2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I totally feel that way, Better_Balance.

    Yesterday, I read somewhere when someone said "when I'm 80, I'll eat ice cream...."

    ....and this morning, I think to myself, "I'm going to eat ice cream when I'm 80, too!"

    And then I thought, "what about 70?" "60?" "50?" I mean, 50 for me is 4.5 years away!!

    Am I REALLY going to keep denying, denying, denying????? At some point, I think, FOR SURE I'm gonna say, "what the hell, NOW I'm gonna eat!!"

    And then I think, "so what the hell am I doing ALL OF THIS FOR, right NOW?!??!?!?!"


    The roundy-roundy thoughts DRIVE ME NUTS!

    For now, I KNOW that I want to look good, feel good, be good (on the 80/20 rule....not 100% perfection, but MOST of the time I'm trying to get in work-outs and eat fewer calories). But, WHEN do you FINALLY give up the ghost??

    You babies are in your 20's and 30's....of COURSE you aren't gonna GIVE UP! But, MOST women around me, already HAVE.....and while I'm 100% sure I do NOT wanna "be them"....I'm wondering when I'm finally gonna say, "today, Beeps, and forevermore, you can eat what you want, when you want. Yep, you're still gonna be a gym rat, but EVERYTHING else - the scale, the tape measure, the camera - IS GOING BUH-BYE!!"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    ...where is everyone?? Did I scare you all away with my crazy-talk?!?!?!?!?!

    Anyway, yesterday's fast went well and I ended at 900 calories for the day. So, I am doing yet another fast, today, following the same regimen....will hold off eating for as long as I can, will break my fast with 2 x 100g Astro zero superfruit yogurts (35 cals each) and will have a "normal" portion supper. If I need a bedtime snack, like I did last night, I will eat a banana and some peanut butter....it's a BOMB for calories, but it makes me feel full + I fall asleep easily.

    THEN, tomorrow I do my scale-weight and, from tomorrow on, with "carb-cravings" FIRMLY out-of-my-system, I can return to 1,400 calorie days, populated by salads, chicken (with breading/fat on it!), and regular FOOD.

    I'm also dropping my protein shakes prior to Mexico....someone said that might be affecting my weight-loss, don't know. I, out of habit, just down one (150 cals, 32g of protein) after every work-out. But, since I'm not building any muscle right now, I likely don't need that protein hit and it's an easy 150 cals to get rid of.

    We shall see!!

    Over the next 10 days, my body is just gonna be one big experiment....why not....I'm obviously bored-sh*tless.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Very bad day Tuesday + 2 Cadbury eggs = way over on cals for the 2nd day in a row - CRAP! I will have to make up for it the rest of the week. I have way over-scheduled myself this week & it is causing major stress. I have a massage scheduled for next Thurs & it cannot come soon enough. Rant over, back to work. I hope the star challenge is going well for everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    My *star* challenge is RIGHT BACK ON TRACK. Monday and Tuesday were abysmal....but, Wednesday and Thursday were ULTRA-low calories, so I've evened it all out. Now, to STAY ON TRACK for Friday, Saturday and Sunday....then, for sure, I'll have demonstrated a GREAT first week in the *star* challenge!

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    ARGH, I never seem to find time to post and fall WAY behind. Seems like now I'm missing out on this star challenge thing. I am shooting for 1200 net a day and doing pretty well since I am doing IF. I may be a little over on some sedentary days but I'm usually under by a few hundred when I exercise. I fluctuate due to water weight but have lost at least a pound or 2.

    Beeps - DAMN you look amazing in that dress! Doesn't look like you have a pound to lose! Great job getting back on track with the STAR thing

    Abigail - lol on the cadbury eggs. I know it's cliche but I find exercise really does help with my stress

    Better balance - I am totally torn sometimes on how lean I really need to be. Sometimes I feel like I'm dieting just to diet and people tell me I shouldn't lose anymore weight. But I was like 7lbs lighter a few months after I had my son so I guess I just want to get back to that just to be at my leanest. But I don't really have a good reason like a certain body part that bothers me - i don't know that I need a 6 pack. And now no one to look good for. So I dunno

    sorry to just randomnly jump in. That's all I can see/remember
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I feel frustrated. I don't know if I want to STOP eating or eat EVERYTHING. My eating is not perfect but not horrible, yet I am up 3 pounds. I am at my heaviest ever. Today is jean day at work and i have NO JEANS that fit. I know I could do better, but at this point, why bother. I am the muffin top girl. My pants are also wearing out on the inner thigh. I am mad at myself for gaining the weight back in the first place. I am even more mad that I am unable to lose it or even maintain it at this point. and it is not water weight or any of that other crap because I was up last week too but didn't want to admit.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Sorry for those of you who are having bad weeks. :flowerforyou:

    I've done....just okay this week. Yesterday was a pretty high day, but I ran 3 miles, so had some wiggle room. Had dinner out and plenty of wine so was a little over. But I enjoyed it and did not feel bad about it. I ordered semi sensible (rotiserrie duc, didn't eat the skin,with greens) and didn't eat but maybe half the duck. The scale stood still yesterday for the second week in a row, and I was actually a little pleased. Once I'm back from AZ, I need to have a couple seriously good weeks to a) lose some bloat from my mini vaca and b) get back on the weight loss train and get motivated. I do think I'm going to really try to lose fat during February, March, and April. I'm not going to cut out all things yummy (i.e. wine and chocolate), but I do want to try to stick to something like an 80/20. I pulled out my New Years resolutions yesterday (they've been in teh bottom of my purse....oops) and one of mine was to have 3 cheat meals a week. I'm not sure how I fit my wine into that. :drinker: Anyways, I think I can lose about 3 pound relatively quickly, well sort of..... but after that is where it gets hard. I think below that is my "under comfrot weight". So we'll see. I just want to be happy. Part of that involves eating good food and drinking wine and part of that involves feeling good about my body. I feel pretty good about it now, but would feel better with a little less fluff around my middle.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    cutmd - I am totally fine if you want into the *star* challenge - just message me, so that I know you have read this post, and I will add you in. (If you don't message me, I'm not gonna bother!)

    kclynch - quite often I find myself REALLY wondering if it is *time* to just GIVE UP. But, that's USUALLY when I muster MORE self-motivation to JUST KEEP DOING THE THINGS THAT I'M DOING. Remember, you do NOT have to go LOW, LOW CALORIE. Even "maintenance" is a WIN. So, set your calories at maintenance - if you KNOW that number - and then STICK TO THAT. Anyday that you are BELOW that, is a WIN. Any day that you are AT maintenance, is a WIN. DO NOT permit yourself to go OVER that maintenance number - no way no how.....which is a matter of mental fortitude and decision-making. I totally know you can DO THIS. And, I really think you need NOT botch *star* challenge in week 1. keep stumbling forward....have more good days than bad days....that's REALLY all that matters!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Better_Balance - there's no need for "perfection". ever. I like your plan and I'm sure you can dump 3 lbs of bloat in a week, no problemo!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beautiful dress beeps, the shoes are gorg too!

    I had three low days in a row and it wasn't too bad, then last night was a splurge, went over by 800. You can see it doesn't take much.

    Today is my birthday and I was going to try and keep it low til dinner but then people give me cake pops and chips and queso and I don't say no. Also, I will have to do my best to log dinner tonight, and a bottle of wine, and then go low tomorrow-maybe 900 with exercise.

    I am still going to be over on the star challenge but things are fitting a little looser and I don't want to undo all my hard work on my birthday weekend...

    Cutmd, when was your profile pic taken? I love your six-pack, not sure it will ever be a reality for me...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Happy birthday Amy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I *finally* broke through my fatloss PLATEAU!

    Geezuz....that took NEARLY a MONTH!

    Anyway, was 143.2, today....I'm officially in the LOW-140's and so, maybe <140 *is* possible.

    For sure, I haven't weighed <139 since age 18............FOR SURE. And, with all the muscle I have, WHOOEEEEEE, do I look DIFFERENT!

    Anyway, I think I should be around 138 lbs by summer and, then I can see if I *still* need to go lower (hope not!).

    I am in the last 5 lbs club, I think....

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Amy- Happy Birthday!!!!

    Beeps- That's awesome!!!!

    I am exhausted! I want to go home and take a nap! That is all. Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Happy birthday Amy & that's great news about the clothes fitting looser!

    Beeps - you look fantastic in that dress, very classy & congrats on the break in your plateau

    I am very excited, I am signing up for a mudderella event with my sister & a group of friends. She found one in the Boston area so it's not too far. It's not until next fall, but I bet it will be a ton of fun. We are going to try getting together a couple of times a month for a run just to connect and keep each other motivated as we train. I think that this will be a good way to motivate me to get back into shape & shake things up a little.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    kclynch - Big hug, I know that feeling of frustration you have! But if you chose the "eat everything" option you'll be even madder at yourself a few weeks from now. This is a good time to go back to basics and make sure you aren't fudging your calories

    Better_Balance - I think you have a great idea. I don't think you'd be happy at super low body fat cause you wouldn't be able to eat and live! so 80/20 sounds great!

    Amy - happy birthday, consider the extra calories a boost to your metabolism and get back on plan tomorrow! The profile pic was maybe 2 weeks ago and "six pack" is a generous description but thank you! I had much better definition 7lbs ago....:ohwell:

    Beeps - congrats on breaking your plateau!!!!:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile: I will PM you about joining the STAR challenge, I've been casual about my diet but I think if I ramped it up a little bit I'd be pleased

    abiail - mudderella sounds awesome! I could never seem to run without messing up my knees but I envy those that can do it! Enjoy!

    Was pretty under in calories yesterday so I was super hungry today and might have oversnacked a bit but I did have a relatively light dinner an stayed in a 10 hour eating window and then burned almost 400 cals working out so I think i made up for it. On the weekends I often relax my fasting windows to do brunch, my favorite meal. Now if I could just find someone to go with other than my soon to be ex, the stress makes me overeat :grumble:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    3 fasts this week. I'm doing just fine for *star* challenge!

    Please report in, challengers, for week 1 - Monday through Sunday.

    I got a *platinum*!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    If I call it good I am at 8858 for the week, over by 458 but I am happy, thats less than 100 over each day. I actually liked the challenge of the low-cal days.
    I realize I ate out several times and 2 of the 3 restaurants did not have nutrition information so I just had to guess; but I still logged everything and even though I thought I erred on the side of more, really, who knows...

    New week, and I am going to stay strong til Saturday when I go to Costa Rica so you don't have to count me in the next star challenge.

    Going forward, after vacay, I will finish the drop 2 sizes plan, and will try to stick to 3 splurge meals per week, I think that is a reasonable way to get through.

    This week I think the only splurge I will have is Valentine's Day, which we will celebrate Thursday since Mike has a show on Friday.
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    ** Star Challenge Report **

    251 Calories over weekly goal. (Goal = 8400)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Over by 965 last week, not too proud of that. It was pretty much because of our date night Saturday and I went all out with drinks since the little guy spent the night at my mom's. So then I felt like crap yesterday and just wanted to eat. I was at 27% for carbs for the week though, so that's not too bad.

    This weeks goals:

    1) Stay within calorie goal
    2) Less than 25% carbs
    3) Treadmill 4 times
    4) stretch after each run very well
    5) 2 ab workouts this week