jcch00 Member


  • I have been on iifym since February. Love it.
  • Welcome back! Feel free to add me and my sister-in-law ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/cciaccio ).
  • Staying under 1000 calories a day? Your supposed to be eating NO LESS than 1200 calories a day. You're putting your body into starvation mode. You need to be eating more, not less.
  • I sent you a request. Please feel free to add my sister-in-law cciaccio ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/cciaccio ). She would love some new friends as well.
  • I'm 5'3 and my 1st goal was 140 lbs. Then I went to 130 lbs. and finally 120 lbs. Didn't feel any need to go lower than that. I didn't want to be a stick figure and I believe the lower the weight the more difficult it is to maintain - at least for me. I find it rather shocking that some are posting their intent to be…
  • Yes, I drink diet soda. It's my little daily treat. I've been limiting myself to 1or 2 cans/daily for the past 5 weeks (I used to drink 3/day - even during the time I lost 56 lbs.). But I also drink water like a fish (100-120 oz./daily in addition to the soda). Experts say diet soda is bad because the artificial sweeteners…
  • Sorry, but this is NOT good advice. Taking in less than 1200 daily can cause your body to go into starvation mode resulting in weight GAIN. I do agree however with the "skip day" theory. That works for me as well. OP, have you thought of zig-zagging your calories? It helps keep your body guessing so as not to adjust to the…
  • Is it possible that your body wants you to stay in the weight range that you are? Sometimes that is what a long plateau means. It's our body's way of telling us it is happy where it is.
  • I am a huge fan of Pilates instructor Ellen Barrett. I absolutely love, love, love her workout videos. She has her own website ( http://www.ellenbarrett.com/ ) and you can buy her videos for cheap on Amazon.com.
  • I've had 3 children as well and still have my pouch. I work hard at toning my abs but nothing I do will get rid of it. I've accepted that I always will. Sorry to be a downer!
  • So do you plan to continue working out 6x a week once you've made your goal?
  • I shoot for drinking about 100-120 oz. of water daily. I struggle to make this goal on weekends since we are out running around, but I try to get close.
  • I've used a few of their products as well including their Caesar and ranch salad dressing and chocolate syrup. No bad at all! I haven't tried anything else yet but plan to. I've never heard anything bad about them.
  • I'm 5'3 and weigh 120. In my profile picture I weighed 128 lbs.
  • I get up @ 4:30am, use the bathroom, get in my workout gear, and am at the gym by 5am. I do this 3-5x a week. I absolutely HAVE to have something in my stomach within the first hour of waking up or I get sick - seriously. I will actually puke. My friend is a dietitian and she said this is due to my blood sugar levels…
  • I exercise 5x a week. I take weekends off to be with and enjoy my family.
  • Sorry to discourage, but you may never completely get rid of it. I've had 3 C-Sections and even after losing all of my baby weight (and then some) after each of my pregnancies my pouch remained. I tried Pilates, Yoga, exercise ball, and many different machines religiously at the gym to no avail. I asked my OB about it and…
  • You look AMAZING! Congratulations on your success! What size are you now?
  • Personally, when I'm sick I throw everything out the window. I don't force myself to exercise because I know rest is what my body needs and what will get it better faster. I eat whatever I feel I can handle or what sounds good to me. If I want a bowl of ice cream for lunch instead of a chicken salad, then I do it. I don't…
  • Thank you for posting and sharing your story. This truly helps me realize that my continually eating 1200-1400 daily is probably not a good idea. I'm going to reevaluate my needs after reading this.
  • I'm 5'3 and 125 lbs. I wear a size 6. When I was your weight, I was a size 14/16. I'm only 1 inch shorter than you, so I have no idea how to answer your question. Weird!
  • I am definitely going to be 'naughty". Valentine's Day is a special day for you and your loved one that only comes once a year. No harm in cheating. We're having donuts for breakfast (my children's choice) and a feast of baked spaghetti & garlic bread for dinner followed by red velvet cake for dessert. Yum! I plan on going…
  • Yes, that is too much exercise. You will eventually become resentful and quit altogether. I've been there myself. Just do 1 hour of exercise 3-5x a week. Switch it up daily between cardio and strength-training (yoga/pilates/weights). I work out 1 hour daily Monday through Friday only. I take weekends off.
  • I would have done the same thing. Had maybe 1 brownie and then gotten rid of the rest. Otherwise it would have just tortured me and I would begin to obsess about how much I would love to eat something sweet. I have a major weakness for desserts as well.
  • You look BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations!
  • Good luck to you on your weight loss journey! It's a long, difficult road but it has a wonderful outcome at the end when you stick with it. :) If I may ask, how tall are you?
  • If I am so sore it actually hurts to do simple things such as sit down or get out of a chair, then I take it very easy. I'll either take a day or two off from exercise completely or simply do some pilates/yoga - ie light stretching. You don't want to cause yourself more pain and/or muscle tearing.
  • I absolutely hated it. The instructions were horrible and they went through the steps way too fast. It also could barely pick up my moves. I would be standing completely still and the instructor would tell me what a great job I was doing. We use a online rental store called Gamefly (think Netflix but for games) and are so…
  • I recommend Pilates. Those exercises tend to focus on toning the "trouble spots"; tummy, thighs, and butt. Cardio is great for losing weight, but weights are also a very important part. I have a few exercise videos that I use that combine Pilates and weights. Let me know if you're interested.
    in Tummy? Comment by jcch00 January 2011