

  • Thank you! I was just looking at the race pics to see if there was a picture of me running, but there's just one of my shoulder next to my friend who ran with me :( I did the C25K program, finished it, and have just had this belief that I couldn't actually do a timed road race. Found the shortest one, and so glad I did it!…
  • I have these and LOVE them - the behind-the-neck headband is great for running, and they function just like ear buds (but don't fall out of your ears). Plus they're not super expensive :)
  • Wow, so many people turning 30!! I turn 30 in May, this is my year to turn it around and make this decade the best one yet :) Glad to see everyone feels the same!
  • Just breathe, run slower to pace yourself to run longer, and completely ignore that voice in your head that tells you to stop. Once you've run that 20 minutes, you know you've done it and are capable of it, and it's an amazing feeling. Good luck!
  • LOVE the pandora bracelet and tattoo ideas, definitely getting the wheels turning! I've always wanted to learn to snowboard, so when I get down to goal (by winter this year), I'm going to do that and buy a really girly board. At this weight, it looks like I'd need a mens board, and that is just not going to cut it. A…
  • Dear Mom, Thanks for taking this weight loss/eating healthier lifestyle change journey with me. You've always been the most supportive person even at my heaviest, and you're my biggest fan now that I'm finally losing weight (and I'm yours!). I can't wait to see the healthy people we become this year. We're going to…
  • I've been taking Lipo-6 Black (for women) and mostly notice a difference for appetite suppression (didn't take for 2 days due to bloodwork being done, and was RAVENOUS). Not noticing too much in terms of energy, and I take in combination with CLA, L-Carnitine, and a multi-vitamin, and diet and lots of exercise, so I think…
  • I wear all sorts of drug store makeup..maybelline dream matte foundation (cancels out my natural redness), maybelline black eyeliner, usually cover girl or maybelline mascara (currently using 'the falsies' as someone else said, love it!), and maybelline lipstick in "born with it" (just a tiny tiny bit pink, better than…
  • I knew we became friends on here for a reason! You're pretty much my twin (but bigger feet!) SW: 242ish CW: 223 GW: 140-150 Shoes: 9.5 :) Height: 5'7" (I always thought I was tall til I read this thread!!) 29/F
  • WOW, is that ever true. Also, holy moly on your 5 years of accomplishments - what an amazing story! You ROCK!
  • 242, and pushing into a size 20. I've hit that twice now, never made it to 250 (that I know of...), and never will. Scary to think I am the size of 2 healthy people..
  • I always keep old skinny pants for that reason, it's amazing to fit back into them! Congrats, you're doing amazing!!!
  • I'm adding all of you as friends too :) I need more people who use this site and comment and workout...lord knows I need all the encouragement and support I can get in this journey! Edit - Introduction! I'm Stacy, I'm 29, have about 80 lbs to lose til goal weight, have lost about 20 since december....
  • WOW, you look like an entirely different person. Great job!!! So inspiring!
  • I'm just trying to cook my own food rather than get pre-packaged, incorporate more fruits and veggies, and stay away from fast food. Not sure if that answers the question :)
  • This is the saddest thread ever...but I guess it's somewhat relieving to know that we all go through the same things. The most insulting for me (and this is after years of bullying in school for being the tubby kid) was when my grandmother said "Hey, Fatty" at a family event. I know it was probably the alzheimers talking,…
  • YES. They make a huge difference, I got them for Christmas. The absence of leg pain is such a good feeling!
  • ^^ This! I've gotten through the entire Couch to 5K program with self talk - if I even start to think about stopping, I tell myself (inside my head, I don't talk to myself all the time..) that if I quit, I just have to do it again tomorrow and it'll be harder! It all starts with thinking - if you start thinking about how…
  • Gym membership Sports bra (so true!) iPod/Couch to 5K App Compression socks And all of you wonderfully motivating people here at MFP :) Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Whoa, twin! Adding you as a friend - I think we're the same person.
  • <3 my XBOX. MW3, L4D (no one to play them with online tho :( ), keep meaning to get back in to Fallout 3 but keep getting distracted by MW3... Yay gamers! (Find me on XBOX - VolcanicLeech98)
  • The video for the song is also the best video ever :) I think of it when I'm running on the treadmill!
  • Here's my current top 5: 1. OK GO - Here it Goes Again 2. Kanye West - Stronger 3. The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name 4. Mika - Kick A** 5. Drake - Make Me Proud (not a very fast song, but when he sings "I'm so proud of you" I try to pretend he's singing to me!) I pretty much just set my iPod to rotate those songs..I tend…
  • Sounds kinda superficial, but my mom has been promising me for years that when I get to my goal weight we are going out clothes, a whole new wardrobe :) And a bikini, and a beach vacation, for sure!
  • I just got compression socks for Christmas, and I've had no leg pain when running - fantastic investment (the ones I got are like $50ish, brand is CEP, available on Amazon) :) Hope it goes away!
  • Ok, I need some friends on here :) Where's my twin? SW: 243 CW: 230 GW: 150-160 Height: 5'7" Female 29 y/o (almost 30, bah)
  • Cleveland, 2 months from moving back to Vegas :)
  • New member here! Should lose about 80 lbs (to get in "healthy" BMI range). My goal is to get under 200 lbs by my birthday in May just like maof5 :) I started out at 243, and am down to right around 230 after a month of putting in work at the gym and changing eating habits. Glad to find a community of likeminded people…