2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Okay, so far I've reported Amy, Chloe, jitsuda and Beeps' 1st week *star* challenge results....keep 'em coming! One platinum, 2 golds and 1 silver....not too shabby - kinda like the Olympic results (for Canada!) right?!?!?!?

    My one-week goals (since I leave for Mexico next Tuesday):

    1. 3 x heavy-lifting
    2. 2 x cardio
    3. TONS of water - keeping bloat away!
    4. limit salt
    5. sleep 8+ hours every night.

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies. Pretty disappointed in myself this week. I was over by 450 cals and only made it to the gym twice. I don't know why, but I just can't get motivated to 1. eat well 2. keep my workout goals.

    @Kc - I am clearly with you on the frustration. My pants aren't fitting, I'm cranky and just plain pissed at myself.

    @Amy - Happy (late) Birthday!

    My goals for this week:

    1. Cardio 3x
    2. Water, water, water
    3. Eat well during the week to give me a little more breathing room for the weekend
    4. Stay as close to calorie goal as I can
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I am way under my goal of 10,000 for the week thanks to a stomach thing yesterday. I ate one can of soup and five crackers all day. Because of my unplanned almost fast, I ended up at 8737. I'm feeling almost better today. I got some real food in me but am still a bit groggy and really dehydrated for some reason. It was a strange day....... Anyways, last day of work and we leave for AZ tomorrow afternoon! So good luck on your star challenge next week. I am out.

    My goals are to just try to be reasonable while gone - with eating, drinking, sleeping, and getting some activity in. We have plans for botanical garden visit and a hike, so I'm sure I'll be moving some. I also have plans of drinking by the pool too.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Somehow I was under...although my food choices were not the best.

    It is a new week and i am trying to have a better attitude. I have been up since 2am!!! I was to tired to workout. I did nothing but lay there. I really need to focus on destressing and I think everything else will be better. Does anyone know how to destress when your job is killing you!!!!

    Ashley- Sorry you have not been feeling well.

    Ram- Glad I am not the only one! Sounds like you have great goals - lets do this!!!!

    Beeps- You will look amazing when you go to Mexico because you already look amazing!

    Chloe-That is not too bad, especially if you enjoyed date night!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Does anyone know how to destress when your job is killing you!!!!

    I make lists. I take big pieces and break them down into smaller pieces and then my mountain of tasks seem more manageable. I've been quite stressed about work lately too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Even though Asjerven and Better_Balance are gone from the *star* challenge this week, I'm just leaving a "blank" on the record for them....they aren't "out" overall, okay?!?!?

    Part of the reason I am doing this is I now have this (surprise!) trip to Mexico, so I'm "out" of week 3, myself, due to vacation absence.

    That means my reporting for week 3 (once it concludes) will be a couple days late....hope nobody minds?!?!?!

    As of this moment, we are in week 2, which runs Monday, February 10th to Sunday, February 16th....anybody wanna "change" their weekly calories for this week?!?!?!

    (I don't.)
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Sorry I didn't log yesterday! I was home sick and was not going on the computer!! My STAR challenge is a silver for the week. Not great, but not bad!

    I have to back log for yesterday which wasn't too bad, i ate when I could! Luckily I feel better today though :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Another goal is to make sure I am good with checking in here. I always seem to do better when I am consistent with you girls :wink:

    So yesterday I was good on calories, actually about 100 under and I did week 3 day 1 C25K. Today I prelogged and am on track to be withing cals and I did about a half hour of abs, arms and back and some stretching this morning.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    *STAR* challenge update:

  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Sorry for the late check-in on the star challenge. I did not make it on-line yesterday. I had to do some guesstimating last weekend due to eating out, on the road, over someone's house for dinner, etc. I came in at 12,265 which is 715 over my goal of 11,550. My challenge for this week - stay away from Cadbury eggs, they are my kryptonite this time of year.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I came in at 9099.

    Today, I worked out. My eating yesterday and today has been great. Here's to an amazing week!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I'm not redoing the results....but, I've marked them in for next week's "check-in".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I didn't sleep very well last night. Boooooooooooooooo. Today, I lift! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

    I hate my job.

    The end.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    THANK GOODNESS it is almost the weekend....except, unannounced, my husband's mother and step-father have landed, from UK, in our province!! They are staying with his sister (in a different city....) for a week....but want to drive up to see us.


    I'm exhausted. I just want to go watch the Olympics and help my son with an L.A. project AND get ready for my trip.

    Sooooooooooooo, I am putting my foot down and indicating they can come for 2 nights (Saturday and Sunday) and they can expect ZERO ENTERTAINING. None. I'm soooooooooooooo tired and I just want some time to decompress while enjoying the Olympics.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- I hate when you are planning on a relaxing weekend and then all of a sudden you find out you have to be a hostess! Good luck!

    I am right out track with my calories so far this week. Now to stay good this weekend. I did treadmill runs on Monday and Thursday. And did arms, squats/lunges and abs Tuesday and Friday. My plan is to hit the treadmill at least once this weekend, but maybe twice. Have a great weekend everybody!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    My calories were fine until yesterday. Ugh. And now, hubby doesn't even know if his mom/step-dad are coming or not?!??!!? How bloody UNCOMMUNICATIVE can they be?!?!? Hubby was at a board meeting all day yesterday, and a board dinner last night....and NUTHIN' from his family.


    Anyway, tonight we are trying to aim for some 'family time' on V-Day and are taking our kidlets to see the "LEGO movie".

    Today, I lift! Likely my last lifting session prior to holidays....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - that is totally frustrating about your in-laws this weekend. Hope they end up not coming & you can end up resting. My sweet husband made me a bunch of chocolate-dipped strawberries & orange slices again this year. Unfortunately they are delicious & I am eating way too many. We are going to a wedding tomorrow afternoon so I really need to work up some willpower & not eat the cake. Hopefully there will be some healthy options like raw veggies or something I can munch on. It's at 2 so I don't think they are doing a full meal which is a good thing. I have some calorie overages to make up for. We are getting bombarded with snow here so I cannot run or get over to the gym to workout & my ballet class was cancelled, so I need to get motivated & do some DVD's at home, yuck.

    Happy Valentine's Day!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Beeps- That sounds stressful having everything up in the air. Enjoy your lift and your family time tonight.

    Chloe- You are doing awesome this week! Keep it up!

    Abigail - I've never had chocolate covered oranges???? That sounds yummy! Enjoy the wedding tomorrow, good luck with your will power.

    Between late night parent/teacher conferences and all the Valentine's day yummies EVERYWHERE, this week has been an EPIC FAIL! I have actually logged it all. Today, I am off of work and have been good, so far. My husband has a special surprise tonight...no idea what it is. I have been working out though. I'm doing upper body today. I hope to work out today, tomorrow, and Sunday. On the bright side, I feel REALLY good. I have shaken my grumpies, probably because I have been working out.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Oh, and there will be MEAL PLANNING for next week. I want to try 5 mini meals for next week. I have tried fasting, but end up over doing it when I break the fast. I am going to try 5 250 calorie meals a day and see how that works for me.
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    Kclynch -- This past week was a FAIL for me too! :(( Meal planning sounds great!

    *** Star challenge report ***
    No star for me this week. 2014 KCal over!!!

    I was doing fine the whole week then it's Valentine's day and a trip out of town to meet in-laws.

    My goals this week :
    1. No more than ONE serving of chips or sweets a day.
    2. No more than TWO slices of left over pizza or cheesy bread a day.
    3. Lift everyday from Mon- Fri.. (Will be on the plane Sat and will lose Sun to the time zone switching)