abigail1977 Member


  • Hello everyone, I am back from vacation so it will take me awhile to catch up on everyone's posts. No star for me as I only had access to beach & amusement park food for most of last week so there was a lot of pizza, fried food & ice cream in my diet. I did have a great week though, the weather was absolutely perfect & we…
  • Hello ladies, hope everyone who celebrated the 4th had a blast & did not get too off track. Unfortunately my race last Wednesday was cancelled due to severe thunderstorms :( The 4th was also really rainy so our plans to celebrate at my parents cottage on the lake were postponed to Sunday which was also my daughter's…
  • Beeps - glad you had a good Canada Day, I don't know how you & shanaber keep your cals so low, I think I would get violent :) I need to eat. Anyways, best of luck to keeping within your goals I was unable to get in a strength workout yesterday. My daughter was hogging the room I needed last night because it has A/C & the…
  • Amy - hope the dress works out & you have a good time Ashley - that's good news, what a relief! Hope you feel better soon Kc - glad Florida was fun, good luck with your challenge goals, they will help you get to where you want to be My run last night was slow & hot. I think I only went about 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. I will…
  • Wow, you're right Beeps, the month of June is over today. It has been an absolutely insane month & last week was dance recital week which means crazy schedule, bad eating habits & very little exercise. All of that changes TODAY! I have a very scaled back summer schedule & I am registered for a trail run race series which…
  • Beeps - are you adding a lot of stuff to your popcorn, because if you eat it plain it's not that bad kc - burpees are my least favorite exercise, good for you though because they are tough chloe - good luck getting back into the swing of things after vacation, I am very excited about my upcoming vacay - we are staying…
  • I haven't posted in over two weeks, so lots of catching up to do. I ran my first trail run race last Saturday. It went okay as far as I didn't fall down or anything, but it had some brutal steep parts & was wet & muddy from rain. I need more work on my endurance as I was not able to run the whole time, the hills killed me.…
  • Sorry I have been lousy about posting. I do actually read everyone's just never have time to respond & update while I'm at work as that is usually when I have time on the computer. I think I may have to drop my cals to 1500/day as well since my clothes are pretty tight & I need to make some changes to see some results…
  • Beeps - glad to hear your trip to Europe went well & yes you do take care of yourself & you look awesome! I really like to dress up myself. Even if I'm not working I will still put on a nice pair of jeans, a dressy top & jewelry. I also won't leave the house without at least some foundation on my face, but only add color…
  • Wow, this thread moves so fast there is no way to keep up just checking in once a week, I need to be more vigilant. Amy, from what I understand it is not that big a leap from a 5K to a 10. After 4 miles your body adjusts and it's not hard to keep on going. I do not have any personal experience with that, but everyone I…
  • Wow, this is the longest I have been away from this thread for awhile. I have just been scrolling through & reading everyone's posts. All the talk of travel is funny considering I just got back from a trip to Washington, D.C. yesterday. All the eating out & the fact that I get totally backed up when I travel (sorry for the…
  • kc - hopefully you can find something that will work for you, it's so hard sometimes with all of the conflicting info & advice out there chloe - 30% is pretty low with carbs, good luck with that - great job getting in your workouts though shanaber - wow on the 10 mile run, I've yet to go further than 4 myself, hopefully…
  • Wow am I far behind! Been dealing with sick kiddos. My youngest was out of school Thursday & Friday & then my older one got it over the weekend and missed Monday & Tuesday from school so I am way far behind at work. They had a nasty cough & runny nose accompanied by a low grade fever & all over yuckiness. My husband had it…
  • sukhi & shanaber - welcome to the group Beeps - what is an UGIFIT workout? asjerven - I also over drank last night at Sunday dinner & am feeling pretty lousy today, but I have been getting progressively better so should be okay for my jazz class tonight chloe - congrats on the silver star kc - good for you for still…
  • Holy crap, I stopped checking in & now we are well into a new thread! Welcome back Jen that is so exciting for you, you are a Rockstar! I actually managed to get some strength in this week. Now that Snow White is over (my daughter was just in a ballet performance) I am able to start joining the other ladies on my…
  • Beeps - sorry to hear you are sick, get well soon! Amy - I am interested to learn how your new workouts go, haven't yet had a chance to look into the info you posted earlier Chloe - I am also waiting anxiously for the warm weather to come so I can get outdoors & run. It is just way too hard with the weather lately. It's…
  • Just now checking in, will take awhile to go through all the posts. Last week was great up until Sunday, my mother had her annual "soup soiree" for the neighborhood so there was a sick amount of food & wine, however I had a great week as far as eating up to that point so I don't feel too bad. I logged during the week and…
  • What makes me feel good? Dance, of course! Amy - so glad that your cat is home & safe On the breastfeeding topic, my supply was low with both my kiddos & I could barely pump anything. I had to stop at 3 months with my first baby due to a breast abscess resulting in two surgeries, yuck! With my second child I could only…
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day! shander - glad your cleanse went well, seems as though it was worth it beeps - congrats on still getting a bronze even with eating a lot on Sunday. I find that it is important to keep on track & even a little low during the week so that I can enjoy my weekends wasser - you're right, don't let guilt…
  • amy - I love sushi, haven't had that for awhile. I will be celebrating St. Patty's on Sunday night at family dinner with boiled dinner - corned beef, cabbage, potatoes & carrots - one of my faves, can't wait. We will also be decked out in green & there will be green beer for the guys. My mom also gets all kinds of jewelry…
  • Beeps - I think you're okay if you stay with the protein shakes, it's the bars that have all the real garbage in them & of course the water thing is hugely important for many reasons I am doing surprisingly well going off sweets. I even had to make cookies for an open house at the new dance studio of a ballet company I…
  • Holy crap! I stop logging in for like a week & so much has happened, it's going to take me awhile to catch up on everyone's posts, but it's slow at work today :) Anyways, I just can't seem to keep up with logging, so I cannot do the Star challenge, but I gave up sweets for Lent so that should help with the eating habits.…
  • Amy - nice pic, you look fabulous! Glad you had a good time, sounds like a wonderful trip Ris - glad to see you back. The Mudderella is the girlie version of the Tough Mudder. It's half the distance at 5-7 miles & the obstacles look easier. As my sister says it's all the fun without the sadism. Better - glad to see you are…
  • Chloe - that's a good idea about the protein bar, eggs are a great option for breakfast. Better - glad you had a good trip & that the weather is warming up. The weather here is a nightmare, lots of snow, lost of cold & lots of cancellations. I actually drove a half hour to my kids' school yesterday to find out it was…
  • Sorry I keep checking in late, crazy busy day. Anyways, I came in at 12,150- turns out there was lots of awesome food at the wedding last Saturday & I indulged. That is 600 cals over my weekly goal of 11,550. Gotta work harder this week.
  • Beeps - that is totally frustrating about your in-laws this weekend. Hope they end up not coming & you can end up resting. My sweet husband made me a bunch of chocolate-dipped strawberries & orange slices again this year. Unfortunately they are delicious & I am eating way too many. We are going to a wedding tomorrow…
  • Sorry for the late check-in on the star challenge. I did not make it on-line yesterday. I had to do some guesstimating last weekend due to eating out, on the road, over someone's house for dinner, etc. I came in at 12,265 which is 715 over my goal of 11,550. My challenge for this week - stay away from Cadbury eggs, they…
  • Happy birthday Amy & that's great news about the clothes fitting looser! Beeps - you look fantastic in that dress, very classy & congrats on the break in your plateau I am very excited, I am signing up for a mudderella event with my sister & a group of friends. She found one in the Boston area so it's not too far. It's not…
  • Very bad day Tuesday + 2 Cadbury eggs = way over on cals for the 2nd day in a row - CRAP! I will have to make up for it the rest of the week. I have way over-scheduled myself this week & it is causing major stress. I have a massage scheduled for next Thurs & it cannot come soon enough. Rant over, back to work. I hope the…
  • I am so glad that the star challenge did not start until this week as last weekend I was way over. I have to stop going out & going to parties. I do pretty well during the week, but the weekends always get a little nuts & I am not as good about logging. I was a little over on my cals yesterday, but I planned accordingly…