

  • Hi there, you sound like me....i moved house and began eating convenient foods again, so i've put on a couple of pounds again. So i'm back on again now want to lose a bit for xmas!! x
    in I'm back! Comment by jue1 October 2010
  • Thankyou for your replies everyone i feel better already. its so kind for people i have never even met to take a couple of minutes out of heir busy day to try to make me feel better!! its much appreciated. :smile: :smile:
  • Thanx hun, i know you're right and i will jump back on the wagon tomorrow! Thanx for your reply it does help to have others to drag you out of a slump. :smile:
  • Hi everyone, i'm in Liverpool England and we say ''Made up'' as in 'I am so made up you came' !! in other words really happy. Anyone else say this?? :happy:
  • Hi SJ, you'll love it here lots of motivation, tips and support. If you've got the thyroid problem under control with medication etc, i can't see there being a problem with you losing the weight. The biggest tip i could give you is keep active on the site it really will help and motivate you. You can do it hun!! oh and…
  • Great reply happy jax!! and you never know your boss probably knows how amazing you are and is just waiting to give you that call!! Good luck huni :happy: :happy:
  • Definitely a motivation hun. really keeps ya going to have your own motivational thoughts. Thanx for sharing. x
  • Hahahaha! Don't worry i can see it myself now i've put that post up. haha..... yes i am slow!!!! hehe x
  • Thanx for your relpies, i haven't intentionally cut out caffiene it just sems to have happened as the milk in it and the sugar all add up....(and i so can't drink it if it hasn't got sugar and whole milk) i've swapped for green tea and honey, i love it so refreshing!! Can anyone suggest anything to add into my diet to try…
    in headaches!! Comment by jue1 July 2010
  • great post!! you took the words right out of my mouth! x
  • you know what i've noticed about MFP..everyone is a buddy there is always someone ready to give encouragement and motivation. Just have a look at some like minded people and request them as a friend, i haven't met anyone who denied my friend request. You can add me if you like. Good luck huni. x
  • haha! i've just done mine for today a 10 song challenge and i'm sweating and bright red...worth it though. lol :laugh:
  • Hahaha!! i think i would have said some naughtier words than'OH MY GOD'. Thanx for the laugh though, i'll have to remember that one!! x
  • i'm definitely in..i love 'just dance' i like eye of the tiger very up beat!! gonna do it in about an hour and i'll try the 10 song challenge! Thanx for the idea though, i've been looking for a challenge which is fun too and this is perfect!! xx
  • Thanx for your reply really made sense. x
  • Thanx so much for your replies, i think i'm just not used to trusting my own judgement when it comes to food. I'm sure this is the best chance to finally do this, and i do feel so much more committed this time. Thankyou all again. x
  • hi thanx for all the replies, i have 4 children including twins who are 2. so i do a lot of running around after the kids school runs etc, thats why i put lightly active. i also do an exercise dvd most days. i think i will drop half a pound a week cos i can't eat all of these calories anyway. Thanx for all the advice…
  • Thanx for the reply hun, do you think if i put in to lose 2lbs per week it would bring it down drastically?? x
  • Hi team uk, i'm in Liverpool so i thought i'd join you all as extra motivation. good luck to everyone! Julie x
  • hiya, i've just been looking on the net and have found a great site called pole seduction, in wigan (i'm not far from there) there next class is on wednesday so i'm going....oooh wish me luck!! haha :blushing:
  • hi there, 2lbs since yesterday..WOW! its great when you see it start to come off it gives you the motivation to keep at it. i can't wait to drop a dress size that will be my motivation. Good luck hun julie :happy:
    in Hi everyone Comment by jue1 July 2010
  • Thanx for your replies everyone, i think i'm gonna try and find a class near me!!! wish me luck haha! x
  • hi mike, i'm 32 also and finding it difficult to get back in shape. This site is a great help and everyone is so willing to give motivation and support. i want to try and make this fun aswell as a hard slog...which we all know it is!! lol so i'm trying to get a few friends to keep in touch with on this journey, for…
  • Hi there, i know how you feel hun. its hard work but you've been doing really well to keep going. Now i know lots of people are going to be shaking there heads and tutting but, if i get sweet tooth cravings i sip on a can of diet coke, it really does work...it might be psychological because i know its not good for me, but…
  • hiya, yeah i've seen that one, i've been lookin on ebay for a pole and dvd and there are quite a few of the carmen electra ones available. Do you think it gives a good enough workout? and also do you know how many cals it burns in each session? Cheers hun. x
  • congrats on your weight loss btw, its a hard slog isn't it!! how long has it taken you to lose the 25lbs? x
    in hi everyone Comment by jue1 July 2010
  • Yep sounds like me!! haha. i do really want to do this though, so thanx for your support, much appreciated huni i'll add you as a friend if thats ok. x
    in hi everyone Comment by jue1 July 2010
  • Ha ha! yeah i can imagine, i suppose it would be better to take an actual class for the calorie burning part. i just think it sounds lots of fun for a different kind of workout. what were the classes like? x