2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Is it your birthday, Ashley?

    No my friend's was last week and she is doing a joint dinner with one of her friends. I'm mildly excited. I've got yoga so I'm not getting there till late and the restaurant is like 20 minutes from my house. I'd rather sit on my deck and have some wine with my family. :ohwell:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! Just a quick check in as work is a little crazy today. My two week goal is just to stay within my calories. It theoretically should be easy as they're set to maintenance, but I've been giving myself passes to overeat and I need to fix my mindset. I'm going away for a bachelorette weekend this weekend, which will involve a lot of booze and eating out, so I really need to bank some calories early in the week.

    Beeps--my weekly goal for the star challenge is 14,210.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ...also, 4) eat the same thing, daily. THIS WORKS FOR ME. As soon as I get even a little bit "experimental", ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. I really need to have the same salad, for lunch, the same protein shake, after workout, the same 2 x yogurts for afternoon snack, and then a sensible, small-portion supper. THE END.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Yesterday went very well...it was a SOLID "day 1" and other than poor sleep, last night, no remnants of the fast remain!

    I am keeping to low calories for the remainder of the week, and I am staying completely LOW-carb for this week, too.....it p*sses me off that me-and-carbs just do NOT get along....meaning: I LOVE them, but my waistline refuses to cooperate when I'm loving them....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - I think you're okay if you stay with the protein shakes, it's the bars that have all the real garbage in them & of course the water thing is hugely important for many reasons

    I am doing surprisingly well going off sweets. I even had to make cookies for an open house at the new dance studio of a ballet company I take classes at & I was totally fine with it. Today we are celebrating a co-workers birthday with cheesecake (whimper) but I am going to resist. :) Now, if I could just lay off the bread - we had bagels in the house this week, holy crap I love a good bagel with cream cheese. One thing at a time I guess.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    abigail1977 - I am sure you are right about "garbage" in protein bars....but a protein bar, instead of a meal, means I'm saving 300- or 400- calories (i.e. NOT ingesting...protein bar = 230 cals and my average supper, for example, would be 600- cals, or more!). And, even BETTER, I feel FULL after the protein bar, whereas, with a supper, I may not (i.e. I may be satiated, but I'm not satisfied, and I go dig around in the pantry an hour later....).

    Water DOES help me, huge....I usually drink a ton and I am back to drinking a ton!

    For me, FIRST, I have to get rid of any/all BLOAT before my body can really start moving off the bodyfat. So, I am hoping this week is about "moving off bloat" (maybe 2- or 3- lbs worth!) and then next week (and ongoing....), I can get back to moving off bodyfat at a measured rate (i.e. I don't expect 2 lb loss per week, or even 1 lb loss per week, but 0.25 - 0.4 lb per week loss would be NICE!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    You are so right, Beeps! I think there's even more to it, because of what I was reading about stress on the brain and taking away decision-making takes stress away from the brain, frees up self control and other brain level things:happy:

    Weigh-in was pretty good, even down from last week.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, Beeps, for Star Challenge I am at 1400 per day like you:happy:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm here keeping up with all of you, just not much time to respond! Totally bombed the star challenge last week I think I was 1500 cals over. Doing ok this week, not great, but ok!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ...I am soooooooooo tired that I want this dinner thing to be canceled. It has already been postponed until 7 pm. I missed my lunch-time work-out due to (unscheduled) meetings.


    I just want to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. This time change is NOT agreeing with me (yet!).
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I tend to eat the same things for lunch at work. I rotate between:

    - Sweet potato with chicken, salsa, sour cream, cheddar
    - Wheat pita toasted with low sodium tuna with hot sauce, cheese, spinach
    - Corn tortillas with deli turkey, salsa, spinach and cheese

    So I just keep a bunch of these ingredients in my drawer and prepare whatever at lunch. I always go out to lunch on Fridays though.

    Lately I've also been doing half portions of leftovers too with a green smoothie (vanilla soy milk, vanilla protein powder, kale, 1/2 banana).

    If I'm hungry for breakfast, I have a jar of plain almonds in my desk. I like to eat them in odd numbered increments only. :smile: Yeah....I'm a little nuerotic.

    This week has been ok. I had a dinner out Tuesday. It was tapas, so high calorie, but not a lot. I have had a drink everyday; Tuesday I had several. I think I am about even so far fo the week on cals so plan on a low cal day today. I've gotten 3 workouts done. Planning on a longish run Saturday and something Friday or Sunday. I did some yoga after my run yesterday and it was nice. I went to www.doyogawithme.com and picked a post run 20 minute long program. I'm excited about that website!

    Next week I need to kick it in higher gear for my weigh in.

    Have a great day all!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    better - awesome website! Can't wait to try it out :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Better_Balance - I wonder what the "odd number increments" is all about?!?!?! That sounds like a SUPERSTITION!! Maybe we should do a "fun" thing and everybody comment on ONE "superstition" that they have!

    Or one "routine" that they won't break, I guess....

    For me, I have to do my stretching routine, after I work-out, in the SAME order, everyday!! I don't know why....even if I try and add in some "new stretches", or try to "change it up", I always end up back with the ROUTINE. The MOST I can do, to try and be EXPERIMENTAL, is to stretch Left left first, for example, then right leg, and then the next gym trip, switch it to Right leg first, then left.

    Odd, eh???
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't like the time change either, but my problem is that I don't get tired. It's midnight and I am not sleepy. I have slept less than 7 hours each night this week and still, I cannot seem to fall asleep at a decent hour.
    I finished True Detective, the HBO show with Matthew McConoughey and Woody Harrelson. It was good, but super creepy so maybe that gets my anxiety/adrenaline and that is why I am not tired!

    I don't know about any superstitions, I am sure I have weird quirks but I can't think of anything right now...

    I hope I can get the run I logged so I can have some beers...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I stretch after I run. 90% of the time, it's the same thing. But I'm not opposed to other stretches. Mostly I think it just is almost autopilot kind of thing..... Funny Beeps.

    The odd numbered thing is not just almonds. I don't like using even numbered irons when I golf either. But my favorite number is 8 because I won 4 cakes one year at a cake walk with the number 8. I also like 27 because it's my birrthdate and significant age in my life. I count backwards when I run up hills. I count backwards when I sit at stoplights and more than half the time go or pass under the light at 0. Just call me Rain Man. :smile:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I also hate wasting paper. I tear scrap paper in half and write on both sides. At home and at work.

    I have tons of quirks.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    asjerven - this time change has KILLEd me....I was already wiped out from the LONG, DARK, COLD, SNOWY winter, but I am just a walking zombie this week. It is TERRIBLE.

    I have PVR'd every episode of True Detective and hope to binge-watch them ALL before Game of Thrones gets going!

    Better - "8" is my favourite number, too!! 8's and 2's....they WORK for me!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well this hasn't really been my week...... Eric came home early last night and wanted to go to dinner. So we did and split a bottle of wine. I had mussels with some French bread, so it wasn't terrible food wise, but then we split another bottle of wine and a chocolate torte at home. Then I woke up at 4am and had all this guilt and anxiety over the extra calories. This morning I was over it. I like food and wine and I just need to learn to fit it in a little better and balance things out. I suspect I will not hit my weekly goal this week as we have quite a bit going on involving drinking and most likely eating out. I'm going to get a good run in after work and try to convince Eric we're eating leftovers for dinner and have maybe a drink or two. Next week I need to get back to less drinking and eating better. Which will be a challenge since the weather is warming up..... All I want to do is have a cocktail, throw Daphne in the stroller and walk to dinner.... :ohwell: Maybe March is the lion after all..... Still going to try my best and still enjoy the things I like and just try to even everything out with lighter lunches and more moving! Happy Friday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ...Then I woke up at 4am and had all this guilt and anxiety over the extra calories....

    All I want to do is have a cocktail, throw Daphne in the stroller and walk to dinner....

    To the FIRST item, I just think you have to CALMLY say "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" to ANY guilt!! Guilt is a useless emotion and does NOTHING.....you are going to stumble forward because that is what you are MADE OF, on the inside!

    As to the SECOND item, I totally agree....I totally think I need to 100% "temper my enthusiasm" about getting anymore LARGE poundage losses off my body....at best, it will be SMALL increments, likely not even NOTICEABLE to the human eye, and there won't be anymore SLAPS ON THE BACK for "job well done", etc.

    Time for me to ENJOY the body I created, and continue to create, and that means, sure, MANAGE my calories, but if I want some alcohol, then I'm going to forego the bread....if I want dessert - maybe I'll order that right off the top and skip the f*cking entree!!!

    SUMMER IS COMING and I am NOT going to "worry, fret, curse, guilt" NUTHIN'....

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Love it Beeps! Very well said indeed.

    It's that never ending struggle...... I want to lose those LAST 5 POUNDS, but do I really? Will it really make that much of a difference? Is that sacrifice really worth it? Sometimes. Yeah, the guilt thing is not typical. When I eat and drink like that I usually plan for it or at least anticipate it. Maybe that was it....I had set myself up for a low cal day and ended up being 500 calories over. It was worth it though. Got some nice QT with my family, Daphne was actually good at dinner, and that torte is totally worth it.....And I will be having that meal again. Besides, Thursdays are half price bottle night! :drinker:

    I have a vacation planned for June. I think if I can get down to 128 by then, that's 5.5 pounds, I would be ecstatic. I've got 12 weeks. That's half pound a week...... OK, maybe 130.... Really I just want a little fat gone from my waist. And I want to enjoy the srping, St. Patty's, March Madness, Derby.......