Team UK - July 2010



  • Norbert2010
    Nice work Lesley, and you can only be responsible for yourself. He will do something about it if and when he wants to.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Just thought I'd pop in and see how you are all doing...better than me by the sounds of it!!!

    I had a bit of a bad week last week, as went home to see mum at the weekend and of course that meant wine! I just can't stop myself...I dunno where my will power goes.

    I've been a little light on the exercise too. I didn't run in the week last week as I managed to strain a muscle in my groin. I did do a long run (for me) on Sunday. I was supposed to do a short and easy last night, but I felt really ill during the day so thought it was perhaps best not to push it as I want to be fit for my first ever race on Saturday! I'm running a 10k in Battersea Park. I'm hoping I'll be able to go for a short run tonight, and then that'll be it until Saturday. My aim is to do it in 70 minutes (yes, I'm super slow)...I'll let you all know.

    Good luck for the week everyone,

    Erika x
  • Norbert2010
    Good luck with the 10K Erika, speed is really irrelevant, 6.2 miles is still a long way to run!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I'm back after eating back more than a stone. To be fair I don't look much different but the jeans are getting tight.

    I've always blamed my job which involves sitting down for 9 hours a day, so the good news is I start my new job on the 26th of this months which involves being on my feet all day everyday meaning i will be burning and earning oh yes!!! Kinda excited for that, it was one of the reasons i went for the job.

    My goal for this month is to get back as close to 12st 6 as I can. when I weighed at the beginning I was 12st 13 grrr!!!
    Lets see what happens. Im knida guessing the new job will actually require me to burn energy so I can eat more yay!!!

    and hello to everyone too. especially James and Katherine, the only two I rmemeber from a while back.
    woop woop! with the weight loss
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    tagging for later
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    My goal for July is to get to 142lbs - im at 145.6lbs at the mo - ive got a bet on with my ex that i can lose 4lbs by the 4th August (starting weight was 146lbs)
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I just rang the gym trying to book on a class tomorrow night and they are all full! o.0
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320

    Over the past few weeks I've noticed my boyfriend has put on a little weight around his face and his belly (or as I call it, his little sump). I know that it's with him having a desk job now, but the boys in the office don't help matters by getting sausage and egg baps every morning. I have mentioned it to him, but he takes a little strop every time I do! At 19 stone he is getting very overweight, but it would seem he doesn't want to do anything about it! Even me losing weight and trying to be good doesn't motivate him in the slightest. I've harped on at him to come out with me on the bike (he's big into the bikes and has two Boardmans), but he'd rather watch the football!
    I too was a bit like your boyfriend and everytime my wife commented on what I was eating or how I looked it either ended up with me in a strop or a very heated discussion. The last thing he needs is to feel like he is being got at. For me it just happened. I no longer wanted to look and feel uncomfortable and I decided to take advantage of a special offer at the local gym and went along. Over time (I can see it now) my wife changed the evening meals to more healthy options and it was basically a case of "that is what I have cooked so you either eat it or starve". She even made sure that the cupboards were only stoked with healthy food, and certainly no "brown food" as she calls it. It workd for me because most evenings after getting home from work I was not in the mood to cook so I had to eat what was offered.

    Everyone is diffrent and we all have different triggers in life to make us want to do things. It's just a case of him finding his. Good luck.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    It looks as though my boyfriend has finally realised he's put on weight!

    A friend of mine has recently lost 5-6 stone on the Lipotrim diet, and my boyfriend was asking me about this last night (what it entails, how much it costs, etc). Now I know that Kris doesn't have to lose an awful lot of weight, so the Lipotrim diet would be a bit extreme anyway! He's very tall, and enjoys his food way too much!

    He then asked me about portion sizes, etc. It was only then that I realised just how much he eats in a day!! His mum has been fattening him up. His daily intake consists of:

    Breakfast - massive bowl of weetos with full fat milk
    Mid morning - a sausage and egg bap, twice per week
    Lunch - two rounds of sandwiches (consisting of ham, coleslaw, tomato, etc), at least 3 chocolate biscuits, 1-2 packets of crisps
    Dinner- meat (twice the amount I would usually eat), 3-4 potatoes (either boiled or chipped), and some sort of veg... but the plate is actually overflowing.
    Snacks - He keeps a little collection of snacks in the car for when he's peckish!

    Last night he said he was going to tell his mum not to give him so much food, and he also said he was going to start cycling with me (at long last) as of next week! He is an extremely difficult person to motivate, and also the type of person who wouldn't make the effort unless he was pushed to! So, hopefully I will manage to keep him motivated this time!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    It looks as though my boyfriend has finally realised he's put on weight!

    A friend of mine has recently lost 5-6 stone on the Lipotrim diet, and my boyfriend was asking me about this last night (what it entails, how much it costs, etc). Now I know that Kris doesn't have to lose an awful lot of weight, so the Lipotrim diet would be a bit extreme anyway! He's very tall, and enjoys his food way too much!

    He then asked me about portion sizes, etc. It was only then that I realised just how much he eats in a day!! His mum has been fattening him up. His daily intake consists of:

    Breakfast - massive bowl of weetos with full fat milk
    Mid morning - a sausage and egg bap, twice per week
    Lunch - two rounds of sandwiches (consisting of ham, coleslaw, tomato, etc), at least 3 chocolate biscuits, 1-2 packets of crisps
    Dinner- meat (twice the amount I would usually eat), 3-4 potatoes (either boiled or chipped), and some sort of veg... but the plate is actually overflowing.
    Snacks - He keeps a little collection of snacks in the car for when he's peckish!

    Last night he said he was going to tell his mum not to give him so much food, and he also said he was going to start cycling with me (at long last) as of next week! He is an extremely difficult person to motivate, and also the type of person who wouldn't make the effort unless he was pushed to! So, hopefully I will manage to keep him motivated this time!

    Great news

    It all comes down to wanting to lose the weight and being in the right mind set. I have to have my head full clear before i diet and exercise or i will just will crumble.
    I'm sure with your support and advice he can lose all the weight he wants to.

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    HI there

    New to the forums but saw the UK thread so thought I would say hello

    My goals for this month are 2000 kettlebell swings, on top of the obvious weight loss.

    I am currently on week six of a 14 week (98 day) fitness challenge, Am really enjoying it so far and find that being part of a team is extremely motivating!!!

    go you and welcome to team Uk.

    I am on a similar challenge however i'm on week 2 of 13. We should be finishing around the same time though.
    I did a sililar challenge last year and the first 3 weeks are the hardest so it's great your enjoying it so far. Keep focused and let us all know how everything is going.

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    I'm back after eating back more than a stone. To be fair I don't look much different but the jeans are getting tight.

    I've always blamed my job which involves sitting down for 9 hours a day, so the good news is I start my new job on the 26th of this months which involves being on my feet all day everyday meaning i will be burning and earning oh yes!!! Kinda excited for that, it was one of the reasons i went for the job.

    My goal for this month is to get back as close to 12st 6 as I can. when I weighed at the beginning I was 12st 13 grrr!!!
    Lets see what happens. Im knida guessing the new job will actually require me to burn energy so I can eat more yay!!!

    and hello to everyone too. especially James and Katherine, the only two I rmemeber from a while back.
    woop woop! with the weight loss

    good to have you back pal. I've been away for to long too.

    This group has picked up a bit since it was just me you and katherine lol
  • leannemr
    leannemr Posts: 48
    Hello Team UK - I had a bit of a blip over the last few weeks so didn't use the site!! I am rejoining the Rosemary Conley diet and fitness class tonight! I have decided I need the motivation of a class to help me shift the 10lbs I want to. This tool will be great for keeping an eye on my calorie intake. I hope to be on here much more regularly now I am going back to class :o). Happy Thursday Team Uk-ers!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    *bump* will post later x
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I hate my job sometimes! We had to taste for the new hospital menu today... god knows how to count that... and it wasn't even good food, disgusting re-heated crap :ohwell: at least it wasn't high energy supplements for once! haha

    On the plus side, my new job is literally walking all day coz the hospital is huge and also the dietitian office is far from the hospital so hopefully it will even out :smile:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    I hate my job sometimes! We had to taste for the new hospital menu today... god knows how to count that... and it wasn't even good food, disgusting re-heated crap :ohwell: at least it wasn't high energy supplements for once! haha

    On the plus side, my new job is literally walking all day coz the hospital is huge and also the dietitian office is far from the hospital so hopefully it will even out :smile:

    that's all you want. lol
    don't even track it no need to worry it aint like your be tasting everyday is it.
    Good news with all the walking though so that will help out alot.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi all, just a quick post.... really tired tonight so gonna try and get an early night!!! Really busy in work, plus manic doing wedding stuff, I feel like I dont get a minute at the mo, plus got a busy weekend ahead!! Its not great for my exercise regime, however, being busy does keep my mind off food.

    Stuck to my weight watchers points today, logging food on there site is not as good as doing it on here, but going to give it a go for a while an see how I get on. After cal counting for a while I think my body needs a change!! Plus I think knowing I have a weekly weigh in will help keep me focused!!

    Going for a meal at the in laws tomorrow, mother in law to be is cooking lasagne, which is me fave, however, in order to stick to my points I am going to take a Tesco's Healthy Eating Lasagne with me to warm up so I know what my points are!!!! Ha ha, how depressing they will all be eating the gorgeous home made version!!! Wish me luck!!!!!

    Ordered the 30 day shred, and cant wait for it to get here to see if it works!!! Also planning a 2 week course of Bikram Yoga at the end of July, my step mum has done it a couple of times and says its great. Its basically Yoga in a room heated to 40 degress!!! Sounds interesting!!!!

    Right, I am going to go to bed!!!!!

    Stay well guys :flowerforyou:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Im going to be graduating with a 1st class degree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Im going to be graduating with a 1st class degree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WOW!!!!!! Well done :happy: :happy: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Norbert2010
    Brilliant news Katie!

    Woke up to some good news this morning. Friday is weigh in day and I needed one pound to hit my first target one week ahead of schedule, I actually lost 3 to take me to 201 pounds and 12 off in 4 weeks!! Chuffed to bits with that one.

    Celebrated by getting my backside out of the house at 4:30am and ran the 7.79 miles to work. I am determined now to get 2lbs off this week and to dip under the 200 mark before next weeks big race.

    Have a great weekend all.