doubting myself!!!

jue1 Posts: 38
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I have had a really good start to this new healthy eating and i'm really proud of myself, in fact i'm finding it really easy which is a total shock!! But.....yes, there's always a BUT!!! This sounds strange but i'm starting to doubt my self, i've tried to do this so many times and ALWAYS failed...i don't understand how this time it feels so different, so ,needless to say i'm beginning to think i'm doing this wrong or my calorie allowance is wrong.......or ANYTHING is wrong! am i just doubting myself because i've failed every other time???
i'm sorry if this sounds a bit garbbled just hope someone has had this feeling too
Thanx everyone


  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Don't doubt yourself! Maybe the difference this time is that you are doing it right and so your body is happily accepting the new changes.
    I have never found anything out there that works as well for me at weight loss and exercise than this website.
    Stay positive and know that this time you'll be successful...YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    This time will be different because you have this community to support you. And as long as you are honest with portions, you can't go wrong on calories. You will do it!
  • jue1
    jue1 Posts: 38
    Thanx so much for your replies, i think i'm just not used to trusting my own judgement when it comes to food. I'm sure this is the best chance to finally do this, and i do feel so much more committed this time.

    Thankyou all again. x
  • ksb221
    ksb221 Posts: 9 Member
    It is totally normal to doubt yourself - really - you said it yourself - you have tried before and it has not worked and so you don't want to disappoint yourself again. Allow sticking with the program to be your addiction - and don't think of it as something you have to do FOREVER. Isn't forever overhwhelming? Just get through Thursday - and Friday will become a new opportunity to build on Thursday's success. The other thing you said was that you feel so much more committed this time. That committment can truly make the difference. Keep in touch!
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    I'm sure the body is programmed for self doubt, as soon as you start to make changes and progress there is a little red self destruct button flashing away.

    This site will keep you on track as far as logging food goes and there is a great community out there if you need help and motivation.

    One of my MFP friends said it simple "Just tell the voices to shut the hell up :mad: , you can do this"

    Good luck :happy:
  • jue1
    jue1 Posts: 38
    It is totally normal to doubt yourself - really - you said it yourself - you have tried before and it has not worked and so you don't want to disappoint yourself again. Allow sticking with the program to be your addiction - and don't think of it as something you have to do FOREVER. Isn't forever overhwhelming? Just get through Thursday - and Friday will become a new opportunity to build on Thursday's success. The other thing you said was that you feel so much more committed this time. That committment can truly make the difference. Keep in touch!
  • jue1
    jue1 Posts: 38
    Thanx for your reply really made sense. x
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Im exactly the same way. Been there done that and might have had some success, but since I didn't do it the "right" way couldn't sustain it anyway.
    I still have doubt but realized that it was in my head and nothing more. I quit smoking almost 13 years ago (next week actually) and had attempted it before but just couldn't shake the habit. Both my husband and I quit on the same day by deciding to ONLY focus on the current day. We would promise each other that we would not smoke that day only, maybe the next day, but would remain committed to the promise that day only. Taking it one day at a time really helped us and made it managable.

    Why I didn't realize I could apply this to my weight and health is beyond me. I read Bob Greene's book (Oprah's trainer) and he has a quote that I have posted at home and at work that reminded me of this . . . I create myself with the choices I make each day . . . it hit me when I read that phrase that I could apply the exact same principal as quitting smoking to my weight loss goal.

    I still am hard on myself but ever since I had this realization I have made more of a committment to my health and staying on track. I consistenly lose about 1.5 to 2 pounds per week because Im not going to quit on ME this time and darn it Im worth the effort!
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