! Even couch potatoes.
    And certainly no puppy should ever be left alone that long. Having a dog is a huge commitment, be sure you do a lot of research on the breed - find out what it was created for, what job it was intended to do.

    Best of luck to you.

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