BW- 270 lbs 1RM BP- 450 lbs And I have long arms. All about the leverage and decreasing distance to push.
If you're looking to build a bigger bench, you'll want to put in more back work. You'll need a solid foundation to bench from. I've heard recommendations as high at a 2:1 ratio of back to chest work. Rows, band pulls, rear delt work can help here. As was mentioned, you'll want to make sure you are in a proper bench press…
I've dabbled with the Leangains protocol and had some success with it. I'm a big eater, by nature, so the "feeding" after the 16 hours worked well for me. I also eat mostly Paleo so the higher healthy fat/protein helped keep me from overeating as I often had the full feeling after my first meal. I use the BCAA's as I was…
Nice !
450 lb bench 600 lb deadlift 550 squat
Have used 5x5 and Wendler's 5/3/1. Currently using my own creation focusing on reverse pyramids. The reverse pyramid allows me to use the heaviest weight while my strength is at it's peak. I mix in sprints, prowler pushes, farmers walks and long walks for my "cardio." Works very well for me.
Week is going well so far. Was sick yesterday but still got 8 reps on my last set of 5 on OHP. Deads tomorrow.
Had a strong OHP workout this morning. Had to go back to walking on the treadmill for my postworkout cardio. Popped my right hamstring on Sunday doing tabatas.
Last week of bench press. Got my reps but think I tweaked my bad delt doing an assistance exercise (flat flyes). Dropped weight and it seemed better. Didn't feel it on my last chest exercise (incline DB press). Trying to figure out where I'm going to get a spotter because with that arch in my bench press stance it's…
I switch them up every 6 weeks. Right now, for triceps (for instance), I do dips between benches with about 200-250 lbs in my lap as one tri exercise and tricep pushowns as another. When I change it I'll be going to close grip bench & weighted v-bar dips. Just like to change things up. I do this with every assistance…
Nice deadlift workout this morning followed by 20 minutes of Tabata sprints. Saturday starts the final week (5/3/1 rep scheme) before I switch around my assistance exercises.
Great OHP workout this morning. Finished up with 20 minutes of Tabata sprints for cardio.
I'm pretty much in maintenance mode. Weight is fine. Just need to shed the last bit of bodyfat. BTW...Don't use BMI. That's a joke. Go by how your clothes fit and how you look in the mirror. I'm jacked & pretty ripped but according to BMI, I'm technically "obese." SMH
Just from sleeping on it. Back & biceps went off this morning without a hitch. The real test will be benches on Saturday. A few days rest and everything should be OK.
By all means, REST if you need to. I must have slept on my left shoulder funky last night as it hurts like a beeotch. Have back (deads) & biceps to finish out my week of 5's tomorrow.
Nice OHP workout this morning. Weights keep moving up!
Have not. I do three descending sets for the barbell curls supersetted with bent rows on back & bi days. I try to get 8 reps each set. If I do, I move up. Good workout today. I think I'm going to need a spotter on the bench press real soon. I have skipped my last 3 or 4 deloads and continue to move up.
Good OHP workout this morning. Bench was strong on Saturday and FINALLY had a squat workout that felt strong on Sunday. Maybe it was the 2 cups of preworkout coffee?
It's worked out fairly well. I prefer the fasted training. I have cortisol issues (doc appointment 12/7) so the lower ab fat wants to stick around.
I've been doing LeanGains 16/8 protocol for at least 3 months. Train fasted whenever I work out.
Switched things up a bit. Still using 5/3/1 for my main lifts but assistance work is now based off of the LeanGains descending sets principle. I've switched up my days into chest/tri's, legs, shoulders and back/biceps. Four day split. I'm not a fan of curls but I think the higher volume might help add some size.
Actually think I'm just getting sick. I'm off until Saturday so we'll see how I feel then. If I'm still drained, I may go that route. EDIT: After further review I'm pretty sure it's likely illness. Girlfriend's son got sent home from work early and he sounds like death. Same with her mom. Something is going around.
So due to chronic fatigue I've decided to scale my workouts back to 4 days a week. I'll be doing Wendler 5/3/1 on those days along with the 30 minute walks. On other days I'll be sleeping in and monitoring my calories with very low carbs. No more 60 minute walks on "off" days. Blew off the deadlift workout as I wasn't…
Have tendonitis issues in my elbows & knees from heavy powerlifting as a youth. Have been using the Tommy Kono knee sleeves for both elbows & knees but they are tearing and wearing out so I puchased two pairs of Rehband sleeves (old style blue). Wow...these things are nice & tight and keep the joints warm. Had OHP this…
Superset bench with chins. Then I superset Incline DB press with seated cable rows. Final superset is tricep pushdowns with bent over rear laterals. This changes every two weeks. First two waves it was chins, flat db press, machine rows, close grip BP & rear pec dec laterals.
Good workout. Got 6 reps on my last set of bench (1 rep prescribed) after jumping 10 lbs more than prescribed.
I probably should've been more clear. By "go for broke" I meant that last set where you leave 1 or 2 in the tank, which I do. I was just thinking about limiting 3 & 1 sets to 5 reps max.
You'll bounce back. I've had crappy squat workouts where I've gotten 4 on my 3 day only to get 5 on my set of 1 the next workout. It happens. I'm debating not going above 5 reps on my last set for 3's & 1's. I'll still go higher than the 5's but I kind of want to add a bit more volume. I'd still be getting in excess of my…
I have over $30k worth of equipment in my garage...all Body Solid stuff, Smith Machine, leg press, etc. You name it, I've got it along with about 1000 lbs of free weights and PowerBlocks that go up to 130 lbs.
I use fat sponges under my hands when I do dips on my dipping bar. I think I have some kind of blood vessel issue in my palms as without the sponges it hurts like heck. Have also used the sponges for close grips.