Team UK - July 2010



  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hiya all,

    Hope you are all okay. Had a nice long weekend, was off Friday from work and I enjoyed it so much I rang my boss and asked to take Monday off aswell! :laugh:

    Finished that detox and the results were amazing; I lost a total of 10.6lbs! :bigsmile: Was hard going but I stuck with it and I was made up that I saw results. It's now up to me to maintain that weight and try and lose some more by upping my gym routine and watching what I eat!

    Had a busy weekend so not been on here much! But it's time for knuckling down and improving my weight loss! :smile:

    Hope everyone manages to reach their targets this week. Good luck all! :drinker:

  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member

    I've not really got any challenges atm, other than 'try and cycle home without stopping except for roads, etc' and 'try and go for a walk once in a while'

    I always feel silly doing excercise in the bedroom/lounge - although I'm tempted to try the 100 Push-up program... Hmmm...
  • neilmc74
    neilmc74 Posts: 3

    Hey all, started a detox this week, and it seems to be going okay at the moment.

    What do you do on a detox?
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Mimi - I love 'The Holiday' too and so totally would love to live there... well ok, maybe I will stick with Aust but if not for that I would choose there! It was very pretty and very peaceful :) I'm not sure an allergy test would help because I don't think it's likely to be an allergy, probably an intolerance so wouldn't show up on even a good allergy test. Mostly I get quite severe pain and yes, some bloating. It's really annoying! I think it is something in the food but I think perhaps it's more like chemicals on the outside of veggies or something. It just seems really strange that I only have the symptoms when I'm in the UK (even when I only visited here for 6 weeks) and never in Australia. I think I will just procrastinate for a bit longer hahaha

    Lesley - congrats on becoming an Auntie!

    Lee - Wow! How long was your detox for?

    I wish this weather would make up it's mind! The cold then hot then cold thing is way hard to adjust to. Hoping when I move to my new job that the hospital will have airconditioning.

    Take care all
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Mimi - I love 'The Holiday' too and so totally would love to live there... well ok, maybe I will stick with Aust but if not for that I would choose there! It was very pretty and very peaceful :) I'm not sure an allergy test would help because I don't think it's likely to be an allergy, probably an intolerance so wouldn't show up on even a good allergy test. Mostly I get quite severe pain and yes, some bloating. It's really annoying! I think it is something in the food but I think perhaps it's more like chemicals on the outside of veggies or something. It just seems really strange that I only have the symptoms when I'm in the UK (even when I only visited here for 6 weeks) and never in Australia. I think I will just procrastinate for a bit longer hahaha

    Lesley - congrats on becoming an Auntie!

    Lee - Wow! How long was your detox for?

    I wish this weather would make up it's mind! The cold then hot then cold thing is way hard to adjust to. Hoping when I move to my new job that the hospital will have airconditioning.

    Take care all

    Heya :-)

    When I said allergy I think I meant intolerance, good intolerance tests. Wow that is strange you get it here and not in Australia! Weird weird!!!! I hope you find out what's up and kick it's bum :-)

  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Lee - Wow! How long was your detox for?

    Only 4 days hun! :smile:
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I lost 3.8lb this week! (My first week...)
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Well done Xarra, that's brilliant!

    I started RC last week and have my 1st weigh in tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous coz I have been good but I was out on Saturday night and I'm just hoping it doesnt affect my loss too much! I'm looking forward to trying the exercise part of the class too, I really need to get back into the gym, still havent been since I got back from holiday on the 5th!

    Hope you're all having a good week, Happy's all down hill from here!
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I suspect it's all down to watching what I eat, rather than the 5000-odd calories I'd eat a day before. :) I'm under the 200lb marks and planning on staying there! :)
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    I lost 3.8lb this week! (My first week...)

    Wow what a great start.
    well done
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    I lost 3.8lb this week! (My first week...)

    Well done Xarra, fantastic stuff for the first week! :smile:
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I'm expecting it will slow down now, but it was a real boost to see that dropping the rubbish really could make a difference!
  • leannemr
    leannemr Posts: 48
    Hi All

    It's my second week weigh in tonight at RC. Managed to lose 4lbs in my first week last week so am hoping for 2lbs this week.
    Not so sure I'll have such a good week next week though as it's my 10th wedding anniversary today and we are out tonight (as its also my Dad' birthday) plus I am being whisked off to a nice boutique hotel tomorrow night with a 3 course dinner :happy: I think I will have to have a night off!!

    Also running the Race for Life in Swansea this weekend. My Aunty and a friend are both suffering from Breast Cancer - my friend is only 35. We are also running for my friends dad whose cancer has just returned :cry:
    I have raised £200 so far which I am really pleased with :happy:

    Hope everyone hits their goals and has a happy and healthy week :flowerforyou:

    Leanne x
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Can I join? lol I'm in Northern Ireland :)

    I'm from NI too :smile:

    I had a bad weekend diet-wise, but I have a good excuse! My little sister was brought into hospital on Friday morning... and my little niece was born on Sunday evening :happy: I'M AN AUNTIE :happy: :happy:

    With everyone out of the house pretty much the entire weekend I lived on scones, bread, goujons, happy meals, etc... just whatever was quick and available! Although I stayed away from the trusty chinese take-away :smile:
    Hello! :flowerforyou: Yea I'm having difficulty staying away from China China in Belfast! ...damn chinese food buffet:grumble:
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi guys

    Hope you are all well!! Thank god its Friday eh!!!

    Well I have been as good as gold since my blow out on Sunday, I have exercised everyday (loving the 30 day shred)....... but have lost a big fat ZERO :grumble: :grumble: I have stayed the same for my usual Friday weigh in!!! Bit gutted, but at least I havent put on. Am wondering if it could be that I have been doing the 30 Day Shred daily, plus the odd run. I have not done strength training for ages with weights etc and I can see changes in my body so am hoping the lack of weight loss is due to building muscle!!! I hope so!!!

    I have 3 weeks till Ibiza, and according to the scales this morning I am 10.8, really wanted to get down to 10 for the beach, but at the mo it doesnt look like I will get there, which is really frustrating as I feel like I have put in loads of effort!!! On the positive side though, I found an old weight watchers book when cleaning out some paper work and it said I was 11.9 when I last joined!!! So I have officially lost over a stone which I am really please about!! :happy: :happy:

    I do feel much better about my body and feel much more confident, which encourages me to keep going and try to loose more!!! I would love to get to 9 something (even 9.13 3/4) for my wedding...... Just got to keep going!!!

    I am putting all my trust in next weeks detox, which I cannot wait to start on Monday!!! Fingers crossed for some fab results!!!!

    Have good weekends all, I am going to try and stick to my weight watchers points this weekend and get in loads of exercise!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Happy Friday everyone :drinker: It's finally here!

    I had my first weigh in at RC and lost 3.5lb, I'm happy with that as I was out on a hen do on Saturday night and we went for a meal on Sunday lunch time.

    Hope you've all had a good week, and have a good weekend :flowerforyou:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone, sounds like you're all doing really well.

    Plant pot - try not to stress over it. If you've been doing the shred every day having not done anything like that for a while, you may well be retaining water and glycogen in your muscles. If you keep going you'll start to lose again.

    I've been on a plateau for aaaaages, I'm just not losing. I'm not gaining either, but there you go. Just got to keep at it I guess.

    Hope you all have amazing weekends.

    Erika x
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148

    did everyone have a good week? Weigh in tomorrow for me and I feel like i have had a good week.


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  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Good week for me! Lost 2.2lbs :love: I just reached half a stone lost!:noway: I can't believe it, it's gone so quickly and I have been actually enjoying myself! It's a total of 4.2 lost this month & I want to get to 5lbs by the start of august.:)

    Plantpot Could it be water weight? Are you drinking enough water? That happened to me a few weeks back and I made sure to drink at least 8 glasses and then weighed myself again 2 days later and I'd lost 1.4lbs!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    oh yes another great week. lost another 2lbs, which is 9lbs in 4 weeks.

    I have 3 lbs to do next week to reach that first milestone i set at the start of the month. It's going to be tough but i'll give it ago and will let you all know Saturday. Even if it turns out to be 2 lbs like the previous weeks i wont care i'm that close to being 10 stone something feel so damn good.

    OK well i'm off put to play poker tonight and maybe have a few cheeky beers as a reward.

    Catch you soon
