Team UK - July 2010



  • leannemr
    leannemr Posts: 48
    Yay! I just completed the 5K Race for Life in 30 minutes and raised £235 for Cancer Reasearch too!! Happy bunny :smokin:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hey guys,

    Wondered why team UK had gone quiet then realised I'd been looking at the June thread...DOH! Bit like when I was in the gym earlier and my trainer told me to raise my right arm and left leg, of course I did the opposite...

    Well it's kind of too late for me to set my goals for the month, but mine are around my fitness atm.

    Managed to leg press 102kg today which might not immediately sound that impressive but it is almost double my body weight now I've slimmed down, plus I'm only 3 weeks post having pain killing injections in my back.

    I'm feeling very proud right now :bigsmile: and the great big man that went on the machine after me adjusted the weight down :laugh:

    Might be even prouder if I manage to find the August team UK thread before the end of next month though!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Yay! I just completed the 5K Race for Life in 30 minutes and raised £235 for Cancer Reasearch too!! Happy bunny :smokin:

    Well done you, that's great :happy:
  • Great work Leanne and some impressive weight loss going on. I have gained 4lbs over the last couple of weeks but I was expecting at least 5-7 so I am happy with that. I had a 40 mile running race in Scotland on 17th July so I always spend a few days building up to it eating and then for a week after I just give my body what it wants as I am so hungry and tired.

    Back to normal now and I am confident that by logging my food and getting at least 50 miles of running in this week I will get rid of that 4lbs.

    By the way, if anyone does run and wants to log their training for free is a brilliant site.

    Hope you all had a great weekend.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Can I join? lol I'm in Northern Ireland :)

    I'm from NI too :smile:

    I had a bad weekend diet-wise, but I have a good excuse! My little sister was brought into hospital on Friday morning... and my little niece was born on Sunday evening :happy: I'M AN AUNTIE :happy: :happy:

    With everyone out of the house pretty much the entire weekend I lived on scones, bread, goujons, happy meals, etc... just whatever was quick and available! Although I stayed away from the trusty chinese take-away :smile:
    Hello! :flowerforyou: Yea I'm having difficulty staying away from China China in Belfast! ...damn chinese food buffet:grumble:

    I've never been in China China, but my friends have been every Sunday this month :mad:

    I was very good over the weekend, even with my cousins wedding slap bang in the middle of it! Hopefully my SW weigh in will go well tomorrow evening :smile:

    The wedding on Saturday was lovely, I had to get my dress taken in :happy: and my entire family (most of whom haven't seen me since I started my diet) commented on how "slender" I was looking :bigsmile:
  • Hello! I'm a bit late for the July thread but I'm also from the UK and would love to join you for the rest of this month and properly for next month!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    ¡Feliz Lunes a todos! :drinker:

    It's Monday morrrrrning and I'm so excited because I'm starting my detox tomorrow yay yay :-)

    Hope everyone had good weekends!

    Mimi :flowerforyou:
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    Hi, I've lurked on this post on and off for ages but am determined to actually post more. Bit late for a challenge for this month but I'll def post one next month.

    Lee- I'm interested in your detox. What did you do ?
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hello all, i'm really happy with my weight at the moment, slowly losing it all and went to the gym today for the first time in a few weeks and it felt great
    i'm off to a childrens camp next week, i'm volunteering there and i'm really excited,
    but am determined to get my fitness as high as i can for it,
    50 8-13 yeard olds vs 3 adults. eep!
    so next week i'm going to be quiet on mfp of course but when i get back i'm restarting the famous detox ;)
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hello all, i'm really happy with my weight at the moment, slowly losing it all and went to the gym today for the first time in a few weeks and it felt great
    i'm off to a childrens camp next week, i'm volunteering there and i'm really excited,
    but am determined to get my fitness as high as i can for it,
    50 8-13 yeard olds vs 3 adults. eep!
    so next week i'm going to be quiet on mfp of course but when i get back i'm restarting the famous detox ;)

    I volunteered for a similar ratio children's camp back in Aust. It was loads of fun but we were all very sleepy after the 3 days!!! Good luck with it :)
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hello all, i'm really happy with my weight at the moment, slowly losing it all and went to the gym today for the first time in a few weeks and it felt great
    i'm off to a childrens camp next week, i'm volunteering there and i'm really excited,
    but am determined to get my fitness as high as i can for it,
    50 8-13 yeard olds vs 3 adults. eep!
    so next week i'm going to be quiet on mfp of course but when i get back i'm restarting the famous detox ;)

    Wow awesome of you to volunteer :-) well done on getting to a point where you're happy with yourself! You're beautiful and lovely! Have fun at camp :D xxx
  • 7.5 mile run to work = starting the day with an extra 1158 calories. Woohoo. It was a struggle getting out of bed this morning but I am glad I did now.
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Brilliant Norbert, what a fantastic start to the day!!
    How's everyone doing? I like the sound of this detox, what does it entail? xxx
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Brilliant Norbert, what a fantastic start to the day!!
    How's everyone doing? I like the sound of this detox, what does it entail? xxx

    I was wondering about the detox too - not that I think I have the willpower to do it! Lol But I might be willing to give it a go!! :)
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    I've just started having a Graze box delivered each week and they've given me a discount code for a free box to pass to anyone who wants to try it.

    I know there are a few people on here who already get them, but for those of you who haven't heard of them before, Graze boxes are a box of 4 punnets of healthy snacks which are delivered to you as often as you want them. You go on the website and tell them what you like, what you love, what you'd like to try and what you hate, from the selection of snacks that they have and then they send you different things each time, based on your preferences. (You get a little leaflet in the box to tell you the nutritional info for each of the punnets you receive).

    For more info, go to

    If you would like to try it, entering code YW6MYLR will get your first box free and your second one half price (just so you know, this also gets me £1 off my next box). You can cancel easily at any time.

    Gem x
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Brilliant Norbert, what a fantastic start to the day!!
    How's everyone doing? I like the sound of this detox, what does it entail? xxx

    I was wondering about the detox too - not that I think I have the willpower to do it! Lol But I might be willing to give it a go!! :)

    Lol I dont think I'd have the will power either but the results are amazing, it's so tempting! x
  • jue1
    jue1 Posts: 38
    Hi team uk, i'm in Liverpool so i thought i'd join you all as extra motivation. good luck to everyone!
    Julie x
  • Hey team uk, I know Im really late for month of July but I'd love to join ready for August! I need a really good month to kick start my diet properly!

    Hannah :happy:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    welcome hannah and julie, welcome aboard your love it hear. lol
    it aint to late to comment and motivate, make sure you set your goals at the start of August and we can all support you.

    James x
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi team uk, i'm in Liverpool so i thought i'd join you all as extra motivation. good luck to everyone!
    Julie x

    Hi there and welcome.
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