Who Here Has Reached Their Weight Goal?

Who here has reached their weight goal?? What is your height & weight? What did you do to get from your "healthy weight" to your goal weight (if your goal was below that aka mid-BMI range I guess)?? Have you been able to maintain your goal weight?

I am just curious because I am 5' tall and supposedly my healthy weight is 111-112 (according to the BMI scale & my Wii lol which both are not that reliable IMO--I try to go by body fat % instead) but my goal is 105 lbs or so --- I feel that I still have more to go but around 105 should be perfect. It seems that no matter what my body wants to be at 111-112; it'll go up and down but always goes right back to that. It is really kind of frustrating now because I have been fluctuating at that for about 3 months. I admit I really was not trying all that hard during that time, but recently I have been and it doesn't seem to change grr! lol. I just would like to know how you all have gotten past your healthy weight to reach your goal and if you are able to maintain that! Thank you!! :)


  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm pretty much in maintenance mode. Weight is fine. Just need to shed the last bit of bodyfat.

    BTW...Don't use BMI. That's a joke. Go by how your clothes fit and how you look in the mirror. I'm jacked & pretty ripped but according to BMI, I'm technically "obese." SMH
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my goal weight was actually 180, which is about 6 pounds over the top of a "normal" BMI. However, I have a large build and quite a bit of muscle mass and, when I reached 180, I really was fit and healthy (25% body fat, which is right at the bottom of "acceptable" and almost at "fitness"). I was happy at that weight, but have dropped another several pounds since then.
    I am now 169.6 lbs with a BMI of 24.3 and about 22% Body Fat. I don't really want to lose more weight, but I understand that I would be fit and healthy 10 pounds heavier or 10 pounds lighter - it is your fitness level and overall health that is important, not just the number on the scale.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    According to my BMI calculator, your 'normal' weight range is between 95 - 125 roughly. So basically anywhere in between there is okay in theory.

    I reached my goal weight of 150 before I got pregnant with my daughter. When I got there, I looked sickly - VERY sickly because I had gained a bit of muscle during my weight loss journey. So I put on 10 pounds and was VERY happy there. Now technically, that put me above my BMI range but that's where I feel good at and look good at. I'm also 5'7"

    As for maintaining, that was never a problem for me. I eat right, I work out and I keep it real. If I want a piece of cake or something like that, I have it. The difference is that now I eat 1 piece instead of the whole cake.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I'm considered obese accorind to BMI. I don't like going by numbers. I go by how I look and feel. For me there really is no ideal number unless you're speaking about BF%. I weigh more than a lot of my friends the same height and theyre skinny fat but in the "healthy" BMI range. Being Healthy doesnt have an ideal number!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member

    height 5'2''

    My ultimate highest weight: 155 (gained 30 lbs in 2009)
    MFP starting weight: 139 (March 2011)
    Original Goal Weight: 125 (normal for me)
    Second Goal Weight: 120
    Maintained at 120 for about two months.
    Then got down to: 117
    Then GAINED a lot of it back (in one month/September) after trying to maintain and kind of giving up because I was emotional eating and stressed out: 134
    LOST most of since then because I am getting back on track! (Maintaining is harder than losing, IMO!)
    Current weight (October): 128
    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT: 110 ? just to have some wiggle room

    still trying to figure out an accurate body fat percentage calculator but my highest was around 34% BF and currently I am 21% (estimated via online calculators only)

    I'd like to be 18% body fat. :)
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I am also 5 ft tall and very close to my goal. Back when I was about 20 (I am now 50), I lost a good amount of weight (about 30 or so lbs) & was able to maintain my weight between 105-110 for most of my life. Then, about 5 years ago, I had some health issues & slowly the weight crept up. I don't go by the BMI charts or anything. I just know that at around 108 lbs, I felt & looked fine, and was able to maintain it (with a little diligence, of course).

    What did I do? Trim down the sweets, snacks, fast foods. I have not eliminated anything from my diet, just watching my portions & trying to be active. And patience. I am quite the turtle, but I'm getting there. It took 3 months to drop just a couple lbs! You admit that you haven't tried that hard. Try harder (difficult, I know!), keep with it, and eventually you'll get there. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    i'm at my goal weight. 5foot one and a half lol, and 49kg....i think that is about 116lb. early days yet but doesn't seem to hard to be around here....still improving my fitness and noticing a change in body shape without change in weight which is perfect. and best of all i feel great...energised and ready to conquer the world (well nearly).
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm 4'11 I'm trying to figure out my Goal Weight. I want to be around 105 in my weight. I'm not sure though. Thank you Sam:flowerforyou:
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I actually reached my goal weight almost 2 years ago. That's when I kinda went away from MFP and my diet started slacking too. Then after about 8 months I decided to raise the bar and worry less about weight and more about getting in great physical shape and getting that ripped look. That's what brought me back to MFP and logging stuff. You gotta find new goals to keep it up. Since then my weight's bounced around a little I guess, but I'm much more focused on BF%.

    Keep it up Sam, you're doing awesome! :wink:
  • size08
    size08 Posts: 101 Member
    love reading all those comments. it has given me piece of mind. and to prove my theroy correct. it appears to be your body weight will get to a certain weight and your body will love that and it's gonna hold onto that dispite what you want. I need to be 2kgs liter than my healthy body weight/dezires, and it's tough fighting with this body and it's damn survival skills! but as I've experienced and read about models if you want to be under this comfort/normal weight, there's no other way to get it/ keep it, than sadly; eat your meal and leave the table as if you could eat more. feeling full, and satisfied after a meal is a No-No, if your goal weight is under your recommended normal weight.:grumble: