jill92787 Member


  • Most states the longest you would have to wait is a year...and honestly if your marriage has been "over" for less than a year? You're not ready to be dating in most cases, at least not ME. If you can promise to love someone forever and move on that easily how am I supposed to trust you?
  • Separated is still married. It's the legal process of living apart to justify whether or not you want to get divorced or try to fix your marriage. Until those divorce papers are signed, filed, and processed, he's still married in my opinion.
  • It is a sad comment on our society that correct spelling and grammar combined with impressive diction are attractive qualities instead of assumed qualities. Sad, but oh so true.
  • Or when I was dating your friend a few short months ago... Worst and yet funniest drunk dial of all time: "I know your're my best friend's ex-girlfriend, but... You can do better! I'm so much prettier than he is!" No joke. Oh boy.
  • PS how does a Wisconsin girl not like beer? I would kill for a Spotted Cow out here on the East Coast!
  • You might not be eating enough, although I know that sounds counter-intuitive. The first week or two are hard for me whenever I start using MFP again (when I"m maintaining I don't really track food, but come back periodically to push through hard spots or if something happens and I slide a little back up). If you can get…
  • I absolutely absolutely ABSOLUTELY love my New Balance Minimus WT10's. (NOT the WT20's the new version sucks but they still sell the old ones too). I'm on my second pair in a year and it would have been more if I hadn't gotten hurt and was unable to run for a few months. They are sort of the same idea as the Vibram Five…
  • I haven't had a Bears fan hit on me yet, I think that would be my all time low. Hahahaha. Da Bears Still Suck. :) Sorry had to. Haha I hear ya. It is a nice change. All the guys I've dated seriously I've had to make the first (and sometimes second and third) move. It's disheartening haha.
  • Thanks haha, I say it all the time and no one ever really catches it lol :p
  • Creepy!!
  • That's fantastic!!! I'm so happy for you! Great job, very motivating!!
  • Maybe we can turn this into a learning experience for ya then hahahaha
  • haha yes, my point exactly...he was super inappropriate!! I'm 5'8'' so a 4'10'' guy is almost a full foot shorter than me, and I'm sorry but I just couldn't take him seriously. He also seems to have some boundary issues (window creeping lol)...
  • Here's a link to my recipe on my food blog: http://jillskitchenadventures.blogspot.com/2011/10/breakfast-of-champions.html There are plenty of ways to make them healthier than they currently are, like using whole wheat flour, skim milk, etc, but I like them the way they are and taste is important too to me haha. I usually…
  • So having swimsuit competitions and pictures in underwear/bras are fine, but women's booties in yoga pants which are by nature less revealing than a bikini is a no-no? I fail to understand that logic but okay...
  • Absolutely haha... And what I meant was exactly what she is saying, it's all just about being clear on what you're both sort of thinking. I hang out with the guys all the time. I do plenty of "date" activities with guy friends every weekend, so to me it's nice to have someone make it actually feel like a date! Be a little…
  • bump for later :)
  • I'm currently active duty. Let's get married tomorrow haha. Being single sucks because meeting people in the military is sheisty. Most of the guys just want a fling or a one-and-done type situation. On top of that, being a BAMF female most civilian guys think I'm kinda weird and doing dual-military means you never see that…
  • Guys: Don't pull BS like ^^ !!!! I was engaged to a guy who always made sure I FELT important but in reality, I wasn't really all that important, and it is one of the worst things you can do to a girl. I promise. In dating, sure there's a polish over everything but be freaking genuine. Don't lie, don't try to cover if you…
  • Me!!! Haha. Summer's going to be fun :)
  • It's very intense and not for someone who's out of shape but if you work out regularly it will do wonderful things for your body. We use it at command PT sometimes (I'm in the military) and our fitness leaders love it. It will absolutely challenge you no matter how good of shape you are in.
  • Good job!! You're looking great!
  • you might need to size down your pics a bit.... also add [ img] before the link and [ /img] after the link (without the spaces after the first bracket, all lower case) to make them appear :)
  • From: The northern woods of Wisconsin Live: On the coast in Virginia (oh, how I miss not having neighbors for miles) haha :)
  • Women's Health and Runner's World. I cut out pictures of the "real people" success stories and such and tape them on my fridge :)
  • LOL My ex has a BOC tattoo over his heart... oh dear.
  • Thanks y'all! You should have seen my face when I put those pictures side by side! :noway: :love: It's great to have other people's motivational pictures so I wanted to share mine and I can tell you it feels fantastic when your own pictures motivate you! Dang I really want to go for a run now! hahaha.
  • Where are all my country brethren?? GEORGE STRAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Right now I'm also mega obsessed with Justin Moore, Lee Brice, Brantley Giblert, Jason Aldean, etc... BUT GEORGE IS THE KING and always will be. I LOVE GEORGE STRAIT!
  • Thanks! I got it two years ago and I still love it as much today as I did then! It's a dandelion and as the pieces fly away they turn into birds :) Lots of personal meanings and metaphors there, but all in all I'm very pleased with it. :)
  • I'm 5'8'' Ideally, I'd like to be about 155-160 with more muscle tone, so I'm still a work in progress by all means!