

  • I usually have a Lean Cuisine or a yogurt for Lunch, I never stop at Fast Fodd places, gives me heart burn!
  • Unless your a Vegitarian the only thing I see you need is Protein (Meats) and more greens....but other then that u ate better then me today! hehe good luck!
  • I just started Day 1 of round 2 of P90X...I STILL have trouble doing the Dreya roll...but I can now do regular pushups when before I had trouble doing them on my knees, much less on my feet! Each week gets a little easier.. Pointers: Increase your reps each round , I increase by 5 so if I do 20 wide push ups the next round…
  • I gain 5 lbs over Thanksgiving but already lost 3 of them....give yourself a break ok, it was the Holidays!
  • I started working out to the Biggest Loser DVD's and I joined Bob Harper's Facebook page and someone on there suggested using this site to track my food. I can tell you I have no idea how much I was actually eating in the way of Fat until I started tracking it on my own everyday. I workout 6 days a week. I completed 2…
  • ok well sorry I offered the help...........
  • First you need to work on YOU! You need to love yourself enough to say "Enough is enough I am killing myself" and then start fresh. Go to your doctor, get a check up, tell them what you are trying to accomplish, get help, there are resources out there that can help you with a diet plan that is right for you. MFP is an…
  • Welcome Joey! I am in Fort Lawn SC about 3 hrs from you! I use Splenda in my tea, my kids only drink it and don't even know the deifference, also I drink the Iced tea Crystal lite, well the Wal-Mart brand rather. If you need any advice let me know, I am here to help. BTW I exercise 6 days a week doing P90X! I love love…
  • I don't do either I exercise to P90X program and eat healthy cutting out fats and basically anything white. I also eat the Smart Ones meals for lunch as it is more convienent and they are by WW and are very good, in my opinion most are better then Lean Cuisine and the same price even cheaper in some stores. You can buy…
  • going beyond my goal! and SHOPPING for new clothes of course!
  • I had baldder surgery a few yrs back and they cut me open with like 30 stiches...ever since then I have had this pouch because of the weakness of the muscles. I lost 65 lbs 2 yrs ago and it went down some but was still there which makes it difficult to wear fitted pants or shorts because that area is bigger then my upper…
  • I have been doing P90X since Aug. 17th and I am totally addicted to it! Did the Biggest Loser Cardio max and sculpting dvd's before and they got boring real fast...I love Tony Horton! Good Luck!
  • My moto is: Giving up is not an option, just press play and bring it! I LOVE P()X its fantastic and anyone who does other workouts in my opinion are depriving themselves, Tony horton is a BEAST! but I love it! TY for the tip everyone is saying the same thing to me so I guess I will eat my total calories and see what…
  • Got it Erik TY I took out the 1200 and added in 1800 and I will not input my workout cals. I will try this for 2 weeks and see what happens....thanks again!
  • Got it Erik TY I took out the 1200 and added in 1800 and I will not input my workout cals. I will try this for 2 weeks and see what happens....thanks again!
  • I do P90X exercise...its different everyday and changes every 3 weeks so that not the issue...I think its how I am eating....ty for the input
  • Erik Thats a good idea! How do I change my calories?
  • I do snack 2 times and maybe three, plums and granola bars are my fav. I feel so bloated eating all my exercise calories because i don't think I am calculating them right because I don't have a monitor yet to see what I am really burning off......uugh frustrated completely
  • Is that the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred? If so I have heard alot of people including my sister who has complained that it was getting boring....I did the Biggest Loswer cardio and Sculpting dvd's and got bored as well. I am doing P90X now and I am never bored, never easy, and always challenging. P90X is changing my life,…
  • You are depriving your body of energy...eat the calories specified...anything less then 1200 on a diet is giving you the opposite effect and you will loss fast but put it back on right away after you go off the diet, trust me I know it happened to me. I lost over 65 lbs and gained it all back! Now I am doing it the right…
  • Strength training, cardio alternate
  • I find myself going to MFP more then facebook! Love this site!
  • One thing I noticed when I viewed your diary is you are eating alot of processed foods and not near enough veggies and not enough calories. there were a few days where you only ate around 1000 calories and a body can not sustain itself on that low of calories well. I am willing to bet your energy level is low. I also…
  • Hi There! What has your diet consisted of? How are you exercising, 1-2 lbs a week is very healthy. I do P90X, just finished my first week and I love it, I cut my calories down and I try and eat my exercise calories too , but sometimes that does not always happen...I have 40 lbs to lose maybe more depending on where I am…
  • I start today too so we can keep each other going!
  • More then 2 lbs a week is not healthy so I would stick to that, also mine said 1210 calories plus my exercise calories. I would also exercise more then 10 mins because your muscles take at least that long to get warmed up. at least 50 mins a day 4-5 days a week is what you should be doing ( cardio and sculpting) to get the…
  • Thats an awesome Idea on the sneakers! TY
  • Alsop...starting P90X on the 16th...knee pain will not stop me from getting to my goal...thats just an excuse in my book! :)
  • Its under my knee caps and hurt more when I go up or down stairs or from sitting to standing, it hurts alot when doing sculpting, like lunges. I do not run. The shoes I use are Danskin Now for Aerobic exercise...I have Glucosomine as well, is this helpful to use everyday? I also take 1 Aleve every morning as I have a…