

  • I just downloaded this app yesterday so far I think it's kind of nifty. Feel free to add me if you'd like (email removed by staff) . I'd like to play with the friend challenges a little more. lol
  • I just downloaded the app last night ill add you if you want. Lol I do t have any friends yet on there.
  • I'm not sure where we will be going. And I sure it will be either just dinner or lunch. lol thanks all for the advice. I had an idea of what I wanted to do with it to keep on track and most were stated. Just figured I'd ask still. I will def. keep things in mind. All should be fine but you never know.
  • I is but I haven't posted a video in several several months. LOL
  • I weigh myself everyday. I was against the scale for a long time because I didn't like being disappointed but now I find it encouraging. I just think it depends on each persons own idea of it. I do however suggest doing it in the morning when you wake up.
  • Lol I will try. I want to get a Gym membership when I get back from vacation. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. But I really want to start doing elliptical etc. I don't have kids but I do have friends with kids. I have two that instantly looked like they weren't pregnant at all and the other is struggling as well. She…
  • Sounds good. Did you find the recipe for the chicken parmesan. that website has a lot of really yummy looking recipes!!
  • All I've done really is watch what I eat. I hit a teeter totter moment a few times. So I just added a few extra calories one day and the next limited myself. Also LOTSSSS of water and lipton diet citrus green tea. No soda. and exercise at least 2 times a week. I'm pretty freakin excited. I had to re weigh myself this…
  • Thanks I figured it out now I'm where I should be. When I set it up I didn't put in the correct weight! All is good now!!
  • HAHA the whole no clothes situation. It was easier to say more accurate then naked. ROFL!!!
  • Thank you ladies I will check it! Hopefully it works.
  • My hire on shift is 130p-930p but I work a little of all. I do work nights quite often. But mainly as a split shift or a double! I have found that nights can be rather difficult especially when it comes to exercise!
  • My starting goal was to lose 20 in two months. I'm down 8 thus far. Really as long as you keep track of what you are eating, avoid junk and try to stay some what active you should be good. I really like the special k protein shakes, i've never been a fan of shakes like that in general but these are pretty good and I don't…
  • 3 lbs is really good for a week. Just keep your head up and it will all go in a good direction. Good luck on your journey!!
    in Wow. Comment by kaylovluvz June 2012
  • Ugh portion control!! I always feel when I portion everything I eat to little. I have had very little encouragement or knowledge over the years when I was living at home. My mother was a cook and my father was well a fine eater. So we grew up not knowing what portioning was actually like. Now what I do is focus on whether…
  • You are very welcome!
  • Welcome!!! I started the beginning of this month. And have found it very helpful. You will have your ups and downs but I've noticed that is a norm for every one. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • Well I think the whole idea of actually getting up off the couch and putting your body to work, regardless of the level of intensity is something. There are a lot of people out there that for most of their life considered turning the t.v. on or doing little lifts here and there exercise. I myself took advantage of this…
  • Kansas here!
  • Not from Oklahoma but we are neighbors. Kansas here!
  • Welcome! I've have problems with my weight as well. I don't even remember when the last time I fit into a single digit pair of pants. LOL I'm a few inches taller 5'7 to be exact but I also have more then 100 pounds to lose. So feel free to add me if you want.
  • I always do horrible on my first day. Well at least I think I do. But like everyone else has said don't delete just keep going. There's always room for a fresh start the next day!
  • Hello Jessie, I am new as well. And I have over 100 lbs to lose myself. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. What part of AZ are your from I'm originally from Sierra Vista!
  • Finish my lower back tattoo.
  • I set a low goal so I would feel accomplished when it happens. LOL
    in Hello Comment by kaylovluvz June 2012
  • Thanks all! It will be a tough road but I'm def. ready for this new path on my life's journey!
    in Hello Comment by kaylovluvz June 2012