Therapist told me to join

Hello everyone :o)
My name is Britney. I am 21 years old and reside in Wausau, Wi. I began seeing a therapist to get help with my Eating Disorder as well as my anxiety, and she told me to keep a food log on here. She also reccomended that I work out 5x a week to help with me learn to lose weight safely. I think this is a very good idea... I just am not sure if I have the discipline to keep a log of everything I eat. Sometimes I cannot recall if I had some small snack or something like that.. so I'm not even sure if my totals will be correct.. :-\
Hopefully I can be consistant with this. I am hoping to learn here on the boards and hopefully contribute support and ideas.

If anyone has questions or would just like to chat; don't be afraid to shoot me a message!!



  • Lisak22
    Lisak22 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Brttany :) I thought the same thing when i started on this site, but its actually pretty easy and now i find my self always wanting to get on here and update my foods that way i always know how many calories i have left...ALSO i found i can do it from my droid, which is awesome since im not home if you can get aps on my phone def. get helps alot.
  • WatermelonSupreme
    Hi! Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me or whatever. Good luck!!! :D
  • annie008

    Welcome aboard!....I think this site is awesome!....If you have an android phone, an iPhone, or an iPod Touch, I highly suggest you obtain the FREE application from the "Market" (Android), or the "apple store" .That way you can look things up immediately and log things in. Everything you log on these devices syncs automatically to the website!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there

    yep the apps for the phones make life on here so much better, fun and easier , if poss do it!

    Easy to overcome a tendency not to log everything, plan your day, log in advance or thanks to iphone i log as I am cooking or preparing food then I can make sure I dont go OTT with the cals,

    Good luck, this really can help, Debbie
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Hello everyone :o)
    She also reccomended that I work out 5x a week to help with me learn to lose weight safely.


    We could have told you that. What do you need a therapist for. Save those folks for the good stuff, like psychosis.

    I always think of Crocodile Dundee by the reporter what do you guys do when some one needs a therapist. Dundee replied, Well we tell Wally, Wally tells Donk, Donk tells everyone else. By the time it gets back to the person who had the problem it's gone.

    Best wishes and success!

    Oh and welcome aboard.

    PS. It is good to see a therapist about anxiety. I've been there. I think you will find exercise will work most of that out.
  • bmuelling07
    Hello everyone :o)
    She also reccomended that I work out 5x a week to help with me learn to lose weight safely.


    We could have told you that. What do you need a therapist for. Save those folks for the good stuff, like psychosis.

    I always think of Crocodile Dundee by the reporter what do you guys do when some one needs a therapist. Dundee replied, Well we tell Wally, Wally tells Donk, Donk tells everyone else. By the time it gets back to the person who had the problem it's gone.

    Best wishes and success!

    Oh and welcome aboard.

    PS. It is good to see a therapist about anxiety. I've been there. I think you will find exercise will work most of that out.

    I am also seeing a therapist because I have General Anxiety Disorder, and I also have Trichotillomania (A form of OCD).. which in a nutshell means that I sometimes get the compulsive urge to pull my hair out.. Sometimes i don't even realize that I am doing it and then I look up at the clock and I've been pulling for 3 hours and have a pile of hair on the side of the bed. I have been better with it lately and haven't pulled for probably 2 months.. but I need cognitive behavioral therapy to learn how to cope with my urges and overcome them.
    I also have a lot of emotional issues linked to my past/childhood that are roots to my Eating Disorder so I need to also learn to deal with my past to get over my present issue with food.
  • bmuelling07
    Thank for your replies and support everyone! It feels wonderful that there are so many supporters on this message board! I look forward to getting to know you guys!

  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    I just joined two and I find it quite easy to keep track. Plus you can always add it later as you think of it and the phone apps are free and are really easy to use.

    With the Therapist thing don't fret. My wife goes to see her's once a week or every other week. She has Celiac Disease (Allergic to Gluten), been battling depression, and has had anxiety since she was little. Therapy has really really helped her. If it helps you cope with everyday life awesome.
  • michelle29714
    I started working out to the Biggest Loser DVD's and I joined Bob Harper's Facebook page and someone on there suggested using this site to track my food. I can tell you I have no idea how much I was actually eating in the way of Fat until I started tracking it on my own everyday. I workout 6 days a week. I completed 2 rounds of the Biggest Loser and now am on P90X in month 2 of the first round. I have lost 21 lbs since June 1st. It is very easy to track you workouts and food on here, ifg you have any questions just ask anyone on the boards, everyone is AWESOME and that is no lie! Good Luck
  • bmuelling07
    I unfortunately do not have a smartphone. I'm a simple girl with a simple phone lol.. But I could more than likely remember to make a "Note" in my phone listing what I have eaten when I haven't been around a computer.